E.1 Medical condition or disease under investigation |
E.1.1 | Medical condition(s) being investigated |
type 1 diabetes mellitus |
type 1 diabetes mellitus |
E.1.1.1 | Medical condition in easily understood language |
type 1 diabetes mellitus |
type 1 suikerziekte |
E.1.1.2 | Therapeutic area | Diseases [C] - Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases [C18] |
MedDRA Classification |
E.1.3 | Condition being studied is a rare disease | No |
E.2 Objective of the trial |
E.2.1 | Main objective of the trial |
To investigate the effect of three degludec dosing regimens on the risk of post-exercise nocturnal hypoglycaemia (time spent in glucose range ≤3.8 mmol/l, 00:00 to 05:59h) in type 1 diabetes mellitus patients at elevated risk of hypoglycaemia. |
Onderzoek naar het effect van drie degludec doseringsschema's op het risico op nachtelijke hypoglykemieën (tijd in glucose range ≤3.8 mmol/l, 00:00 tot 05:59h) bij patiënten met type 1 diabetes mellitus met verhoogd risico op hypoglycemie. |
E.2.2 | Secondary objectives of the trial |
To investigate the effect of three post-exercise degludec dosing regimens on:
- Time spent in nocturnal hyperglycaemia
- Number of nocturnal hypoglycaemic events
- Number of serious hypoglycaemic events (in the 6 days following exercise)
- Number of severe hypoglycaemic events (in the 14 days following exercise)
- Total number of hypoglycaemic events (in the 6 days following exercise)
Onderzoek naar het effect van drie degludec doseringsschema's op:
- Tijd in nachtelijke hypoglykemie
- Aantal nachtelijke hypoglykemieën
- Aantal ernstige (serious) hypoglykemieën (in de 6 dagen na de inspanning)
- Aantal ernstige (severe) hypoglykemieën (in de 14 dagen na de inspanning)
- Totaal aantal hypoglykemieën (in de 6 dagen na de inspanning) |
E.2.3 | Trial contains a sub-study | No |
E.3 | Principal inclusion criteria |
• Adults with type 1 diabetes mellitus, 18-60 years
• Diabetes duration at least two years
• Treatment with long-acting insulin in combination with short-acting insulin analogue, according to basal-bolus regimen for at least one year
• Stable glycaemic control with HbA1c ≤75 mmol/mol (9%)
• At least one severe hypoglycaemia in the past year and/or ≥2 points on Dutch modified version of Clarke score or ≥3 points on Gold score
• Regularly engaging in exercise of moderate intensity or more (at least one hour per week)
• Volwassenen met type 1 diabetes mellitus, 18-60 jaar
• Diabetesduur minimaal twee jaar
• Behandeling met langwerkende insuline in combinatie met kortwerkende insuline volgens basaal-bolus schema gedurende minimaal één jaar
• Stabiele glucosecontrole met HbA1c ≤75 mmol/mol (9%)
• Minimaal één ernstige hypoglykemie in het afgelopen jaar en/of ≥2 punten in de Nederlandse gemodificeerde versie van de Clarke score of ≥3 punten op de Gold score
• Regelmatig minimaal matige inspanning (minimaal één uur per week)
E.4 | Principal exclusion criteria |
• Microvascular complications, except background retinopathy or microalbuminuria
• History of cardiovascular disease, including heart failure, symptomatic cardiac valve disease and treatment-requiring arrhythmia
• Use of drugs affecting glucose metabolism other than insulin or metformin
• BMI >30 kg/m2
• Blood pressure >160/90 mmHg or use of blood pressure lowering drugs
• Pregnancy or the wish to become pregnant
• MDRD-GFR <60 ml/min/1.73 m2
• Microvasculaire complicaties, behalve achtergrond retinopathie of microalbuminurie
• Voorgeschiedenis van hart-vaatziekten, inclusief hartfalen, symptomatische hartklepaandoening en arrhythmie die behandeling behoeft
• Gebruik van geneesmiddelen die het glucosemetabolisme beïnvloeden anders dan insuline of metformine
• BMI >30 kg/m2
• Bloeddruk >160/90 mmHg of gebruik van antihypertensiva
• Zwangerschap of de wens zwanger te worden
• MDRD-GFR <60 ml/min/1.73 m2 |
E.5 End points |
E.5.1 | Primary end point(s) |
Time spent in hypoglycaemic range (i.e. glucose ≤3.8 mmol/l) during the night (00:00 to 05:59h) following the exercise day measured by continuous glucose monitoring. |
Tijd in hypoglykemische range (i.e. glucose ≤3.8 mmol/l) gedurende de nacht (00:00 tot 05:59h) volgend op de inspanning gemeten met continue glucose monitoring |
E.5.1.1 | Timepoint(s) of evaluation of this end point |
At the end of each treatment period |
Aan het eind van elke behandelingsperiode |
E.5.2 | Secondary end point(s) |
• Time spent in hyperglycaemic range during the night (00:00 to 05:59h) following the exercise day measured by CGM
• Number of nocturnal hypoglycaemic events during the night (00:00 to 05:59h) following the exercise day measured by CGM
• Number of serious hypoglycaemic events during the 6 days following the exercise day measured by CGM
• Number of severe hypoglycaemic events during the 14 days following the exercise day
• Total number of hypoglycaemic events during the 6 days following the exercise day measured by CGM
• Tijd in hyperglykemische range gedurende de nacht (00:00 tot 05:59h) volgend op de inspanning gemeten met CGM
• Aantal nachtelijke hypoglykemieën gedurende de nacht (00:00 tot 05:59h) volgend op de inspanning gemeten met CGM
• Aantal ernstige (serious) hypoglycemieën in de 6 dagen volgend op de inspanning gemeten met CGM
• Aantal ernstige (severe) hypoglycemieën in de 14 dagen volgend op de inspanning
• Totaal aantal hypoglykemieën in de 6 dagen volgend op de inspanning gemeten met CGM |
E.5.2.1 | Timepoint(s) of evaluation of this end point |
At the end of each treatment period |
Aan het eind van elke behandelingsperiode |
E.6 and E.7 Scope of the trial |
E.6 | Scope of the trial |
E.6.1 | Diagnosis | No |
E.6.2 | Prophylaxis | No |
E.6.3 | Therapy | Yes |
E.6.4 | Safety | Yes |
E.6.5 | Efficacy | No |
E.6.6 | Pharmacokinetic | No |
E.6.7 | Pharmacodynamic | No |
E.6.8 | Bioequivalence | No |
E.6.9 | Dose response | No |
E.6.10 | Pharmacogenetic | No |
E.6.11 | Pharmacogenomic | No |
E.6.12 | Pharmacoeconomic | No |
E.6.13 | Others | No |
E.7 | Trial type and phase |
E.7.1 | Human pharmacology (Phase I) | No |
E.7.1.1 | First administration to humans | No |
E.7.1.2 | Bioequivalence study | No |
E.7.1.3 | Other | No |
E. | Other trial type description | |
E.7.2 | Therapeutic exploratory (Phase II) | No |
E.7.3 | Therapeutic confirmatory (Phase III) | No |
E.7.4 | Therapeutic use (Phase IV) | Yes |
E.8 Design of the trial |
E.8.1 | Controlled | Yes |
E.8.1.1 | Randomised | Yes |
E.8.1.2 | Open | Yes |
E.8.1.3 | Single blind | No |
E.8.1.4 | Double blind | No |
E.8.1.5 | Parallel group | No |
E.8.1.6 | Cross over | Yes |
E.8.1.7 | Other | No |
E.8.2 | Comparator of controlled trial |
E.8.2.1 | Other medicinal product(s) | No |
E.8.2.2 | Placebo | No |
E.8.2.3 | Other | Yes |
E. | Comparator description |
Same medicinal product in other dosing regimen |
E.8.2.4 | Number of treatment arms in the trial | 3 |
E.8.3 |
The trial involves single site in the Member State concerned
| Yes |
E.8.4 | The trial involves multiple sites in the Member State concerned | No |
E.8.5 | The trial involves multiple Member States | No |
E.8.6 Trial involving sites outside the EEA |
E.8.6.1 | Trial being conducted both within and outside the EEA | No |
E.8.6.2 | Trial being conducted completely outside of the EEA | No |
E.8.7 | Trial has a data monitoring committee | No |
E.8.8 |
Definition of the end of the trial and justification where it is not the last
visit of the last subject undergoing the trial
E.8.9 Initial estimate of the duration of the trial |
E.8.9.1 | In the Member State concerned years | 1 |
E.8.9.1 | In the Member State concerned months | 6 |
E.8.9.1 | In the Member State concerned days | |