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  • interventional clinical trials that were approved in the European Union (EU)/European Economic Area (EEA) under the Clinical Trials Directive 2001/20/EC
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    EudraCT Number:2018-001472-38
    Sponsor's Protocol Code Number:MET57
    Clinical Trial Type:Outside EU/EEA
    Date on which this record was first entered in the EudraCT database:2018-07-10
    Trial results View results
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    A. Protocol Information
    A.2EudraCT number2018-001472-38
    A.3Full title of the trial
    Immunogenicity and Safety of an Investigational Quadrivalent Meningococcal Conjugate Vaccine Administered Concomitantly With Other Pediatric Vaccines in Healthy Toddlers
    A.3.1Title of the trial for lay people, in easily understood, i.e. non-technical, language
    Immunogenicity and Safety of an Investigational Quadrivalent Meningococcal Conjugate Vaccine Administered Concomitantly With Other Pediatric Vaccines in Healthy Toddlers
    A.4.1Sponsor's protocol code numberMET57
    A.5.2US NCT (ClinicalTrials.gov registry) numberNCT03205371
    A.5.3WHO Universal Trial Reference Number (UTRN)U1111-1161-2787
    A.7Trial is part of a Paediatric Investigation Plan Yes
    A.8EMA Decision number of Paediatric Investigation PlanP/359/2017
    B. Sponsor Information
    B.Sponsor: 1
    B.1.1Name of SponsorSanofi Pasteur Inc.
    B.1.3.4CountryUnited States
    B.3.1 and B.3.2Status of the sponsorCommercial
    B.4 Source(s) of Monetary or Material Support for the clinical trial:
    B.4.1Name of organisation providing supportSanofi Pasteur Inc.
    B.4.2CountryUnited States
    B.5 Contact point designated by the sponsor for further information on the trial
    B.5.1Name of organisationSanofi Pasteur
    B.5.2Functional name of contact pointTrial Transparency Team
    B.5.3 Address:
    B.5.3.1Street Address-
    B.5.3.2Town/ city-
    B.5.3.3Post code-
    B.5.3.4CountryUnited States
    D. IMP Identification
    D.IMP: 1
    D.1.2 and D.1.3IMP RoleTest
    D.2 Status of the IMP to be used in the clinical trial
    D.2.1IMP to be used in the trial has a marketing authorisation No
    D.2.5The IMP has been designated in this indication as an orphan drug in the Community No
    D.2.5.1Orphan drug designation number
    D.3 Description of the IMP
    D.3.1Product nameMenACYW Conjugate Vaccine
    D.3.2Product code 395
    D.3.4Pharmaceutical form Solution for injection
    D.3.4.1Specific paediatric formulation No
    D.3.7Routes of administration for this IMPIntramuscular use
    D.3.8 to D.3.10 IMP Identification Details (Active Substances)
    D.3.8INN - Proposed INNNeisseria Meningitidis Serogroup A Polysaccharide Conjugated to Tetanus Toxoid Carrier Protein
    D.3.9.4EV Substance CodeSUB36479
    D.3.10 Strength
    D.3.10.1Concentration unit µg/ml microgram(s)/millilitre
    D.3.10.2Concentration typeequal
    D.3.10.3Concentration number20
    D.3.8 to D.3.10 IMP Identification Details (Active Substances)
    D.3.8INN - Proposed INNNeisseria Meningitidis Serogroup C Polysaccharide Conjugated to Tetanus Toxoid Carrier Protein
    D.3.9.4EV Substance CodeSUB31471
    D.3.10 Strength
    D.3.10.1Concentration unit µg/ml microgram(s)/millilitre
    D.3.10.2Concentration typeequal
    D.3.10.3Concentration number20
    D.3.8 to D.3.10 IMP Identification Details (Active Substances)
    D.3.8INN - Proposed INNNeisseria Meningitidis Serogroup Y Polysaccharide Conjugated to Tetanus Toxoid Carrier Protein
    D.3.9.4EV Substance CodeSUB36482
    D.3.10 Strength
    D.3.10.1Concentration unit µg/ml microgram(s)/millilitre
    D.3.10.2Concentration typeequal
    D.3.10.3Concentration number20
    D.3.8 to D.3.10 IMP Identification Details (Active Substances)
    D.3.8INN - Proposed INNNeisseria Meningitidis Serogroup W Polysaccharide Conjugated to Tetanus Toxoid Carrier Protein
    D.3.9.4EV Substance CodeSUB36481
    D.3.10 Strength
    D.3.10.1Concentration unit µg/ml microgram(s)/millilitre
    D.3.10.2Concentration typeequal
    D.3.10.3Concentration number20
    D.3.11 The IMP contains an:
    D.3.11.1Active substance of chemical origin No
    D.3.11.2Active substance of biological/ biotechnological origin (other than Advanced Therapy IMP (ATIMP) Yes
    The IMP is a:
    D.3.11.3Advanced Therapy IMP (ATIMP) No
    D. cell therapy medicinal product No
    D. therapy medical product No
    D. Engineered Product No
    D. ATIMP (i.e. one involving a medical device) No
    D. on Advanced therapies (CAT) has issued a classification for this product No
    D.3.11.4Combination product that includes a device, but does not involve an Advanced Therapy No
    D.3.11.5Radiopharmaceutical medicinal product No
    D.3.11.6Immunological medicinal product (such as vaccine, allergen, immune serum) Yes
    D.3.11.7Plasma derived medicinal product No
    D.3.11.8Extractive medicinal product No
    D.3.11.9Recombinant medicinal product No
    D.3.11.10Medicinal product containing genetically modified organisms No
    D.3.11.11Herbal medicinal product No
    D.3.11.12Homeopathic medicinal product No
    D.3.11.13Another type of medicinal product No
    D.IMP: 2
    D.1.2 and D.1.3IMP RoleTest
    D.2 Status of the IMP to be used in the clinical trial
    D.2.1IMP to be used in the trial has a marketing authorisation Yes
    D.2.5The IMP has been designated in this indication as an orphan drug in the Community No
    D.2.5.1Orphan drug designation number
    D.3 Description of the IMP
    D.3.1Product nameMMR
    D.3.4Pharmaceutical form Powder and solvent for solution for injection
    D.3.4.1Specific paediatric formulation Yes
    D.3.7Routes of administration for this IMPSubcutaneous use
    D.3.8 to D.3.10 IMP Identification Details (Active Substances)
    D.3.9.3Other descriptive nameMEASLES, MUMPS AND RUBELLA VACCINE (LIVE)
    D.3.9.4EV Substance CodeSUB14489MIG
    D.3.10 Strength
    D.3.10.1Concentration unit log10 CCID50/dose log10 cell culture infective dose 50/dose
    D.3.10.2Concentration typeequal
    D.3.10.3Concentration number14.5
    D.3.11 The IMP contains an:
    D.3.11.1Active substance of chemical origin No
    D.3.11.2Active substance of biological/ biotechnological origin (other than Advanced Therapy IMP (ATIMP) Yes
    The IMP is a:
    D.3.11.3Advanced Therapy IMP (ATIMP) No
    D. cell therapy medicinal product No
    D. therapy medical product No
    D. Engineered Product No
    D. ATIMP (i.e. one involving a medical device) No
    D. on Advanced therapies (CAT) has issued a classification for this product No
    D.3.11.4Combination product that includes a device, but does not involve an Advanced Therapy No
    D.3.11.5Radiopharmaceutical medicinal product No
    D.3.11.6Immunological medicinal product (such as vaccine, allergen, immune serum) Yes
    D.3.11.7Plasma derived medicinal product No
    D.3.11.8Extractive medicinal product No
    D.3.11.9Recombinant medicinal product No
    D.3.11.10Medicinal product containing genetically modified organisms No
    D.3.11.11Herbal medicinal product No
    D.3.11.12Homeopathic medicinal product No
    D.3.11.13Another type of medicinal product No
    D.IMP: 3
    D.1.2 and D.1.3IMP RoleTest
    D.2 Status of the IMP to be used in the clinical trial
    D.2.1IMP to be used in the trial has a marketing authorisation No
    D.2.5The IMP has been designated in this indication as an orphan drug in the Community No
    D.2.5.1Orphan drug designation number
    D.3 Description of the IMP
    D.3.1Product nameVaricella
    D.3.4Pharmaceutical form Powder and solution for solution for injection
    D.3.4.1Specific paediatric formulation Yes
    D.3.7Routes of administration for this IMPSubcutaneous use
    D.3.8 to D.3.10 IMP Identification Details (Active Substances)
    D.3.9.3Other descriptive nameVARICELLA VACCINE (LIVE)
    D.3.9.4EV Substance CodeSUB15689MIG
    D.3.10 Strength
    D.3.10.1Concentration unit PFU/dose plaque forming unit(s)/dose
    D.3.10.2Concentration typeequal
    D.3.10.3Concentration number1350
    D.3.11 The IMP contains an:
    D.3.11.1Active substance of chemical origin No
    D.3.11.2Active substance of biological/ biotechnological origin (other than Advanced Therapy IMP (ATIMP) Yes
    The IMP is a:
    D.3.11.3Advanced Therapy IMP (ATIMP) No
    D. cell therapy medicinal product No
    D. therapy medical product No
    D. Engineered Product No
    D. ATIMP (i.e. one involving a medical device) No
    D. on Advanced therapies (CAT) has issued a classification for this product No
    D.3.11.4Combination product that includes a device, but does not involve an Advanced Therapy No
    D.3.11.5Radiopharmaceutical medicinal product No
    D.3.11.6Immunological medicinal product (such as vaccine, allergen, immune serum) Yes
    D.3.11.7Plasma derived medicinal product No
    D.3.11.8Extractive medicinal product No
    D.3.11.9Recombinant medicinal product No
    D.3.11.10Medicinal product containing genetically modified organisms No
    D.3.11.11Herbal medicinal product No
    D.3.11.12Homeopathic medicinal product No
    D.3.11.13Another type of medicinal product No
    D.IMP: 4
    D.1.2 and D.1.3IMP RoleTest
    D.2 Status of the IMP to be used in the clinical trial
    D.2.1IMP to be used in the trial has a marketing authorisation No
    D.2.5The IMP has been designated in this indication as an orphan drug in the Community No
    D.2.5.1Orphan drug designation number
    D.3 Description of the IMP
    D.3.1Product nameDTaP-IPV-HB-Hib
    D.3.4Pharmaceutical form Suspension for injection
    D.3.4.1Specific paediatric formulation Yes
    D.3.7Routes of administration for this IMPIntramuscular use
    D.3.8 to D.3.10 IMP Identification Details (Active Substances)
    D.3.9.4EV Substance CodeSUB25314
    D.3.10 Strength
    D.3.10.1Concentration unit ml millilitre(s)
    D.3.10.2Concentration typeequal
    D.3.10.3Concentration number0.5
    D.3.11 The IMP contains an:
    D.3.11.1Active substance of chemical origin No
    D.3.11.2Active substance of biological/ biotechnological origin (other than Advanced Therapy IMP (ATIMP) Yes
    The IMP is a:
    D.3.11.3Advanced Therapy IMP (ATIMP) No
    D. cell therapy medicinal product No
    D. therapy medical product No
    D. Engineered Product No
    D. ATIMP (i.e. one involving a medical device) No
    D. on Advanced therapies (CAT) has issued a classification for this product No
    D.3.11.4Combination product that includes a device, but does not involve an Advanced Therapy No
    D.3.11.5Radiopharmaceutical medicinal product No
    D.3.11.6Immunological medicinal product (such as vaccine, allergen, immune serum) Yes
    D.3.11.7Plasma derived medicinal product No
    D.3.11.8Extractive medicinal product No
    D.3.11.9Recombinant medicinal product No
    D.3.11.10Medicinal product containing genetically modified organisms No
    D.3.11.11Herbal medicinal product No
    D.3.11.12Homeopathic medicinal product No
    D.3.11.13Another type of medicinal product No
    D.IMP: 5
    D.1.2 and D.1.3IMP RoleTest
    D.2 Status of the IMP to be used in the clinical trial
    D.2.1IMP to be used in the trial has a marketing authorisation No
    D.2.5The IMP has been designated in this indication as an orphan drug in the Community No
    D.2.5.1Orphan drug designation number
    D.3 Description of the IMP
    D.3.1Product namePCV13
    D.3.4Pharmaceutical form Suspension for injection
    D.3.4.1Specific paediatric formulation Yes
    D.3.7Routes of administration for this IMPIntramuscular use
    D.3.8 to D.3.10 IMP Identification Details (Active Substances)
    D.3.9.4EV Substance CodeSUB181170
    D.3.10 Strength
    D.3.10.1Concentration unit µg/ml microgram(s)/millilitre
    D.3.10.2Concentration typeequal
    D.3.10.3Concentration number64
    D.3.11 The IMP contains an:
    D.3.11.1Active substance of chemical origin No
    D.3.11.2Active substance of biological/ biotechnological origin (other than Advanced Therapy IMP (ATIMP) Yes
    The IMP is a:
    D.3.11.3Advanced Therapy IMP (ATIMP) No
    D. cell therapy medicinal product No
    D. therapy medical product No
    D. Engineered Product No
    D. ATIMP (i.e. one involving a medical device) No
    D. on Advanced therapies (CAT) has issued a classification for this product No
    D.3.11.4Combination product that includes a device, but does not involve an Advanced Therapy No
    D.3.11.5Radiopharmaceutical medicinal product No
    D.3.11.6Immunological medicinal product (such as vaccine, allergen, immune serum) Yes
    D.3.11.7Plasma derived medicinal product No
    D.3.11.8Extractive medicinal product No
    D.3.11.9Recombinant medicinal product No
    D.3.11.10Medicinal product containing genetically modified organisms No
    D.3.11.11Herbal medicinal product No
    D.3.11.12Homeopathic medicinal product No
    D.3.11.13Another type of medicinal product No
    D.8 Information on Placebo
    E. General Information on the Trial
    E.1 Medical condition or disease under investigation
    E.1.1Medical condition(s) being investigated
    Healthy volunteers (active immunization against invasive meningogoccal disease (IMD) caused by Meningococcal serogroups A, C, Y or W)
    E.1.1.1Medical condition in easily understood language
    Healthy volunteers (active immunization against invasive meningogoccal disease (IMD) caused by Meningococcal serogroups A, C, Y or W)
    E.1.1.2Therapeutic area Diseases [C] - Bacterial Infections and Mycoses [C01]
    MedDRA Classification
    E.1.2 Medical condition or disease under investigation
    E.1.2Version 20.0
    E.1.2Level PT
    E.1.2Classification code 10027274
    E.1.2Term Meningococcal infection
    E.1.2System Organ Class 10021881 - Infections and infestations
    E.1.3Condition being studied is a rare disease No
    E.2 Objective of the trial
    E.2.1Main objective of the trial
    This Phase III, open-label, randomized, parallel-group, active-controlled, multicenter study is conducted to assess the immunogenicity and safety of a single dose of MenACYW conjugate vaccine when administered alone and in combination with other pediatric vaccines in healthy toddlers in South Korea, the Russian Federation, and Mexico.
    E.2.2Secondary objectives of the trial
    E.2.3Trial contains a sub-study No
    E.3Principal inclusion criteria
    •For South Korea: Korean males and females aged 12 to 23 months on the day of the first study visit
    •For Mexico: Males and females aged 12 to 23 months on the day of the first study visit
    •For the Russian Federation: Males and females aged 12 to 14 months or 16 to 23 months on the day of the first study visit (eligible for enrollment to MenACYW conjugate vaccine group) or 15 to 23 months on the day of the first study visit (eligible for enrollment to the MenACYW conjugate vaccine+PCV13 group or the PCV13 group)
    •Participants had received all recommended standard of care vaccinations according to their age as per local regulations*.
    •For the Russian Federation only, participants aged 15 to 23 months on the day of the first study visit (eligible for enrollment to MenACYW conjugate vaccine+PCV13 group or the PCV13 group) must not have received the third PCV13 vaccination corresponding to his or her age as per the country's National Immunization Program (NIP). The 2nd dose of PCV13 must have been administered at least 4 weeks before the 3rd dose of PCV13 is administered in the study.
    •For South Korea, participants must not have received the MMR or Varicella vaccination corresponding to his or her age at inclusion.
    •For Mexico, participants must not have received the DTaP-IPV-HB-Hib vaccination corresponding to his or her age at inclusion.
    •Informed consent form has been signed and dated by the parent(s) or guardian if allowed by local regulations (and by independent witnesses if required by local regulations)†.
    •Participant and parent/guardian are able to attend all scheduled visits and to comply with all trial procedures.
    •*Participants must have received the total number of doses expected for each vaccine recommended for his/her age in the respective NIPs, but inclusion of participants with variations in the vaccine administration timeframes is considered acceptable if the total number of doses for the corresponding vaccines have been completed (e.g., in Mexico, 3 infant doses of the pentavalent vaccine must have been administered but the 4th dose due in the 2nd year of life should not have been administered for participants to be included in the trial). For the Russian Federation only, participants that have not received a seasonal flu vaccination from 6 months of age according to the Russian NIP are still eligible to participate in this study.
    •†In the Russian Federation, as per local regulations, only the participant's parent(s) are entitled to sign an informed consent form. A child under the responsibility of a guardian will not be included in the study.
    E.4Principal exclusion criteria
    •Participation in the 4 weeks preceding the first trial vaccination or planned participation during the present trial period in another clinical trial investigating a vaccine, drug, medical device, or medical procedure
    •Receipt of any vaccine in the 4 weeks (28 days) preceding the first trial vaccination or planned receipt of any vaccine prior to Visit 2 except for influenza vaccination, which may be received at least 2 weeks before or after the study investigational vaccines. This exception includes monovalent pandemic influenza vaccines and multivalent influenza vaccines.
    •Previous vaccination against meningococcal disease with either the trial vaccine or another vaccine (i.e., mono- or polyvalent, polysaccharide, or conjugate meningococcal vaccine containing serogroups A, C, Y, or W; or meningococcal B vaccine).
    •For participants enrolled at sites in the Russian Federation: previous vaccination with the third dose of PCV13 in participants 15 to 23 months of age (eligible for MenACYW conjugate vaccine+PCV13 group or the PCV13)
    •For participants enrolled at sites in Mexico: known history of seizures, or uncontrolled neurologic disorder (including epilepsy); or encephalopathy of unknown etiology occurring within 7 days following previous vaccination with pertussis containing vaccine; previous vaccination with DTaP-IPV-HB-Hib or DTaP-containing vaccine at 12 to 23 months of age
    •For participants enrolled at sites in South Korea: known history of seizures, cerebral injury, or encephalopathy; previous vaccination with MMR or Varicella at 12 to 23 months of age
    •Receipt of immune globulins, blood or blood-derived products in the past 3 months
    •Known or suspected congenital or acquired immunodeficiency; or receipt of immunosuppressive therapy, such as anti-cancer chemotherapy or radiation therapy, within the preceding 6 months; or long-term systemic corticosteroid therapy (prednisone or equivalent for more than 2 consecutive weeks within the past 3 months)
    •History of meningococcal infection, confirmed either clinically, serologically, or microbiologically
    •At high risk for meningococcal infection during the trial, according to the Investigator's judgment (specifically, but not limited to, participants with persistent complement deficiency, with anatomic or functional asplenia, or subjects traveling to countries with high endemic or epidemic disease)
    •Known systemic hypersensitivity to any of the vaccine components, or history of a life-threatening reaction to the vaccine(s) used in the trial or to a vaccine containing any of the same substances
    •Verbal report of thrombocytopenia, as reported by the parent/guardian, contraindicating intramuscular vaccination by the Investigator's judgment
    •Known bleeding disorder, or receipt of anticoagulants in the 3 weeks preceding inclusion, contraindicating intramuscular vaccination by the Investigator's judgment
    •Personal history of Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS)
    •Personal history of an Arthus-like reaction after vaccination with a tetanus toxoid-containing vaccine
    •Chronic illness that, in the opinion of the investigator, is at a stage where it might interfere with trial conduct or completion
    •For participants enrolled at sites in South Korea or Mexico: Moderate or severe acute illness/infection (according to investigator's judgment) on the day of vaccination or febrile illness (temperature ≥ 38.0°C). A prospective participant should not be included in the study until the condition has resolved or the febrile event has subsided.
    •For participants enrolled at sites in the Russian Federation: Acute disease of any severity on the day of vaccination or febrile illness (axillary temperature ≥ 37.0°C). A prospective subject should not be included in the study until the condition has resolved or the febrile event has subsided.
    •Receipt of oral or injectable antibiotic therapy within 72 hours prior to the first blood draw
    •Identified as a natural or adopted child of the Investigator or employee with direct involvement in the proposed study
    E.5 End points
    E.5.1Primary end point(s)
    1.Antibody titers against meningococcal serogroups A, C, Y, and W measured by serum bactericidal assay using human complement in participants receiving MenACYW conjugate vaccine alone or in combination with other pediatric vaccines.
    Antibody titers against meningococcal serogroups A, C, Y, and W are assessed on Day 0 and Day 30 post vaccination with either MenACYW conjugate vaccine alone in combination with other pediatric vaccines.
    E.5.1.1Timepoint(s) of evaluation of this end point
    Day 0 and Day 30 post-vaccination
    E.5.2Secondary end point(s)
    1.Antibody responses to antigens in the MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) vaccine
    Antibodies to antigens in the MMR vaccine are assessed on Day 0 and Day 30 post-vaccination with either MenACYW conjugate vaccine alone in combination with MMR vaccine.

    2.Anti-Varicella antibody concentrations following vaccination with the Varicella vaccine
    Anti-Varicella antibody concentrations are assessed on Day 0 and Day 30 post-vaccination with either MenACYW conjugate vaccine alone in combination with Varicella vaccine.

    3.Antibody responses to antigens (tetanus and acellular pertussis [pertussis toxoid {PT} and filamentous hemagglutinin {FHA}) in the DTaP-IPV-HB-Hib vaccine
    Antibody responses to antigens (tetanus and acellular pertussis) are assessed on Day 0 and Day 30 post-vaccination with either MenACYW conjugate vaccine alone in combination with DTaP-IPV-HB-HiB vaccine.

    4.Antibody responses to diphtheria, inactivated poliomyelitis, hepatitis B, and Haemophilus influenzae antigens in the DTaP-IPV-HB-Hib vaccine
    Antibody responses to diphtheria, inactivated poliomyelitis, hepatitis B, and Haemophilus influenzae antigens are assessed on Day 0 and Day 30 post-vaccination with either MenACYW conjugate vaccine alone in combination with DTaP-IPV-HB-Hib vaccine.

    5.Anti-pneumococcal antibody concentrations for serotypes 1, 3, 4, 5, 6A, 6B, 7F, 9V, 14, 18C, 19A, 19F, 23F in the PCV13 vaccine [
    Anti-pneumococcal antibody concentrations for serotypes 1, 3, 4, 5, 6A, 6B, 7F, 9V, 14, 18C, 19A, 19F, 23F are assessed on Day 0 and Day 30 post-vaccination with either MenACYW conjugate vaccine alone in combination with PCV13 vaccine.

    6.Solicited injection site and systemic reactions, unsolicited adverse events, and serious events in participants receiving MenACYW conjugate vaccine alone or in combination with other pediatric vaccines
    Solicited injection site and systemic reactions (Day 0 up to Day 7), unsolicited adverse events and serious adverse events (Day 0 up to Day 30 post-vaccination) are reported.
    E.5.2.1Timepoint(s) of evaluation of this end point
    1. Day 0 and Day 30 post-vaccination

    2. Day 0 and Day 30 post-vaccination

    3. Day 0 and Day 30 post-vaccination

    4. Day 0 and Day 30 post-vaccination

    5. Day 0 and Day 30 post-vaccination

    6. Day 0 up to Day 30 post-vaccination
    E.6 and E.7 Scope of the trial
    E.6Scope of the trial
    E.6.1Diagnosis No
    E.6.2Prophylaxis Yes
    E.6.3Therapy No
    E.6.4Safety Yes
    E.6.5Efficacy Yes
    E.6.6Pharmacokinetic No
    E.6.7Pharmacodynamic No
    E.6.8Bioequivalence No
    E.6.9Dose response No
    E.6.10Pharmacogenetic No
    E.6.11Pharmacogenomic No
    E.6.12Pharmacoeconomic No
    E.6.13Others No
    E.7Trial type and phase
    E.7.1Human pharmacology (Phase I) No
    E.7.1.1First administration to humans No
    E.7.1.2Bioequivalence study No
    E.7.1.3Other No
    E. trial type description
    E.7.2Therapeutic exploratory (Phase II) No
    E.7.3Therapeutic confirmatory (Phase III) Yes
    E.7.4Therapeutic use (Phase IV) No
    E.8 Design of the trial
    E.8.1Controlled Yes
    E.8.1.1Randomised Yes
    E.8.1.2Open Yes
    E.8.1.3Single blind No
    E.8.1.4Double blind No
    E.8.1.5Parallel group Yes
    E.8.1.6Cross over No
    E.8.1.7Other No
    E.8.2 Comparator of controlled trial
    E.8.2.1Other medicinal product(s) Yes
    E.8.2.2Placebo No
    E.8.2.3Other No
    E.8.2.4Number of treatment arms in the trial9
    E.8.3 Will this trial be conducted at a single site globally? No
    E.8.4 Will this trial be conducted at multiple sites globally? Yes
    E.8.6 Trial involving sites outside the EEA
    E.8.6.2Trial being conducted completely outside of the EEA Yes
    E.8.6.3Specify the countries outside of the EEA in which trial sites are planned
    Korea, Republic of
    Russian Federation
    E.8.7Trial has a data monitoring committee No
    E.8.8 Definition of the end of the trial and justification where it is not the last visit of the last subject undergoing the trial
    E.8.9 Initial estimate of the duration of the trial
    E.8.9.2In all countries concerned by the trial years1
    E.8.9.2In all countries concerned by the trial months7
    F. Population of Trial Subjects
    F.1 Age Range
    F.1.1Trial has subjects under 18 Yes
    F.1.1Number of subjects for this age range: 1200
    F.1.1.1In Utero No
    F.1.1.2Preterm newborn infants (up to gestational age < 37 weeks) No
    F.1.1.3Newborns (0-27 days) No
    F.1.1.4Infants and toddlers (28 days-23 months) Yes
    F. of subjects for this age range: 1200
    F.1.1.5Children (2-11years) No
    F.1.1.6Adolescents (12-17 years) No
    F.1.2Adults (18-64 years) No
    F.1.3Elderly (>=65 years) No
    F.2 Gender
    F.2.1Female Yes
    F.2.2Male Yes
    F.3 Group of trial subjects
    F.3.1Healthy volunteers Yes
    F.3.2Patients No
    F.3.3Specific vulnerable populations Yes
    F.3.3.1Women of childbearing potential not using contraception No
    F.3.3.2Women of child-bearing potential using contraception No
    F.3.3.3Pregnant women No
    F.3.3.4Nursing women No
    F.3.3.5Emergency situation No
    F.3.3.6Subjects incapable of giving consent personally Yes
    F. of subjects incapable of giving consent
    Infants and Toddlers
    F.3.3.7Others No
    F.4 Planned number of subjects to be included
    F.4.2 For a multinational trial
    F.4.2.2In the whole clinical trial 1200
    F.5 Plans for treatment or care after the subject has ended the participation in the trial (if it is different from the expected normal treatment of that condition)
    G. Investigator Networks to be involved in the Trial
    H.4 Third Country in which the Trial was first authorised
    H.4.1Third Country in which the trial was first authorised: Mexico
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    The status and protocol content of GB trials is no longer updated since 1 January 2021. For the UK, as of 31 January 2021, EU Law applies only to the territory of Northern Ireland (NI) to the extent foreseen in the Protocol on Ireland/NI. Legal notice
    As of 31 January 2023, all EU/EEA initial clinical trial applications must be submitted through CTIS . Updated EudraCT trials information and information on PIP/Art 46 trials conducted exclusively in third countries continues to be submitted through EudraCT and published on this website.

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