Clinical Trial Results:
Long term, multicenter, single-arm, open-label extension study of the MERIT-1 study, to assess the safety, tolerability and efficacy of macitentan in subjects with inoperable chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH)
EudraCT number |
2013-003457-25 |
Trial protocol |
Global end of trial date |
21 Mar 2022
Results information
Results version number |
v1(current) |
This version publication date |
02 Apr 2023
First version publication date |
02 Apr 2023
Other versions |
Trial Information
Subject Disposition
Baseline Characteristics
End Points
Adverse Events
More Information
Subject Disposition
Baseline Characteristics
End Points
Adverse Events
More Information
Trial identification
Sponsor protocol code |
Additional study identifiers
ISRCTN number |
- | ||
US NCT number |
NCT02060721 | ||
WHO universal trial number (UTN) |
- | ||
Sponsor organisation name |
Actelion Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
Sponsor organisation address |
Gewerbestrasse 16, Allschwil, Switzerland, 4123
Public contact |
Clinical Registry Group, Actelion Pharmaceuticals Ltd.,
Scientific contact |
Clinical Registry Group, Actelion Pharmaceuticals Ltd.,
Paediatric regulatory details
Is trial part of an agreed paediatric investigation plan (PIP) |
Does article 45 of REGULATION (EC) No 1901/2006 apply to this trial? |
Does article 46 of REGULATION (EC) No 1901/2006 apply to this trial? |
Results analysis stage
Analysis stage |
Date of interim/final analysis |
21 Mar 2022
Is this the analysis of the primary completion data? |
Global end of trial reached? |
Global end of trial date |
21 Mar 2022
Was the trial ended prematurely? |
General information about the trial
Main objective of the trial |
The main objective of the study was to evaluate the long-term safety and tolerability of macitentan 10 milligrams (mg) in subjects with inoperable CTEPH.
Protection of trial subjects |
This study was conducted in accordance with the ethical principles that have their origin in the Declaration of Helsinki and that are consistent with Good Clinical Practices (GCP) and applicable regulatory requirements.
Background therapy |
- | ||
Evidence for comparator |
- | ||
Actual start date of recruitment |
03 Feb 2015
Long term follow-up planned |
Independent data monitoring committee (IDMC) involvement? |
Population of trial subjects
Number of subjects enrolled per country |
Country: Number of subjects enrolled |
China: 23
Country: Number of subjects enrolled |
Mexico: 2
Country: Number of subjects enrolled |
Thailand: 4
Country: Number of subjects enrolled |
Belgium: 1
Country: Number of subjects enrolled |
Czechia: 2
Country: Number of subjects enrolled |
France: 3
Country: Number of subjects enrolled |
Germany: 3
Country: Number of subjects enrolled |
Hungary: 4
Country: Number of subjects enrolled |
Lithuania: 2
Country: Number of subjects enrolled |
Poland: 3
Country: Number of subjects enrolled |
United Kingdom: 3
Country: Number of subjects enrolled |
Russian Federation: 20
Country: Number of subjects enrolled |
Turkey: 2
Country: Number of subjects enrolled |
Ukraine: 4
Worldwide total number of subjects |
EEA total number of subjects |
Number of subjects enrolled per age group |
In utero |
Preterm newborn - gestational age < 37 wk |
Newborns (0-27 days) |
Infants and toddlers (28 days-23 months) |
Children (2-11 years) |
Adolescents (12-17 years) |
Adults (18-64 years) |
From 65 to 84 years |
85 years and over |
Recruitment details |
- | ||||||||||||||||||
Screening details |
A total of 76 subjects who completed the double-blind MERIT-1 study, rolled-over to this study (MERIT-2), out of which 38 subjects completed the study. | ||||||||||||||||||
Period 1
Period 1 title |
Overall Study (overall period)
Is this the baseline period? |
Yes | ||||||||||||||||||
Allocation method |
Not applicable
Blinding used |
Not blinded | ||||||||||||||||||
Arm title
Macitentan 10 milligrams (mg) | ||||||||||||||||||
Arm description |
Eligible subjects who were either randomised to macitentan 10 mg or placebo group during 24 weeks double-blind MERIT-1 (2013-002950-56) study, were rolled-over to this open-label extension study and received macitentan 10 mg tablet orally once daily starting from Day 1 to the end of treatment (treatment exposure ranged from 1 to 82 months). | ||||||||||||||||||
Arm type |
Experimental | ||||||||||||||||||
Investigational medicinal product name |
Investigational medicinal product code |
Other name |
Pharmaceutical forms |
Film-coated tablet
Routes of administration |
Oral use
Dosage and administration details |
Macitentan 10 mg tablet was administered orally once daily starting from Day 1 to the end of treatment (treatment exposure ranged from 1 to 82 months).
Baseline characteristics reporting groups
Reporting group title |
Macitentan 10 milligrams (mg)
Reporting group description |
Eligible subjects who were either randomised to macitentan 10 mg or placebo group during 24 weeks double-blind MERIT-1 (2013-002950-56) study, were rolled-over to this open-label extension study and received macitentan 10 mg tablet orally once daily starting from Day 1 to the end of treatment (treatment exposure ranged from 1 to 82 months). | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
End points reporting groups
Reporting group title |
Macitentan 10 milligrams (mg)
Reporting group description |
Eligible subjects who were either randomised to macitentan 10 mg or placebo group during 24 weeks double-blind MERIT-1 (2013-002950-56) study, were rolled-over to this open-label extension study and received macitentan 10 mg tablet orally once daily starting from Day 1 to the end of treatment (treatment exposure ranged from 1 to 82 months). |
End point title |
Number of Subjects With Treatment-emergent Adverse Events (TEAEs) [1] | ||||||
End point description |
An adverse event (AE) is any untoward medical occurrence in a subject participating in a clinical study that does not necessarily have a causal relationship with the pharmaceutical/ biological agent under study. TEAEs are those events that started after administration of the first dose and up to safety follow-up visit/end of study, that is, 30 days after the last dose of study medication. Open-label analysis set (OLAS) included all data from subjects who were enrolled into this open-label extension study, from the time they entered this open-label extension study.
End point type |
End point timeframe |
Up to 30 days after study treatment discontinuation (treatment exposure ranged from 1 to 82 months)
Notes [1] - No statistical analyses have been specified for this primary end point. It is expected there is at least one statistical analysis for each primary end point. Justification: Only descriptive statistics were reported. No inferential statistics was planned. |
No statistical analyses for this end point |
End point title |
Number of Subjects With AEs Leading to Study Drug Discontinuation [2] | ||||||
End point description |
Number of subjects with AEs leading to study drug discontinuation was reported. OLAS included all data from subjects who were enrolled into this open-label extension study, from the time they entered this open-label extension study.
End point type |
End point timeframe |
Up to 30 days after study treatment discontinuation (treatment exposure ranged from 1 to 82 months)
Notes [2] - No statistical analyses have been specified for this primary end point. It is expected there is at least one statistical analysis for each primary end point. Justification: Only descriptive statistics were reported. No inferential statistics was planned. |
No statistical analyses for this end point |
End point title |
Number of Subjects With Treatment-emergent Serious Adverse Events (SAEs) [3] | ||||||
End point description |
A serious adverse event (SAE) is any untoward medical occurrence that at any dose resulting in any of following outcomes: results in death, is life-threatening, requires inpatient hospitalization or prolongation of existing hospitalization, results in persistent or significant disability/incapacity, is a congenital anomaly/birth defect, is a suspected transmission of any infectious agent via a medicinal product. Treatment-emergent SAEs were those events that started after administration of the first dose and up to safety follow-up visit/end of study, that is, 30 days after the last dose of study medication. OLAS included all data from subjects who were enrolled into this open-label extension study, from the time they entered this open-label extension study.
End point type |
End point timeframe |
Up to 30 days after study treatment discontinuation (treatment exposure ranged from 1 to 82 months)
Notes [3] - No statistical analyses have been specified for this primary end point. It is expected there is at least one statistical analysis for each primary end point. Justification: Only descriptive statistics were reported. No inferential statistics was planned. |
No statistical analyses for this end point |
End point title |
Number of Subjects With Hemoglobin Abnormalities [4] | ||||||||||||||||||||
End point description |
Number of subjects with hemoglobin abnormalities were reported. It included hemoglobin less than (<) 80 grams per litre (g/L), hemoglobin <100 g/L, hemoglobin greater than or equal to (>=) 80 g/L and <100 g/L, hemoglobin <100g/L and a decrease of >20 g/L from baseline, decrease of >20 g/L in hemoglobin from baseline, decrease of >20 g/L and <=50 g/L in hemoglobin from baseline, and decrease of >50 g/L in hemoglobin from baseline. OLAS included all data from subjects who were enrolled into this open-label extension study, from the time they entered this open-label extension study.
End point type |
End point timeframe |
Up to 30 days after study treatment discontinuation (treatment exposure ranged from 1 to 82 months)
Notes [4] - No statistical analyses have been specified for this primary end point. It is expected there is at least one statistical analysis for each primary end point. Justification: Only descriptive statistics were reported. No inferential statistics was planned. |
No statistical analyses for this end point |
End point title |
Number of Subjects With Liver Tests Abnormalities [5] | ||||||||||||||||||
End point description |
Number of subjects with liver tests abnormalities were reported. It included alanine aminotransferase (ALT) or aspartate aminotransferase (AST): >=3 x Upper limit of the normal range (ULN), >=3 and <5 x ULN, >=5 ULN, and >=5 and <8 x ULN, >= 8 x ULN, and total bilirubin >=2 x ULN. OLAS included all data from subjects who were enrolled into this open-label extension study, from the time they entered this open-label extension study.
End point type |
End point timeframe |
Up to 30 days after study treatment discontinuation (treatment exposure ranged from 1 to 82 months)
Notes [5] - No statistical analyses have been specified for this primary end point. It is expected there is at least one statistical analysis for each primary end point. Justification: Only descriptive statistics were reported. No inferential statistics was planned. |
No statistical analyses for this end point |
End point title |
Change from Baseline in Blood Pressure at Month 6 [6] | ||||||||||||
End point description |
Change from baseline in blood pressure (both systolic blood pressure [SBP] and diastolic blood pressure [DBP]) at Month 6 was reported. OLAS included all data from subjects who were enrolled into this open-label extension study, from the time they entered this open-label extension study. Here, 'N' (number of subjects analysed) signifies subjects evaluated for this endpoint.
End point type |
End point timeframe |
Baseline and Month 6
Notes [6] - No statistical analyses have been specified for this primary end point. It is expected there is at least one statistical analysis for each primary end point. Justification: Only descriptive statistics were reported. No inferential statistics was planned. |
No statistical analyses for this end point |
End point title |
Change from Baseline in Pulse Rate at Month 6 [7] | ||||||||
End point description |
Change from baseline in pulse rate at Month 6 was reported. OLAS included all data from subjects who were enrolled into this open-label extension study, from the time they entered this open-label extension study. Here, 'N' (number of subjects analysed) signifies subjects evaluated for this endpoint.
End point type |
End point timeframe |
Baseline and Month 6
Notes [7] - No statistical analyses have been specified for this primary end point. It is expected there is at least one statistical analysis for each primary end point. Justification: Only descriptive statistics were reported. No inferential statistics was planned. |
No statistical analyses for this end point |
End point title |
Change from Baseline in Body Weight at Month 6 [8] | ||||||||
End point description |
Change from baseline in body weight at Month 6 was reported. OLAS included all data from subjects who were enrolled into this open-label extension study, from the time they entered this open-label extension study. Here, 'N' (number of subjects analysed) signifies subjects evaluated for this endpoint.
End point type |
End point timeframe |
Baseline and Month 6
Notes [8] - No statistical analyses have been specified for this primary end point. It is expected there is at least one statistical analysis for each primary end point. Justification: Only descriptive statistics were reported. No inferential statistics was planned. |
No statistical analyses for this end point |
Adverse events information
Timeframe for reporting adverse events |
Up to 30 days after study treatment discontinuation (treatment exposure ranged from 1 to 82 months)
Adverse event reporting additional description |
Open-label analysis set (OLAS) included all data from subjects who were enrolled into this open-label extension study, from the time they entered this open-label extension study.
Assessment type |
Non-systematic | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Dictionary used for adverse event reporting
Dictionary name |
MedDRA | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Dictionary version |
Reporting groups
Reporting group title |
Macitentan 10 milligrams (mg)
Reporting group description |
Eligible subjects who were either randomised to macitentan 10 mg or placebo group during 24 weeks double-blind MERIT-1 (2013-002950-56) study, were rolled-over to this open-label extension study and received macitentan 10 mg tablet orally once daily starting from Day 1 to the end of treatment (treatment exposure ranged from 1 to 82 months). | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Frequency threshold for reporting non-serious adverse events: 5% | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Substantial protocol amendments (globally) |
Were there any global substantial amendments to the protocol? Yes | |||
Date |
Amendment |
15 Jul 2020 |
The purpose of this amendment was to update the study specific criteria for drug interruption/ permanent discontinuation and forbidden concomitant medication sections to prohibit strong Cytochrome P-450 (CYP) 3A4 inhibitors, moderate dual
CYP3A4/CYP2C9 inhibitors, and concomitant administration of moderate CYP3A4 and CYP2C9 inhibitors. |
28 Sep 2020 |
The purpose of this amendment was to update
the description of the investigational medicinal product used in this study from debossed on one side to debossed on either one or both sides. |
22 Jun 2021 |
The purpose of this amendment was to clarify how to manage
the roll-over of MERIT-2 subjects into a continued access program (post-trial access program or other open-label extension study). In addition, the forbidden concomitant medications section was updated to clarify that macitentan 10 mg is not considered as an investigational treatment. |
Interruptions (globally) |
Were there any global interruptions to the trial? No | |||
Limitations and caveats |
Limitations of the trial such as small numbers of subjects analysed or technical problems leading to unreliable data. | |||
Study limitations included the open-label (OL), uncontrolled design, and small sample size. |