Clinical Trial Results:
A Phase II, multi-center, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group, dose-response study to assess the safety and efficacy of CDP870/Certolizumab pegol, dosed subcutaneously in patients with active crohn's disease
EudraCT number |
2014-004399-42 |
Trial protocol |
Outside EU/EEA |
Global end of trial date |
08 Nov 2007
Results information
Results version number |
v1 |
This version publication date |
30 Jun 2016
First version publication date |
11 Jun 2015
Other versions |
v2 |
Trial Information
Subject Disposition
Baseline Characteristics
End Points
Adverse Events
More Information
Subject Disposition
Baseline Characteristics
End Points
Adverse Events
More Information
Trial identification
Sponsor protocol code |
Additional study identifiers
ISRCTN number |
- | ||
US NCT number |
NCT00291668 | ||
WHO universal trial number (UTN) |
- | ||
Sponsor organisation name |
UCB Japan Co., Ltd
Sponsor organisation address |
Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan, 160-0023
Public contact |
Clinical Trial Registries and Results Disclosure, UCB BIOSCIENCES GmbH, +49 2173 4815 15,
Scientific contact |
Clinical Trial Registries and Results Disclosure, UCB BIOSCIENCES GmbH, +49 2173 48 15 15,
Paediatric regulatory details
Is trial part of an agreed paediatric investigation plan (PIP) |
Does article 45 of REGULATION (EC) No 1901/2006 apply to this trial? |
Does article 46 of REGULATION (EC) No 1901/2006 apply to this trial? |
Results analysis stage
Analysis stage |
Date of interim/final analysis |
26 Aug 2008
Is this the analysis of the primary completion data? |
Global end of trial reached? |
Global end of trial date |
08 Nov 2007
Was the trial ended prematurely? |
General information about the trial
Main objective of the trial |
The primary objective of the study was to estimate the dose response in subjects with active Crohn’s Disease (CD), and to evaluate the efficacy of certolizumab pegol in these subjects.
Protection of trial subjects |
Not applicable
Background therapy |
Steroids, immunosuppressants, antibacterial agents, 5-ASA derivatives, antidiarrheal drugs, topical ano-rectal treatments, and laxative drugs/enemas were allowed concomitantly with no change in dosage and administration from the start of the observation period to Week 6. | ||
Evidence for comparator |
Not applicable | ||
Actual start date of recruitment |
02 Mar 2006
Long term follow-up planned |
Long term follow-up rationale |
Safety | ||
Long term follow-up duration |
9 Months | ||
Independent data monitoring committee (IDMC) involvement? |
Population of trial subjects
Number of subjects enrolled per country |
Country: Number of subjects enrolled |
Japan: 94
Worldwide total number of subjects |
EEA total number of subjects |
Number of subjects enrolled per age group |
In utero |
Preterm newborn - gestational age < 37 wk |
Newborns (0-27 days) |
Infants and toddlers (28 days-23 months) |
Children (2-11 years) |
Adolescents (12-17 years) |
Adults (18-64 years) |
From 65 to 84 years |
85 years and over |
Recruitment details |
This study started to enroll subjects in March 2006. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Screening details |
20 Centers in Japan screened a total of 128 subjects of which 94 subjects were randomized. Participant Flow refers to the Safety Population, including all randomized subjects who received at least one dose of study medication (Placebo or Certolizumab Pegol). | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Period 1
Period 1 title |
Overall Study (overall period)
Is this the baseline period? |
Yes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Allocation method |
Randomised - controlled
Blinding used |
Double blind | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Roles blinded |
Subject, Investigator, Carer | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Are arms mutually exclusive |
Arm title
Placebo | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Arm description |
Subjects received two subcutaneous (sc) injections of Placebo on Weeks 0 (first dose), 2 and 4. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Arm type |
Placebo | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Investigational medicinal product name |
Investigational medicinal product code |
Other name |
Pharmaceutical forms |
Solution for injection
Routes of administration |
Subcutaneous use
Dosage and administration details |
Subjects received two subcutaneous (sc) injections of Placebo on Weeks 0 (first dose), 2 and 4.
Arm title
Certolizumab pegol 200 mg | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Arm description |
Subjects received one subcutaneous (sc) injection of 200 mg CZP and one injection of Placebo to maintain the study blind on Weeks 0 (first dose), 2 and 4. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Arm type |
Experimental | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Investigational medicinal product name |
Certolizumab Pegol
Investigational medicinal product code |
Other name |
Pharmaceutical forms |
Solution for injection
Routes of administration |
Subcutaneous use
Dosage and administration details |
Subjects in the CZP 200 mg arm received one subcutaneous (sc) injection of 200 mg CZP and one injection of Placebo to maintain the study blind on Weeks 0 (first dose), 2 and 4.
Subjects in the CZP 400 mg arm received two subcutaneous (sc) injections of 200 mg CZP on Weeks 0 (first dose), 2 and 4.
Arm title
Certolizumab pegol 400 mg | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Arm description |
Subjects received two subcutaneous (sc) injections of 200 mg CZP on Weeks 0 (first dose), 2 and 4. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Arm type |
Experimental | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Investigational medicinal product name |
Certolizumab Pegol
Investigational medicinal product code |
Other name |
Pharmaceutical forms |
Solution for injection
Routes of administration |
Subcutaneous use
Dosage and administration details |
Subjects in the CZP 200 mg arm received one subcutaneous (sc) injection of 200 mg CZP and one injection of Placebo to maintain the study blind on Weeks 0 (first dose), 2 and 4.
Subjects in the CZP 400 mg arm received two subcutaneous (sc) injections of 200 mg CZP on Weeks 0 (first dose), 2 and 4.
Baseline characteristics reporting groups
Reporting group title |
Reporting group description |
Subjects received two subcutaneous (sc) injections of Placebo on Weeks 0 (first dose), 2 and 4. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Reporting group title |
Certolizumab pegol 200 mg
Reporting group description |
Subjects received one subcutaneous (sc) injection of 200 mg CZP and one injection of Placebo to maintain the study blind on Weeks 0 (first dose), 2 and 4. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Reporting group title |
Certolizumab pegol 400 mg
Reporting group description |
Subjects received two subcutaneous (sc) injections of 200 mg CZP on Weeks 0 (first dose), 2 and 4. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
End points reporting groups
Reporting group title |
Reporting group description |
Subjects received two subcutaneous (sc) injections of Placebo on Weeks 0 (first dose), 2 and 4. | ||
Reporting group title |
Certolizumab pegol 200 mg
Reporting group description |
Subjects received one subcutaneous (sc) injection of 200 mg CZP and one injection of Placebo to maintain the study blind on Weeks 0 (first dose), 2 and 4. | ||
Reporting group title |
Certolizumab pegol 400 mg
Reporting group description |
Subjects received two subcutaneous (sc) injections of 200 mg CZP on Weeks 0 (first dose), 2 and 4. | ||
Subject analysis set title |
Full Analysis Set (Placebo treated subjects)
Subject analysis set type |
Full analysis | ||
Subject analysis set description |
The Full Analysis Set was defined as the subjects who were randomized and allocated to study medication, but excluded the following subjects as determined by data review prior to unblinding:
- Subjects with Good Clinical Practice (GCP) violations
- Subjects who were not diagnosed (definitely) with Crohn’s Disease
- Subjects who received no dose of study medication
- Subjects with no data after randomization
Subject analysis set title |
Full Analysis Set (CZP 200 mg treated subjects)
Subject analysis set type |
Full analysis | ||
Subject analysis set description |
The Full Analysis Set was defined as the subjects who were randomized and allocated to study medication, but excluded the following subjects as determined by data review prior to unblinding:
- Subjects with Good Clinical Practice (GCP) violations
- Subjects who were not diagnosed (definitely) with Crohn’s Disease
- Subjects who received no dose of study medication
- Subjects with no data after randomization
Subject analysis set title |
Full Analysis Set (CZP 400 mg treated subjects)
Subject analysis set type |
Full analysis | ||
Subject analysis set description |
The Full Analysis Set was defined as the subjects who were randomized and allocated to study medication, but excluded the following subjects as determined by data review prior to unblinding:
- Subjects with Good Clinical Practice (GCP) violations
- Subjects who were not diagnosed (definitely) with Crohn’s Disease
- Subjects who received no dose of study medication
- Subjects with no data after randomization
End point title |
Crohn’s Disease Activity Index (CDAI) response (clinical response or remission) at Week 6 [1] | ||||||||||||||||||||
End point description |
Percentage of subjects in clinical response at Week 6 or clinical remission at Week 6 based on CDAI score. Clinical response is defined as at least a 100-point decrease from the Week 0 CDAI score, where change = (CDAI score at Week 6) – (CDAI score at Week 0). Remission is defined as a CDAI score of ≤ 150 points.
End point type |
End point timeframe |
Week 6
Notes [1] - No statistical analyses have been specified for this primary end point. It is expected there is at least one statistical analysis for each primary end point. Justification: No formal statistical hypothesis testing was planned for this study. Results were summarized in tables as descriptive statistics only. |
No statistical analyses for this end point |
End point title |
Crohn’s Disease Activity Index (CDAI) score at Week 2 | ||||||||||||||||||||
End point description |
The Crohn's Disease Activity Index (CDAI) is used to quantify the symptoms of subjects with Crohn's Disease. A score of 150 or below indicates disease remission and a score above 450 indicates extremely severe disease. A decrease in CDAI over time indicates improvement in disease activity.
End point type |
End point timeframe |
Week 2
No statistical analyses for this end point |
End point title |
Crohn’s Disease Activity Index (CDAI) score at Week 4 | ||||||||||||||||||||
End point description |
The Crohn's Disease Activity Index (CDAI) is used to quantify the symptoms of subjects with Crohn's Disease. A score of 150 or below indicates disease remission and a score above 450 indicates extremely severe disease. A decrease in CDAI over time indicates improvement in disease activity.
End point type |
End point timeframe |
Week 4
No statistical analyses for this end point |
End point title |
Crohn’s Disease Activity Index (CDAI) score at Week 6 | ||||||||||||||||||||
End point description |
The Crohn's Disease Activity Index (CDAI) is used to quantify the symptoms of subjects with Crohn's Disease. A score of 150 or below indicates disease remission and a score above 450 indicates extremely severe disease. A decrease in CDAI over time indicates improvement in disease activity.
End point type |
End point timeframe |
Week 6
No statistical analyses for this end point |
End point title |
Percentage of subjects who achieve CDAI response at Week 2 | ||||||||||||||||||||
End point description |
CDAI Response at Week 2 is defined as clinical response at Week 2 or remission at Week 2. Clinical response is defined as at least a 100-point decrease from the Week 0 CDAI score, where change = (CDAI score at Week 2) – (CDAI score at Week 0). Remission is defined as a CDAI score of ≤ 150 points.
End point type |
End point timeframe |
Week 2
No statistical analyses for this end point |
End point title |
Percentage of subjects who achieve CDAI response at Week 4 | ||||||||||||||||||||
End point description |
CDAI Response at Week 4 is defined as clinical response at Week 4 or remission at Week 4. Clinical response is defined as at least a 100-point decrease from the Week 0 CDAI score, where change = (CDAI score at Week 4) – (CDAI score at Week 0). Remission is defined as a CDAI score of ≤ 150 points.
End point type |
End point timeframe |
Week 4
No statistical analyses for this end point |
End point title |
Percentage of subjects who achieve a reduction in CDAI scores of at least 70 points at Week 2 | ||||||||||||||||||||
End point description |
The Crohn's Disease Activity Index (CDAI) is used to quantify the symptoms of subjects with Crohn's Disease. A score of 150 or below indicates disease remission and a score above 450 indicates extremely severe disease. A decrease in CDAI over time indicates improvement in disease activity.
End point type |
End point timeframe |
Week 2
No statistical analyses for this end point |
End point title |
Percentage of subjects who achieve a reduction in CDAI scores of at least 70 points at Week 4 | ||||||||||||||||||||
End point description |
The Crohn's Disease Activity Index (CDAI) is used to quantify the symptoms of subjects with Crohn's Disease. A score of 150 or below indicates disease remission and a score above 450 indicates extremely severe disease. A decrease in CDAI over time indicates improvement in disease activity.
End point type |
End point timeframe |
Week 4
No statistical analyses for this end point |
End point title |
Percentage of subjects who achieve a reduction in CDAI scores of at least 70 points at Week 6 | ||||||||||||||||||||
End point description |
The Crohn's Disease Activity Index (CDAI) is used to quantify the symptoms of subjects with Crohn's Disease. A score of 150 or below indicates disease remission and a score above 450 indicates extremely severe disease. A decrease in CDAI over time indicates improvement in disease activity.
End point type |
End point timeframe |
Week 6
No statistical analyses for this end point |
End point title |
Percentage of subjects who achieve remission (CDAI <= 150) at Week 2 | ||||||||||||||||||||
End point description |
Remission at Week 2 is defined as a CDAI score <= 150 points at Week 2.
End point type |
End point timeframe |
Week 2
No statistical analyses for this end point |
End point title |
Percentage of subjects who achieve remission (CDAI <= 150) at Week 4 | ||||||||||||||||||||
End point description |
Remission at Week 4 is defined as a CDAI score <= 150 points at Week 4.
End point type |
End point timeframe |
Week 4
No statistical analyses for this end point |
End point title |
Percentage of subjects who achieve remission (CDAI <= 150) at Week 6 | ||||||||||||||||||||
End point description |
Remission at Week 6 is defined as a CDAI score <= 150 points at Week 6.
End point type |
End point timeframe |
Week 6
No statistical analyses for this end point |
End point title |
Percentage of subjects who achieve clinical response (reduction in CDAI scores of at least 100 points) at Week 2 | ||||||||||||||||||||
End point description |
Clinical response is defined as at least a 100-point decrease from the Week 0 CDAI score, where change = (CDAI score at Week 2) – (CDAI score at Week 0).
End point type |
End point timeframe |
Week 2
No statistical analyses for this end point |
End point title |
Percentage of subjects who achieve clinical response (reduction in CDAI scores of at least 100 points) at Week 4 | ||||||||||||||||||||
End point description |
Clinical response is defined as at least a 100-point decrease from the Week 0 CDAI score, where change = (CDAI score at Week 4) – (CDAI score at Week 0).
End point type |
End point timeframe |
Week 4
No statistical analyses for this end point |
End point title |
Percentage of subjects who achieve clinical response (reduction in CDAI scores of at least 100 points) at Week 6 | ||||||||||||||||||||
End point description |
Clinical response is defined as at least a 100-point decrease from the Week 0 CDAI score, where change = (CDAI score at Week 6) – (CDAI score at Week 0).
End point type |
End point timeframe |
Week 6
No statistical analyses for this end point |
End point title |
Inflammatory Bowel Disease Questionnaire (IBDQ) global score at Week 2 | ||||||||||||||||||||
End point description |
The IBDQ global score is calculated as the sum of the responses (each ranging from 1 to 7) to all 32 questions on the IBDQ and can therefore range from 32 to 224. A higher score indicates a better quality of life.
End point type |
End point timeframe |
Week 2
No statistical analyses for this end point |
End point title |
Inflammatory Bowel Disease Questionnaire (IBDQ) global score at Week 4 | ||||||||||||||||||||
End point description |
The IBDQ global score is calculated as the sum of the responses (each ranging from 1 to 7) to all 32 questions on the IBDQ and can therefore range from 32 to 224. A higher score indicates a better quality of life.
End point type |
End point timeframe |
Week 4
No statistical analyses for this end point |
End point title |
Inflammatory Bowel Disease Questionnaire (IBDQ) global score at Week 6 | ||||||||||||||||||||
End point description |
The IBDQ global score is calculated as the sum of the responses (each ranging from 1 to 7) to all 32 questions on the IBDQ and can therefore range from 32 to 224. A higher score indicates a better quality of life.
End point type |
End point timeframe |
Week 6
No statistical analyses for this end point |
End point title |
Inflammatory Bowel Disease Questionnaire (IBDQ) domain scores at Week 2 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
End point description |
The total IBDQ score consists of 32 questions, each ranging from 1 to 7, with higher scores indicating a better quality of life.
There are 4 IBDQ Domain Scores:
- Bowel Symptoms Domain Score, ranging from 10 to 70 (10 questions ranging from 1 to 7)
- Systemic Symptoms Domain Score, ranging from 5 to 35 (5 questions ranging from 1 to 7 )
- Emotional Function Domain Score, ranging from 12 to 84 (12 questions ranging from 1 to 7)
- Social Function Domain Score, ranging from 5 to 35 (5 questions ranging from 1 to 7 )
End point type |
End point timeframe |
Week 2
No statistical analyses for this end point |
End point title |
Inflammatory Bowel Disease Questionnaire (IBDQ) domain scores at Week 4 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
End point description |
The total IBDQ score consists of 32 questions, each ranging from 1 to 7, with higher scores indicating a better quality of life.
There are 4 IBDQ Domain Scores:
- Bowel Symptoms Domain Score, ranging from 10 to 70 (10 questions ranging from 1 to 7)
- Systemic Symptoms Domain Score, ranging from 5 to 35 (5 questions ranging from 1 to 7 )
- Emotional Function Domain Score, ranging from 12 to 84 (12 questions ranging from 1 to 7)
- Social Function Domain Score, ranging from 5 to 35 (5 questions ranging from 1 to 7 )
End point type |
End point timeframe |
Week 4
No statistical analyses for this end point |
End point title |
Inflammatory Bowel Disease Questionnaire (IBDQ) domain scores at Week 6 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
End point description |
The total IBDQ score consists of 32 questions, each ranging from 1 to 7, with higher scores indicating a better quality of life.
There are 4 IBDQ Domain Scores:
- Bowel Symptoms Domain Score, ranging from 10 to 70 (10 questions ranging from 1 to 7)
- Systemic Symptoms Domain Score, ranging from 5 to 35 (5 questions ranging from 1 to 7 )
- Emotional Function Domain Score, ranging from 12 to 84 (12 questions ranging from 1 to 7)
- Social Function Domain Score, ranging from 5 to 35 (5 questions ranging from 1 to 7 )
End point type |
End point timeframe |
Week 6
No statistical analyses for this end point |
End point title |
C-reactive protein (CRP) value at Week 2 | ||||||||||||||||||||
End point description |
CRP data for subjects receiving rescue medication were excluded.
End point type |
End point timeframe |
Week 2
No statistical analyses for this end point |
End point title |
C-reactive protein (CRP) value at Week 4 | ||||||||||||||||||||
End point description |
CRP data for subjects receiving rescue medication were excluded.
End point type |
End point timeframe |
Week 4
No statistical analyses for this end point |
End point title |
C-reactive protein (CRP) value at Week 6 | ||||||||||||||||||||
End point description |
CRP data for subjects receiving rescue medication were excluded.
End point type |
End point timeframe |
Week 6
No statistical analyses for this end point |
End point title |
C-reactive protein (CRP) Ratio to Baseline at Week 2 | ||||||||||||||||||||
End point description |
CRP data for subjects receiving rescue medication were excluded.
End point type |
End point timeframe |
Week 2
No statistical analyses for this end point |
End point title |
C-reactive protein (CRP) Ratio to Baseline at Week 4 | ||||||||||||||||||||
End point description |
CRP data for subjects receiving rescue medication were excluded.
End point type |
End point timeframe |
Week 4
No statistical analyses for this end point |
End point title |
C-reactive protein (CRP) Ratio to Baseline at Week 6 | ||||||||||||||||||||
End point description |
CRP data for subjects receiving rescue medication were excluded.
End point type |
End point timeframe |
Week 6
No statistical analyses for this end point |
Adverse events information
Timeframe for reporting adverse events |
Adverse Events were collected from the time of signing the informed consent through the last Observation (up to 28 weeks).
Adverse event reporting additional description |
Adverse Events refer to the Safety Population, including all randomized subjects who received at least one dose of study medication (Placebo or Certolizumab Pegol).
Assessment type |
Non-systematic | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Dictionary used for adverse event reporting
Dictionary name |
MedDRA | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Dictionary version |
Reporting groups
Reporting group title |
Reporting group description |
Subjects received two subcutaneous (sc) injections of Placebo on Weeks 0 (first dose), 2 and 4. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Reporting group title |
Certolizumab pegol 400 mg
Reporting group description |
Subjects received two subcutaneous (sc) injections of 200 mg CZP on Weeks 0 (first dose), 2 and 4. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Reporting group title |
Certolizumab pegol 200 mg
Reporting group description |
Subjects received one subcutaneous (sc) injection of 200 mg CZP and one injection of Placebo to maintain the study blind on Weeks 0 (first dose), 2 and 4. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Frequency threshold for reporting non-serious adverse events: 5% | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Substantial protocol amendments (globally) |
Were there any global substantial amendments to the protocol? No | |||
Interruptions (globally) |
Were there any global interruptions to the trial? No | |||
Limitations and caveats |
Limitations of the trial such as small numbers of subjects analysed or technical problems leading to unreliable data. | |||
None reported |