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  • interventional clinical trials that were approved in the European Union (EU)/European Economic Area (EEA) under the Clinical Trials Directive 2001/20/EC
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  • EU/EEA interventional clinical trials approved under or transitioned to the Clinical Trial Regulation 536/2014 are publicly accessible through the
    Clinical Trials Information System (CTIS).

    The EU Clinical Trials Register currently displays   44054   clinical trials with a EudraCT protocol, of which   7319   are clinical trials conducted with subjects less than 18 years old.   The register also displays information on   18700   older paediatric trials (in scope of Article 45 of the Paediatric Regulation (EC) No 1901/2006).

    Phase 1 trials conducted solely on adults and that are not part of an agreed paediatric investigation plan (PIP) are not publicly available (see Frequently Asked Questions ).  
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    Clinical Trial Results:
    Multicenter, randomized, double-blind, comparative with reference product clinical trial to evaluate the efficacy and safety of treatment with Clindamycin vaginal suppositories 100 mg in patients with bacterial vaginosis

    EudraCT number
    Trial protocol
    Global end of trial date
    19 Oct 2015

    Results information
    Results version number
    This version publication date
    04 Feb 2017
    First version publication date
    04 Feb 2017
    Other versions

    Trial information

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    Trial identification
    Sponsor protocol code
    Additional study identifiers
    ISRCTN number
    US NCT number
    WHO universal trial number (UTN)
    Sponsor organisation name
    Verisfield (UK) Ltd
    Sponsor organisation address
    8 Vironos Street, Halandri/Athens, Greece,
    Public contact
    Clinical Research Scientist, Antonios Margaritis, VERISFIELD (UK) LTD, 0030 2107475196, info@verisfield.gr
    Scientific contact
    Clinical Trial Department, Verisfield (UK) Ltd, Greek Branch, VERISFIELD (UK) LTD, 0030 2107475196, info@verisfield.gr
    Paediatric regulatory details
    Is trial part of an agreed paediatric investigation plan (PIP)
    Does article 45 of REGULATION (EC) No 1901/2006 apply to this trial?
    Does article 46 of REGULATION (EC) No 1901/2006 apply to this trial?
    Results analysis stage
    Analysis stage
    Date of interim/final analysis
    19 Oct 2015
    Is this the analysis of the primary completion data?
    Primary completion date
    19 Oct 2015
    Global end of trial reached?
    Global end of trial date
    19 Oct 2015
    Was the trial ended prematurely?
    General information about the trial
    Main objective of the trial
    The main objective of this study was the comparison of: (a) the efficiency, and (b) the safety of local treatment with clindamycin vaginal suppositories of Verisfield (UK) Ltd (Clindamycin/Verisfield, vaginal suppositories, 100 mg) and the therapeutic comparison with the reference product (Dalacin/Pfizer, vaginal suppositories, 100 mg), in women with bacterial vaginosis.  
    Protection of trial subjects
    This study was conducted in accordance with International Conference of Harmonization (ICH) Good Clinical Practice (GCP) guidelines adopted by the European Medicines Agency (EMA). In accordance with local requirements, the study was submitted to the National Ethics Committee and the National Drug Organization for approval. The study begun only when Verisfield (UK) Ltd had received a copy of the written approval from the National Drug Organization. The conduct of the study was done in accordance with the relevant requirements of the National Drug Organization. Moreover, the involvement of patients in this study were reported to the Data Protection Authority in accordance with European Union Directive 95/46/EC and the Directives/laws of each country.Finally, the study has been designed according to the European Directives 2001/20/EC and 2005/28/EC and Directives ICH E1-E3 and E5-E11. Physical examination and an assessment of vital signs (blood pressure, pulse rate, temperature) were performed during the screening, as well as during all the study visits for all the participating volunteers. Moreover, adverse events (AEs) were observed during the entire study period and adequately handled and reported. Furthermore, a urine human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) test was performed for all females of childbearing potential during all study Visits. Finally, all volunteers participating in this clinical study were covered by insurance on behalf of the sponsor.
    Background therapy
    Evidence for comparator
    Actual start date of recruitment
    19 Jun 2012
    Long term follow-up planned
    Independent data monitoring committee (IDMC) involvement?
    Population of trial subjects
    Number of subjects enrolled per country
    Country: Number of subjects enrolled
    Greece: 6
    Worldwide total number of subjects
    EEA total number of subjects
    Number of subjects enrolled per age group
    In utero
    Preterm newborn - gestational age < 37 wk
    Newborns (0-27 days)
    Infants and toddlers (28 days-23 months)
    Children (2-11 years)
    Adolescents (12-17 years)
    Adults (18-64 years)
    From 65 to 84 years
    85 years and over

    Subject disposition

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    Recruitment details
    The participants were selected among adult premenopausal female patients with bacterial vaginosis, volunteers, aged 18-54 years (including the limits) that attended/visited the hospitals of the study sites

    Screening details
    Adult premenopausal female patients with bacterial vaginosis, volunteers, aged 18-54 years (including the limits). Other inclusion and exclusion criteria applied.

    Period 1
    Period 1 title
    Overall Trial (overall period)
    Is this the baseline period?
    Allocation method
    Randomised - controlled
    Blinding used
    Double blind
    Roles blinded
    Subject, Investigator

    Are arms mutually exclusive

    Arm title
    Arm description
    The subjects were administered with the experimental medicinal product.
    Arm type

    Investigational medicinal product name
    Clindamycin/Verisfield 100 mg vaginal suppositories
    Investigational medicinal product code
    Other name
    Pharmaceutical forms
    Routes of administration
    Vaginal use
    Dosage and administration details
    The route of administration, dosage, dosage regimen and duration of treatment was in accordance with the summary of product characteristics of the original formulation (reference product). The dosage regimen was one suppository for three consecutive days, before bedtime.

    Arm title
    Arm description
    The subjects were administered with the reference product.
    Arm type
    Active comparator

    Investigational medicinal product name
    Dalacin/Pfizer 100 mg vaginal suppositories
    Investigational medicinal product code
    Other name
    Pharmaceutical forms
    Routes of administration
    Vaginal use
    Dosage and administration details
    The dosage regimen was one suppository for three consecutive days, before bedtime.

    Number of subjects in period 1
    Test Reference

    Baseline characteristics

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    Baseline characteristics reporting groups
    Reporting group title
    Overall Trial
    Reporting group description

    Reporting group values
    Overall Trial Total
    Number of subjects
    6 6
    Age categorical
    Units: Subjects
        In utero
    0 0
        Preterm newborn infants (gestational age < 37 wks)
    0 0
        Newborns (0-27 days)
    0 0
        Infants and toddlers (28 days-23 months)
    0 0
        Children (2-11 years)
    0 0
        Adolescents (12-17 years)
    0 0
        Adults (18-64 years)
    6 6
        From 65-84 years
    0 0
        85 years and over
    0 0
    Gender categorical
    Units: Subjects
    6 6
    0 0

    End points

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    End points reporting groups
    Reporting group title
    Reporting group description
    The subjects were administered with the experimental medicinal product.

    Reporting group title
    Reporting group description
    The subjects were administered with the reference product.

    Primary: Efficacy -The cure of the patients defined as the absence of three or four criteria of Amsel (existence of one or none criterion) in the 2nd visit.

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    End point title
    Efficacy -The cure of the patients defined as the absence of three or four criteria of Amsel (existence of one or none criterion) in the 2nd visit. [1]
    End point description
    The Amsel criteria are the following four: 1. Homogeneous, white, attaching vaginal discharge (often with fishy smell). 2. Positive amine check (characteristic odor of fish by applying 10% KOH - whiff test). 3. pH> 4.5. 4. Presence of clue cells (epithelial cells covered by coccobacillary organisms) in wet mount of vaginal secretion.
    End point type
    End point timeframe
    The Amsel criteria for the primary endpoint were assessed in the 2nd visit (7-12 days after the beginning of the treatment)
    [1] - No statistical analyses have been specified for this primary end point. It is expected there is at least one statistical analysis for each primary end point.
    Justification: In the context of the present study, 10 volunteers were screened, of which 6 who met the eligibility criteria, were enrolled in the study and received one of the IMPs. Since the number of the enrolled volunteers was very low, no statistical analysis could be performed.
    End point values
    Test Reference
    Number of subjects analysed
    0 [2]
    0 [3]
    Units: Confidence interval
    [2] - Very low enrollment rate.No statistical analysis could be performed
    [3] - Very low enrollment rate.No statistical analysis could be performed
    No statistical analyses for this end point

    Secondary: IGII (Patient Global Improvement Index)

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    End point title
    IGII (Patient Global Improvement Index)
    End point description
    Clinical evaluation of vaginitis based on the progression of symptoms by the investigator. The assessment is done using the following scale: Serious deterioration (-2), Mild deterioration (-1), no change (0), mild improvement (1), moderate improvement (2), significant improvement (3), complete improvement (4).
    End point type
    End point timeframe
    The IGII (Patient Global Improvement Index) was assessed in the 2nd visit (7-12 days after the beginning of the treatment) and in the 3rd visit (21-30 days after the beginning of the treatment)
    End point values
    Test Reference
    Number of subjects analysed
    0 [4]
    0 [5]
    Units: IGII
        number (not applicable)
    [4] - Very low enrollment rate. No statistical analysis could be performed.
    [5] - Very low enrollment rate. No statistical analysis could be performed.
    No statistical analyses for this end point

    Secondary: Efficacy_The cure of patients based to Amsel and Nugent criteria in the 2nd and 3rd visit

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    End point title
    Efficacy_The cure of patients based to Amsel and Nugent criteria in the 2nd and 3rd visit
    End point description
    The cure of patients was based on the absence of three or four Amsel criteria at Visit 3 and on the absence of three or four Amsel criteria and score <7 in Nugent scale in 2nd and 3rd visit. The Amsel criteria are the following four: 1. Homogeneous, white, attaching vaginal discharge (often with fishy smell). 2. Positive amine check (characteristic odor of fish by applying 10% KOH - whiff test). 3. pH> 4.5. 4. Presence of clue cells (epithelial cells covered by coccobacillary organisms) in wet mount of vaginal secretion. The Nugent method include: 1 loss of lactobacilli (score 0-4) 2 increase in the number of gram (+) and gram (-) coccobacillus (especially Gardnerella vaginalis, score 0-4) 3 Increase in the number of Mobi luncus spp (score 0-2) These scores are added and based to their sum, the condition is assessed. • The score of 0-3 is considered normal flora • The score of 4-6 as intermediate
    End point type
    End point timeframe
    The Amsel and Nugent criteria were assessed in the 2nd (7-12 days after the beginning of the treatment) and 3rd visit (21-30 days after the beginning of the treatment).
    End point values
    Test Reference
    Number of subjects analysed
    0 [6]
    0 [7]
    Units: Confidence Interval
    [6] - Very low enrollment rate.No statistical analysis could be performed
    [7] - Very low enrollment rate.No statistical analysis could be performed
    No statistical analyses for this end point

    Secondary: PGII (Patient Global Improvement Index)

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    End point title
    PGII (Patient Global Improvement Index)
    End point description
    Clinical evaluation of vaginitis by the patient, based on the progression of symptoms. The assessment is done using the following scale: Serious deterioration (-2), Mild deterioration (-1), no change (0), mild improvement (1), moderate improvement (2), significant improvement (3), complete improvement (4).
    End point type
    End point timeframe
    The PGII (Patient Global Improvement Index) was assessed in the 2nd visit (7-12 days after the beginning of the treatment) and in the 3rd visit (21-30 days after the beginning of the treatment)
    End point values
    Test Reference
    Number of subjects analysed
    0 [8]
    0 [9]
    Units: PGII
        number (not applicable)
    [8] - Very low enrollment rate. No statistical analysis could be performed.
    [9] - Very low enrollment rate. No statistical analysis could be performed.
    No statistical analyses for this end point

    Secondary: Efficacy -The cure of the patients defined as the absence of three or four criteria of Amsel (existence of one or none criterion) in the 3rd visit

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    End point title
    Efficacy -The cure of the patients defined as the absence of three or four criteria of Amsel (existence of one or none criterion) in the 3rd visit
    End point description
    The Amsel criteria are the following four: 1. Homogeneous, white, attaching vaginal discharge (often with fishy smell). 2. Positive amine check (characteristic odor of fish by applying 10% KOH - whiff test). 3. pH> 4.5. 4. Presence of clue cells (epithelial cells covered by coccobacillary organisms) in wet mount of vaginal secretion.
    End point type
    End point timeframe
    The Amsel criteria were assessed in the 3rd visit (21-30 days after the beginning of the treatment).
    End point values
    Test Reference
    Number of subjects analysed
    0 [10]
    0 [11]
    Units: Condifence interval
    [10] - Very low enrollment rate. No statistical analysis could be performed.
    [11] - Very low enrollment rate. No statistical analysis could be performed.
    No statistical analyses for this end point

    Adverse events

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    Adverse events information [1]
    Timeframe for reporting adverse events
    The duration of the overall study
    Assessment type
    Dictionary used for adverse event reporting
    Dictionary name
    Dictionary version
    Frequency threshold for reporting non-serious adverse events: 0%
    [1] - There are no non-serious adverse events recorded for these results. It is expected that there will be at least one non-serious adverse event reported.
    Justification: None of the enrolled volunteers (6 in total) developed any adverse event during their participation in the study.

    More information

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    Substantial protocol amendments (globally)

    Were there any global substantial amendments to the protocol? Yes
    06 Apr 2012
    The modification was the addition of an extra visit 21-30 days after the start of the treatment (Visit 3), and the introduction of Nugent criteria on efficacy assessments in the 2nd and 3rd visit. This results in the addition of three additional secondary efficacy parameters: 1. The healing of patients under the Amsel criteria at Visit 3 2. The therapeutic effect based on the Amsel criteria and Nugent score at the second visit. 3. The therapeutic effect based on the Amsel criteria and Nugent score at the 3rd visit.
    11 Feb 2014
    This amendment included: 1. Amendment of the study protocol by 3rd Edition dated 08/03/2013 in 4th Edition dated 28/11/2013. 2. Modification of Informed Consent Form for volunteers participating in the study from 2nd Edition dated 14/03/2012 in 3rd Edition dated 28/11/2013. 3. Change of Principal Investigator in already existing Centre. More specifically, there was a replacement of the Principal Investigator of the already participating Centre (A Obstetrics-Gynecology Clinic, University of Athens, General Hospital of Athens "Alexandra") Professor Aristides Antsaklis by Associate Professor Alexandros Rodolakis. 4. Add of an additional center. More specifically, the study incorporated the VI Obstetrics-Gynecology Clinic Regional General Hospital-Maternity Hospital "Elena Venizelou" with Principal Investigator the obstetrician-gynecologist Mr. George Farmakides. 5. Extension of the study duration from 12 to 36 months.

    Interruptions (globally)

    Were there any global interruptions to the trial? Yes
    Restart date
    19 Oct 2015
    In February 2014, a request for a substantial modification was made to the Greek National Authority of Medicines (EOF) and the National Ethics Committee (EED). The amendment was requested in order to prolong the duration of the study to the already participating center (1st Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Hospital "Alexandra") for one year and to add a second center in the study (6th Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Hospital "Elena Venizelou"). However, there were some delays during the approval procedure, mainly because of a change to the Board of Directors of the two involved hospitals and a consequent absence of meetings during that period (1st semester of 2014). As a consequence, the last approvals for this amendment were received in the last trimester of 2014; thus, the remaining time until the end of the requested extension (December 2014) was very limited. On the other hand, at the already participating center (1st Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Hospital "Alexandra"), a great difficulty in enrolling patients into the study was already noted. This resulted in a very low enrolment rate as well as in difficulty to be compliant with the recruitment timelines and to achieve the expected number of enrolled patients. Further to the above, in January 2015 it was decided to prematurely terminate the study in the first center of the study (1st Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Hospital "Alexandra"). The second center of the study (6th Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Hospital "Elena Venizelou") was not activated, since a further amendment was needed to extend the time duration of the study and because of the difficulty to find and enroll patients according to the protocol eligibility criteria that had been encountered in the first center of the study.

    Limitations and caveats

    Limitations of the trial such as small numbers of subjects analysed or technical problems leading to unreliable data.
    None reported
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    The status and protocol content of GB trials is no longer updated since 1 January 2021. For the UK, as of 31 January 2021, EU Law applies only to the territory of Northern Ireland (NI) to the extent foreseen in the Protocol on Ireland/NI. Legal notice
    As of 31 January 2023, all EU/EEA initial clinical trial applications must be submitted through CTIS . Updated EudraCT trials information and information on PIP/Art 46 trials conducted exclusively in third countries continues to be submitted through EudraCT and published on this website.

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