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    EudraCT Number:2020-005648-52
    Sponsor's Protocol Code Number:D1346C00015
    National Competent Authority:Spain - AEMPS
    Clinical Trial Type:EEA CTA
    Trial Status:Completed
    Date on which this record was first entered in the EudraCT database:2023-12-21
    Trial results
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    A. Protocol Information
    A.1Member State ConcernedSpain - AEMPS
    A.2EudraCT number2020-005648-52
    A.3Full title of the trial
    A Phase I, Single-Arm, Sequential Study to Evaluate the Effect of Food on the Gastrointestinal Tolerability and Pharmacokinetics of Selumetinib after Multiple Doses in Adolescent Children with Neurofibromatosis Type 1 (NF1) Related Plexiform Neurofibromas (PN)
    Ensayo fase I, de un solo brazo, secuencial, para evaluar el efecto de los alimentos sobre la tolerabilidad y la farmacocinética de selumetinib después de dosis múltiples en niños adolescentes con neurofibromas plexiformes (NP) asociados a neurofibromatosis tipo 1 (NF1)
    A.3.1Title of the trial for lay people, in easily understood, i.e. non-technical, language
    Phase I Study to Assess the Effect of Food on the PK and Gastrointestinal Tolerability of Selumetinib in Adolescent Children with Neurofibromatosis Type 1 (NF1) Related Plexiform
    Neurofibromas (PN)
    Ensayo en fase I para evaluar el efecto de los alimentos sobre la FC y la tolerabilidad gastrointestinal de selumetinib en adolescentes con neurofibromas plexiformes (NP) asociados a neurofibromatosis de tipo 1 (NF1)
    A.3.2Name or abbreviated title of the trial where available
    Selumetinib Gastrointestinal Tolerability Study (Selumetinib GI Tolerability and Food Study)
    Ensayo de tolerabilidad gastrointestinal de selumetinib (ensayo de tox. GI de selumetinib)
    A.4.1Sponsor's protocol code numberD1346C00015
    A.7Trial is part of a Paediatric Investigation Plan No
    A.8EMA Decision number of Paediatric Investigation Plan
    B. Sponsor Information
    B.Sponsor: 1
    B.1.1Name of SponsorAstraZeneca AB
    B.3.1 and B.3.2Status of the sponsorCommercial
    B.4 Source(s) of Monetary or Material Support for the clinical trial:
    B.4.1Name of organisation providing supportAstraZeneca AB
    B.5 Contact point designated by the sponsor for further information on the trial
    B.5.1Name of organisationAstraZeneca Farmacéutica Spain, S.A.
    B.5.2Functional name of contact pointUnidad de Investigación Clínica
    B.5.3 Address:
    B.5.3.1Street AddressC/ Serrano Galvache, 56; Parque Norte, Edificio Álamo
    B.5.3.2Town/ cityMadrid
    B.5.3.3Post code28033
    B.5.4Telephone number0034900200444
    D. IMP Identification
    D.IMP: 1
    D.1.2 and D.1.3IMP RoleTest
    D.2 Status of the IMP to be used in the clinical trial
    D.2.1IMP to be used in the trial has a marketing authorisation Yes
    D. name Koselugo 10mg
    D. of the Marketing Authorisation holderAstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP
    D.2.1.2Country which granted the Marketing AuthorisationUnited States
    D.2.5The IMP has been designated in this indication as an orphan drug in the Community Yes
    D.2.5.1Orphan drug designation numberEU/3/18/2050
    D.3 Description of the IMP
    D.3.1Product nameSelumetinib 10mg capsule
    D.3.2Product code AZD6244
    D.3.4Pharmaceutical form Capsule, hard
    D.3.4.1Specific paediatric formulation Yes
    D.3.7Routes of administration for this IMPOral use
    D.3.8 to D.3.10 IMP Identification Details (Active Substances)
    D.3.8INN - Proposed INNSelumetinib sulfate
    D.3.9.1CAS number 943332-08-9
    D.3.9.2Current sponsor codeAZD6244
    D.3.9.3Other descriptive nameselumetinib sulfate
    D.3.10 Strength
    D.3.10.1Concentration unit mg milligram(s)
    D.3.10.2Concentration typeequal
    D.3.10.3Concentration number12.10
    D.3.11 The IMP contains an:
    D.3.11.1Active substance of chemical origin Yes
    D.3.11.2Active substance of biological/ biotechnological origin (other than Advanced Therapy IMP (ATIMP) No
    The IMP is a:
    D.3.11.3Advanced Therapy IMP (ATIMP) No
    D. cell therapy medicinal product No
    D. therapy medical product No
    D. Engineered Product No
    D. ATIMP (i.e. one involving a medical device) No
    D. on Advanced therapies (CAT) has issued a classification for this product No
    D.3.11.4Combination product that includes a device, but does not involve an Advanced Therapy No
    D.3.11.5Radiopharmaceutical medicinal product No
    D.3.11.6Immunological medicinal product (such as vaccine, allergen, immune serum) No
    D.3.11.7Plasma derived medicinal product No
    D.3.11.8Extractive medicinal product No
    D.3.11.9Recombinant medicinal product No
    D.3.11.10Medicinal product containing genetically modified organisms No
    D.3.11.11Herbal medicinal product No
    D.3.11.12Homeopathic medicinal product No
    D.3.11.13Another type of medicinal product No
    D.IMP: 2
    D.1.2 and D.1.3IMP RoleTest
    D.2 Status of the IMP to be used in the clinical trial
    D.2.1IMP to be used in the trial has a marketing authorisation Yes
    D. name Koselugo 25mg
    D. of the Marketing Authorisation holderAstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP
    D.2.5The IMP has been designated in this indication as an orphan drug in the Community Yes
    D.2.5.1Orphan drug designation numberEU/3/18/2050
    D.3 Description of the IMP
    D.3.1Product nameSelumetinib 25mg capsule
    D.3.2Product code AZD6244
    D.3.4Pharmaceutical form Capsule, hard
    D.3.4.1Specific paediatric formulation Yes
    D.3.7Routes of administration for this IMPOral use
    D.3.8 to D.3.10 IMP Identification Details (Active Substances)
    D.3.8INN - Proposed INNSelumetinib sulfate
    D.3.9.1CAS number 943332-08-9
    D.3.9.2Current sponsor codeAZD6244
    D.3.9.3Other descriptive nameselumetinib sulfate
    D.3.10 Strength
    D.3.10.1Concentration unit mg milligram(s)
    D.3.10.2Concentration typeequal
    D.3.10.3Concentration number30.25
    D.3.11 The IMP contains an:
    D.3.11.1Active substance of chemical origin Yes
    D.3.11.2Active substance of biological/ biotechnological origin (other than Advanced Therapy IMP (ATIMP) No
    The IMP is a:
    D.3.11.3Advanced Therapy IMP (ATIMP) No
    D. cell therapy medicinal product No
    D. therapy medical product No
    D. Engineered Product No
    D. ATIMP (i.e. one involving a medical device) No
    D. on Advanced therapies (CAT) has issued a classification for this product No
    D.3.11.4Combination product that includes a device, but does not involve an Advanced Therapy No
    D.3.11.5Radiopharmaceutical medicinal product No
    D.3.11.6Immunological medicinal product (such as vaccine, allergen, immune serum) No
    D.3.11.7Plasma derived medicinal product No
    D.3.11.8Extractive medicinal product No
    D.3.11.9Recombinant medicinal product No
    D.3.11.10Medicinal product containing genetically modified organisms No
    D.3.11.11Herbal medicinal product No
    D.3.11.12Homeopathic medicinal product No
    D.3.11.13Another type of medicinal product No
    D.8 Information on Placebo
    E. General Information on the Trial
    E.1 Medical condition or disease under investigation
    E.1.1Medical condition(s) being investigated
    Neurofibromatosis Type 1 (NF1) Related Plexiform Neurofibromas (PN)
    Neurofibromas plexiformes (NP) asociados a neurofibromatosis de tipo 1 (NF1)
    E.1.1.1Medical condition in easily understood language
    Adolescent Children with Neurofibromatosis Type 1 (NF1) Related Plexiform Neurofibromas (PN)
    Adolescentes con neurofibromas plexiformes (NP) asociados a neurofibromatosis de tipo 1 (NF1)
    E.1.1.2Therapeutic area Not possible to specify
    MedDRA Classification
    E.1.2 Medical condition or disease under investigation
    E.1.2Version 20.0
    E.1.2Level LLT
    E.1.2Classification code 10029270
    E.1.2Term Neurofibromatosis, type 1 (von Recklinghausen's disease)
    E.1.2System Organ Class 10010331 - Congenital, familial and genetic disorders
    E.1.3Condition being studied is a rare disease Yes
    E.2 Objective of the trial
    E.2.1Main objective of the trial
    To investigate the effect of a low fat meal on the PK of selumetinib capsules after multiple doses at 25 mg/m2

    [If T3 is conducted] To investigate the effect of a low fat meal on the PK of selumetinib capsules after multiple doses at the adjusted dose

    To investigate the GI toxicities of selumetinib capsules after multiple doses under fed conditions (T1 and T3) compared to fasted conditions (T2)
    Investigar el efecto de alimentos bajos en grasas sobre la FC de las cápsulas de selumetinib tras la administración de dosis múltiples de 25 mg/m2.

    [Si se realiza T3] Investigar el efecto de alimentos bajos en grasas sobre la FC de las cápsulas de selumetinib tras la administración de dosis múltiples a la dosis ajustada.

    Investigar la toxicidad gastrointestinal (GI) de las cápsulas de selumetinib tras la administración de dosis múltiples en situación posprandial (T1 y T3) en comparación con en ayunas (T2).
    E.2.2Secondary objectives of the trial
    To further assess the safety and tolerability of selumetinib capsules by assessment of all AEs, laboratory variables and vital signs

    To further evaluate the PK of selumetinib and N-desmethyl selumetinib metabolite after multiple doses under fed conditions, compared to fasted conditions
    Evaluar en mayor profundidad la seguridad y tolerabilidad de las cápsulas de selumetinib mediante la evaluación de todos los AA y todas las variables analíticas y constantes vitales.

    Evaluar en mayor profundidad la FC de selumetinib y del metabolito N-desmetil-selumetinib tras la administración de dosis múltiples en situación posprandial en comparación con en ayunas.
    E.2.3Trial contains a sub-study No
    E.3Principal inclusion criteria
    1. Male and female participants aged ≥ 12 to < 18 years at the time of signing the informed consent.

    2. All study participants must be diagnosed with (i) NF1 per NIH Consensus Development Conference Statement and (ii) inoperable PN. In addition to PN, participants must have at least 1 other diagnostic criterion for NF1 as defined in protocol.

    3. Participants must require treatment for NF1 and inoperable PN due to actual symptoms or because of the potential to develop significant clinical complications, as judged by the Investigator, as defined in the protocol.

    4. Participants who have had prior treatment with any MEKi (including selumetinib) may be considered for inclusion in this study.

    5. Participants must have a BSA ≥ 1.3 and ≤ 2.5 m2
    1. Participantes de ambos sexos de ≥12 y <18 años en el momento de la firma del consentimiento informado.

    2. Todos los participantes del estudio deben tener un diagnóstico de (i) NF1 según la Declaración de las Conferencias de Desarrollo de Consenso de los Institutos Nacionales de Salud (NIH) y (ii) NP inoperable. Además del NP, los participantes deben tener al menos otro de los criterios diagnósticos de NF1 según se define en el protocolo.

    3. Los participantes deben necesitar tratamiento para la NF1 y el NP inoperable debido a la presencia de síntomas o a la posibilidad de desarrollar complicaciones clínicas importantes, de acuerdo con el criterio del investigador, según se define en el protocolo.

    4. A los participantes que hayan recibido tratamiento previo con algún inhibidor de MEK (incluido selumetinib) se les puede considerar para su inclusión en este estudio.

    5. Los participantes deben tener una SC ≥1,3 y ≤2,5 m2.
    E.4Principal exclusion criteria
    1. Evidence or suspicion of optic glioma, malignant glioma, MPNST, or other cancer requiring treatment with chemotherapy or radiation therapy.

    2. Prior malignancy requiring active treatment (except for adequately treated basal cell or squamous cell skin cancer, in situ cervical cancer, or other cancer from which the participant had been disease free for ≥ 2 years or which would not have limited survival to < 2 years).

    3. A life-threatening illness, medical condition, organ system dysfunction of laboratory finding which, in the Investigator's opinion, could compromise the participant's safety, interfere with the absorption or metabolism of selumetinib, or put the study outcomes at undue risk.

    4. Participants with clinically significant cardiovascular disease as listed in the protocol.

    5. Liver function tests: bilirubin > 1.5 × the ULN for age (with the exception of those with Gilbert syndrome) or AST/ALT > 2 × upper limit of normal.

    6. Renal Function: Creatinine clearance or radioisotope glomerular filtration rate < 30 mL/min/1.73 m2 or a serum creatinine > 1.2 mg/dL (for participants aged between 12 and 15 years) or > 1.5 mg/dL for participants aged > 15 years).

    7. Participants with abnormal ophthalmological findings/conditions as listed in the protocol.

    8. Have any unresolved chronic toxicity, associated with previous therapy for NF1-PN:

    - Gastrointestinal toxicity of CTCAE Grade 1 or higher.
    - Have any other unresolved chronic toxicity with CTCAE Grade ≥ 2, except hair changes (such as alopecia or high lightening).

    9. Participants who have previously been treated with a MEKi (including selumetinib) and either discontinued treatment or required a dose reduction due to toxicity.

    10. Have had recent major surgery within a minimum of 4 weeks prior to starting study intervention, with the exception of surgical placement for vascular access. Have planned major surgery during the treatment period.

    11. Any multivitamin containing vitamin E must be stopped at least 7 days prior to initiation of selumetinib.
    1. Signos o sospecha de glioma óptico, glioma maligno, tumor maligno de la vaina de los nervios periféricos (TMVNP) u otro cáncer que requiera quimioterapia o radioterapia.

    2. Neoplasia maligna previa que requiera tratamiento activo (excepto carcinoma basocelular o epidermoide, cáncer cervicouterino in situ o de otro tipo debidamente tratados y ausentes durante un período ≥2 años, o que no vayan a limitar la supervivencia a un período <2 años).

    3. Enfermedad potencialmente mortal, afección médica, insuficiencia orgánica descubierta en el laboratorio que, en opinión del investigador, podría poner en peligro la seguridad del participante, interferir en la absorción o el metabolismo de selumetinib o poner los resultados del estudio en riesgo indebido.

    4. Participantes con enfermedad cardiovascular clínicamente significativa, tal como se indica en el protocolo.

    5. Pruebas funcionales hepáticas: bilirrubina >1,5 × límite superior de la normalidad (LSN) para la edad (excepto pacientes con síndrome de Gilbert) o AST/ALT >2 × LSN.

    6. Función renal: aclaramiento de creatinina o tasa de filtración glomerular radioisótopo <30 ml/min/1,73 m2 o creatinina sérica >1,2 mg/dl (para participantes de 12 a 15 años) o >1,5 mg/dl para participantes de >15 años).

    7. Participantes con hallazgos/afecciones oftalmológicos anómalos, tal como se indica en el protocolo.

    8. Alguna toxicidad crónica no resuelta asociada al tratamiento previo para la NF1-NP:

    - Toxicidad gastrointestinal de grado 1 o superior según los criterios terminológicos comunes para acontecimientos adversos (CTCAE).
    - Cualquier otra toxicidad crónica no resuelta de grado ≥2 según los CTCAE, excepto alteraciones capilares (como alopecia o gran aclaramiento del cabello).

    9. Participantes tratados previamente con un inhibidor de MEK (incluido selumetinib) y que interrumpieron el tratamiento o necesitaron una reducción de la dosis por toxicidad.

    10. Intervención de cirugía mayor reciente, en un plazo mínimo de 4 semanas antes del inicio de la intervención del estudio, excepto colocación quirúrgica para acceso vascular. Intervención de cirugía mayor programada que coincida con el periodo de tratamiento.

    11. La toma de suplementos multivitamínicos que contengan vitamina E debe interrumpirse al menos 7 días antes del inicio de selumetinib.
    E.5 End points
    E.5.1Primary end point(s)
    1. Geometric mean ratio and 90% CI of selumetinib AUC0-12, SS for T1 (fed) versus T2 (fasted).

    2. Geometric mean ratio and 90% CI of selumetinib AUC0-12, SS for T3 (fed) versus T2 (fasted).

    3. Descriptive statistics for GI AEs graded by CTCAE Version 5.0; Gastrointestinal toxicity diary incorporating the mBSFS-C and Nausea and Vomiting Symptom Rating Scale (adapted from the Children’s Cancer and Leukaemia Group); Usage of GI concomitant medication.
    1. Cociente de media geométrica e IC del 90 % del ABC0-12 de selumetinib, EE para T1 (situación posprandial) en comparación con T2 (en ayunas).

    2. Cociente de media geométrica e IC del 90 % del ABC0-12 de selumetinib, EE para T3 (situación posprandial) en comparación con T2 (en ayunas).

    3. Estadísticos descriptivos de los AA GI clasificados según la versión 5.0 de los CTCAE; diario de toxicidad gastrointestinal que incorpora la escala mBSFS-C y la escala de valoración de los síntomas de náuseas y vómitos (adaptada del Grupo de Cáncer y Leucemia Infantil); uso de medicamentos concomitantes GI.
    E.5.1.1Timepoint(s) of evaluation of this end point
    PK: Day 8 of each treatment period;
    Safety: from screening until 30 days after last dose
    FC: día 8 de cada periodo de tratamiento.
    Seguridad: desde la selección hasta 30 días después de la última dosis.
    E.5.2Secondary end point(s)
    1. Safety and tolerability will be evaluated in terms of AEs, clinical safety laboratory assessments (clinical chemistry, haematology, urinalysis), physical examination, weight, vital signs, ECG, ECHO or cardiac MRI, ophthalmologic assessment and performance status; Assessments related to AEs will include: occurrence/frequency, relationship to study intervention, CTCAE grade, seriousness, death, AEs leading to discontinuation of study intervention, AEs of special interest.

    2. Plasma concentrations and PK parameters of selumetinib and N-desmethyl selumetinib after multiple dose administration, including, but not limited to: Cmax, AUClast, tmax, tlast.
    1. La seguridad y la tolerabilidad se evaluarán en función de los AA, evaluaciones analíticas clínicas de la seguridad (bioquímica clínica, hematología, análisis de orina), exploración física, peso, constantes vitales, ECG, ECO o RM cardiaca, evaluación oftalmológica y estado funcional; las evaluaciones relacionadas con los AA incluirán: incidencia/frecuencia, relación con la intervención del estudio, grado según los CTCAE, gravedad, muerte, AA que provoquen la interrupción de la intervención del estudio, AA de especial interés.

    2. Concentraciones plasmáticas y parámetros FC de selumetinib y N-desmetil-selumetinib tras la administración de dosis múltiples, entre otros: Cmáx, ABCúltima, tmáx, túltima.
    E.5.2.1Timepoint(s) of evaluation of this end point
    PK: Day 8 of each treatment period;
    Safety: from screening until 30 days after last dose
    FC: día 8 de cada periodo de tratamiento.
    Seguridad: desde la selección hasta 30 días después de la última dosis.
    E.6 and E.7 Scope of the trial
    E.6Scope of the trial
    E.6.1Diagnosis No
    E.6.2Prophylaxis No
    E.6.3Therapy No
    E.6.4Safety Yes
    E.6.5Efficacy No
    E.6.6Pharmacokinetic Yes
    E.6.7Pharmacodynamic No
    E.6.8Bioequivalence No
    E.6.9Dose response No
    E.6.10Pharmacogenetic No
    E.6.11Pharmacogenomic No
    E.6.12Pharmacoeconomic No
    E.6.13Others No
    E.7Trial type and phase
    E.7.1Human pharmacology (Phase I) Yes
    E.7.1.1First administration to humans No
    E.7.1.2Bioequivalence study No
    E.7.1.3Other Yes
    E. trial type description
    The trial evaluating the effect of food on the safety and pharmacokinetics of selumetinib
    Ensayo para evaluar el efecto de los alimentos sobre la seguridad y farmacocinética de selumetinib
    E.7.2Therapeutic exploratory (Phase II) No
    E.7.3Therapeutic confirmatory (Phase III) No
    E.7.4Therapeutic use (Phase IV) No
    E.8 Design of the trial
    E.8.1Controlled No
    E.8.1.1Randomised No
    E.8.1.2Open Yes
    E.8.1.3Single blind No
    E.8.1.4Double blind No
    E.8.1.5Parallel group No
    E.8.1.6Cross over No
    E.8.1.7Other Yes
    E. trial design description
    Estudio de un solo grupo, secuencial, de dos o tres periodos
    Single-arm, Sequential, two or three period study
    E.8.2 Comparator of controlled trial
    E.8.2.1Other medicinal product(s) No
    E.8.2.2Placebo No
    E.8.2.3Other No
    E.8.2.4Number of treatment arms in the trial1
    E.8.3 The trial involves single site in the Member State concerned No
    E.8.4 The trial involves multiple sites in the Member State concerned Yes
    E.8.4.1Number of sites anticipated in Member State concerned2
    E.8.5The trial involves multiple Member States Yes
    E.8.5.1Number of sites anticipated in the EEA5
    E.8.6 Trial involving sites outside the EEA
    E.8.6.1Trial being conducted both within and outside the EEA Yes
    E.8.6.2Trial being conducted completely outside of the EEA No
    E.8.6.3If E.8.6.1 or E.8.6.2 are Yes, specify the regions in which trial sites are planned
    Russian Federation
    United States
    E.8.7Trial has a data monitoring committee No
    E.8.8 Definition of the end of the trial and justification where it is not the last visit of the last subject undergoing the trial
    E.8.9 Initial estimate of the duration of the trial
    E.8.9.1In the Member State concerned years1
    E.8.9.1In the Member State concerned months6
    E.8.9.1In the Member State concerned days16
    E.8.9.2In all countries concerned by the trial years1
    E.8.9.2In all countries concerned by the trial months7
    F. Population of Trial Subjects
    F.1 Age Range
    F.1.1Trial has subjects under 18 Yes
    F.1.1Number of subjects for this age range: 20
    F.1.1.1In Utero No
    F.1.1.2Preterm newborn infants (up to gestational age < 37 weeks) No
    F.1.1.3Newborns (0-27 days) No
    F.1.1.4Infants and toddlers (28 days-23 months) No
    F.1.1.5Children (2-11years) No
    F.1.1.6Adolescents (12-17 years) Yes
    F. of subjects for this age range: 20
    F.1.2Adults (18-64 years) No
    F.1.3Elderly (>=65 years) No
    F.2 Gender
    F.2.1Female Yes
    F.2.2Male Yes
    F.3 Group of trial subjects
    F.3.1Healthy volunteers No
    F.3.2Patients Yes
    F.3.3Specific vulnerable populations Yes
    F.3.3.1Women of childbearing potential not using contraception No
    F.3.3.2Women of child-bearing potential using contraception Yes
    F.3.3.3Pregnant women No
    F.3.3.4Nursing women No
    F.3.3.5Emergency situation No
    F.3.3.6Subjects incapable of giving consent personally Yes
    F. of subjects incapable of giving consent
    Subjects may have learning difficulties.
    Los pacientes pueden tener dificultades de aprendizaje.
    F.3.3.7Others No
    F.4 Planned number of subjects to be included
    F.4.1In the member state2
    F.4.2 For a multinational trial
    F.4.2.1In the EEA 7
    F.4.2.2In the whole clinical trial 20
    F.5 Plans for treatment or care after the subject has ended the participation in the trial (if it is different from the expected normal treatment of that condition)
    If in the PI or the participant's treating physician's opinion, the participant continues to benefit from treatment with selumetinib, participants may (whichever is available earliest):
    - Transition to marketed drug available to them by prescription, if selumetinib is approved locally and reimbursed for use in paediatric patients with NF1 who have symptomatic, inoperable PN; or
    - Continue to receive selumetinib through PTAP under the same protocol
    Si a juicio del IP o médico que trata al paciente,el paciente continua beneficiándose del tratamiento con selumetinib,los pacientes pueden (lo que esté disponible antes):
    -Pasar a usar el producto comercializado disponible para los pacientes por prescripción,si selumetinib se aprueba localmente y se reembolsa para el uso en pacientes pediátricos con NF1 que tengan síntomas,PN inoperable; o
    -Continuar recibiendo selumetinib a través de Post Trial Access Program (PTAP) bajo el mismo protocolo.
    G. Investigator Networks to be involved in the Trial
    N. Review by the Competent Authority or Ethics Committee in the country concerned
    N.Competent Authority Decision Authorised
    N.Date of Competent Authority Decision2021-05-25
    N.Ethics Committee Opinion of the trial applicationFavourable
    N.Ethics Committee Opinion: Reason(s) for unfavourable opinion
    N.Date of Ethics Committee Opinion2021-05-19
    P. End of Trial
    P.End of Trial StatusCompleted
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    The status and protocol content of GB trials is no longer updated since 1 January 2021. For the UK, as of 31 January 2021, EU Law applies only to the territory of Northern Ireland (NI) to the extent foreseen in the Protocol on Ireland/NI. Legal notice
    As of 31 January 2023, all EU/EEA initial clinical trial applications must be submitted through CTIS . Updated EudraCT trials information and information on PIP/Art 46 trials conducted exclusively in third countries continues to be submitted through EudraCT and published on this website.

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