E.1 Medical condition or disease under investigation |
E.1.1 | Medical condition(s) being investigated |
Polycystic liver disease (PLD) |
Enfermedad hepática poliquística (EHP) |
E.1.1.1 | Medical condition in easily understood language |
Liver cysts as a consequence of polycystic liver disease |
Quistes en el hígado como consecuencia de la enfermedad poliquística del hígado |
E.1.1.2 | Therapeutic area | Diseases [C] - Digestive System Diseases [C06] |
MedDRA Classification |
E.1.3 | Condition being studied is a rare disease | No |
E.2 Objective of the trial |
E.2.1 | Main objective of the trial |
First, to demonstrate whether UDCA-therapy is effective in reducing total liver volume in PLD patients. |
En primer lugar, para demostrar si el AUDC-terapia es efectiva en la reducción de volumen total de hígado en pacientes EHP. |
E.2.2 | Secondary objectives of the trial |
Second, we want to assess if UDCA modifies quality of life. Finally, we want to assess safety and tolerability |
En segundo lugar, queremos evaluar si el UDCA modifica la calidad de vida. Por último, queremos evaluar la seguridad y tolerabilidad |
E.2.3 | Trial contains a sub-study | No |
E.3 | Principal inclusion criteria |
18 ? age ? 80 years/ Polycystic liver disease with underlying diagnosis of (PCLD or ADPKD), defined as ? 20 liver cysts / Total liver volume ? 2500 mL/ Symptomatic defined as ECOG-PS ? 1, and having at least three out of ten PCLD symptoms: (Abdominal pain; Abdominal distension; Abdominal fullness; Dyspnea; Early satiety; Back pain; Nausea/vomiting; Anorexia; Weight loss; Jaundice)/ Informed consent, patients are willing and able to comply with the study drug regimen and all other study requirements. |
18 ? edad ? 80 años / Enfermedad hepática poliquística con diagnóstico subyacente de (PCLD o PQRAD), definida como ? 20 quistes hepáticos / Totalvolumen hepático ? 2.500 ml / Sintomático define como ECOG-PS ? 1, y que tiene al menos tres de cada diez síntomas PCLD: (dolor abdominal; distensión abdominal; plenitud abdominal, disnea, sensación de saciedad precoz, dolor de espalda, náuseas / vómitos, anorexia, pérdida de peso, ictericia) / El consentimiento informado, los pacientes están dispuestos y son capaces de cumplir con el régimen del fármaco del estudio y todos los demás requisitos del estudio. |
E.4 | Principal exclusion criteria |
Use of oral anticonceptives or estrogen supplementation / Use of UDCA in 3 months before baseline / Females who are pregnant or breast-feeding or patients of reproductive potential not employing an effective method of birth control./ Intervention (aspiration or surgical intervention) within six months before baseline/ Treatment with somatostatin analogues within months before baseline/ Renal dysfunction (MDRD-GFR < 30 ml/min/1.73m2)/ Patients with a kidney transplant/ Hypersensitivity reaction to UDCA or patients with galactose-intolerance, lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption/ Acute cholecystitis or frequent biliary colic attacks/ Acute stomach or duodenal ulcers/ Inflammation of small intestine or colon/ Use of drugs that can interact with UDCA, such as colestyramine or aluminium hydroxide/ Enrolment in another clinical trial of an investigational agent while participating in this study/ History or other evidence of severe illness or any other conditions which would make the patient, in the opinion of the investigator, unsuitable for the study/ Mental illness that interferes with the patient ability to comply with the protocol |
El uso de anticonceptives orales o la suplementación de estrógeno / El uso de UDCA en 3 meses antes de la línea de base / Las mujeres que están embarazadas o en periodo de lactancia o en pacientes de la capacidad de reproducción que no utilicen un método anticonceptivo eficaz . / Intervención (aspiración o intervención quirúrgica) en los seis meses antes de la línea de base / El tratamiento con análogos de la somatostatina en cuestión de meses antes de la línea de base / La disfunción renal ( MDRD- TFG < 30 ml/min/1.73m2 ) / Los pacientes con un trasplante de riñón / Reacción de hipersensibilidad a AUDC o en pacientes con intolerancia a la galactosa , deficiencia de lactasa o malabsorción de glucosa-galactosa / La colecistitis aguda o ataques de cólicos biliares frecuentes / Estómago aguda o úlcera duodenal / La inflamación del intestino delgado o del colon / El uso de medicamentos que pueden interactuar con el UDCA , tales como colestiramina o hidróxido de aluminio / La matrícula en otro ensayo clínico de un fármaco en investigación durante su participación en este estudio / Historia u otra evidencia de enfermedad grave o cualquier otra condición que haría que el paciente , en opinión del investigador , no aptos para el estudio / La enfermedad mental que interfiere con la capacidad del paciente para cumplir con el protocolo |
E.5 End points |
E.5.1 | Primary end point(s) |
The main outcome measure will be the proportional change of total liver volume from baseline to 6 months as determined by CT. |
La medida de resultado principal será el cambio proporcional del volumen total del hígado desde el inicio hasta 6 meses según lo determinado por la TC. |
E.5.1.1 | Timepoint(s) of evaluation of this end point |
Baseline liver volume will be compared to liver volume at 24 weeks. |
Volumen hepático línea de base se compara con el volumen hepático a las 24 semanas. |
E.5.2 | Secondary end point(s) |
Change in absolute total liver volume/ Change in symptoms, measured by GI-questionnaire/ Change in quality of life, measured by SF-36 questionnaire/ Proportion of patients having any reduction in total liver volume after 24 weeks/ (Serious )Adverse events that occur in these 24 weeks/ TKV at baseline and after 24 weeks |
Cambio en el volumen total del hígado absoluto / Cambio en los síntomas, medida por GI-cuestionario / Cambio en la calidad de vida, medido por el cuestionario SF-36 / Proporción de pacientes con una reducción en el volumen total del hígado después de 24 semanas / (Graves) Los eventos adversos que ocurren en estos 24 semanas / TKV al inicio del estudio y después de 24 semanas |
E.5.2.1 | Timepoint(s) of evaluation of this end point |
For all secondary time points baseline values will be compared to values at week 24. |
Para todos los puntos de tiempo secundaria valores de línea de base se comparan con los valores en la semana 24. |
E.6 and E.7 Scope of the trial |
E.6 | Scope of the trial |
E.6.1 | Diagnosis | No |
E.6.2 | Prophylaxis | No |
E.6.3 | Therapy | Yes |
E.6.4 | Safety | Yes |
E.6.5 | Efficacy | Yes |
E.6.6 | Pharmacokinetic | No |
E.6.7 | Pharmacodynamic | No |
E.6.8 | Bioequivalence | No |
E.6.9 | Dose response | No |
E.6.10 | Pharmacogenetic | No |
E.6.11 | Pharmacogenomic | No |
E.6.12 | Pharmacoeconomic | No |
E.6.13 | Others | No |
E.7 | Trial type and phase |
E.7.1 | Human pharmacology (Phase I) | No |
E.7.1.1 | First administration to humans | No |
E.7.1.2 | Bioequivalence study | No |
E.7.1.3 | Other | No |
E. | Other trial type description | |
E.7.2 | Therapeutic exploratory (Phase II) | Yes |
E.7.3 | Therapeutic confirmatory (Phase III) | No |
E.7.4 | Therapeutic use (Phase IV) | No |
E.8 Design of the trial |
E.8.1 | Controlled | Yes |
E.8.1.1 | Randomised | Yes |
E.8.1.2 | Open | Yes |
E.8.1.3 | Single blind | No |
E.8.1.4 | Double blind | No |
E.8.1.5 | Parallel group | Yes |
E.8.1.6 | Cross over | No |
E.8.1.7 | Other | No |
E.8.2 | Comparator of controlled trial |
E.8.2.1 | Other medicinal product(s) | No |
E.8.2.2 | Placebo | No |
E.8.2.3 | Other | Yes |
E. | Comparator description |
E.8.2.4 | Number of treatment arms in the trial | 3 |
E.8.3 |
The trial involves single site in the Member State concerned
| Yes |
E.8.4 | The trial involves multiple sites in the Member State concerned | No |
E.8.5 | The trial involves multiple Member States | Yes |
E.8.5.1 | Number of sites anticipated in the EEA | 2 |
E.8.6 Trial involving sites outside the EEA |
E.8.6.1 | Trial being conducted both within and outside the EEA | No |
E.8.6.2 | Trial being conducted completely outside of the EEA | No |
E.8.7 | Trial has a data monitoring committee | Yes |
E.8.8 |
Definition of the end of the trial and justification where it is not the last
visit of the last subject undergoing the trial
E.8.9 Initial estimate of the duration of the trial |
E.8.9.1 | In the Member State concerned years | 2 |
E.8.9.1 | In the Member State concerned months | 0 |
E.8.9.1 | In the Member State concerned days | 0 |
E.8.9.2 | In all countries concerned by the trial years | 2 |
E.8.9.2 | In all countries concerned by the trial months | 0 |
E.8.9.2 | In all countries concerned by the trial days | 0 |