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Clinical trials for Adenoma

The European Union Clinical Trials Register   allows you to search for protocol and results information on:
  • interventional clinical trials that were approved in the European Union (EU)/European Economic Area (EEA) under the Clinical Trials Directive 2001/20/EC
  • clinical trials conducted outside the EU/EEA that are linked to European paediatric-medicine development

  • EU/EEA interventional clinical trials approved under or transitioned to the Clinical Trial Regulation 536/2014 are publicly accessible through the
    Clinical Trials Information System (CTIS).

    The EU Clinical Trials Register currently displays   44294   clinical trials with a EudraCT protocol, of which   7351   are clinical trials conducted with subjects less than 18 years old.   The register also displays information on   18700   older paediatric trials (in scope of Article 45 of the Paediatric Regulation (EC) No 1901/2006).

    Phase 1 trials conducted solely on adults and that are not part of an agreed paediatric investigation plan (PIP) are not publicly available (see Frequently Asked Questions ).  
    Examples: Cancer AND drug name. Pneumonia AND sponsor name.
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    147 result(s) found for: Adenoma. Displaying page 1 of 8.
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    EudraCT Number: 2006-007036-95 Sponsor Protocol Number: CSOM230BDE01 Start Date*: 2008-07-02
    Sponsor Name:Universitätsklinikum Essen - Zentrum für Innere Medizin - Klinik für Endokrinologie
    Full Title: Monocenter, double blinded, exploratory, randomized, study investigating the influence of Pasireotide on the hormonal activity of Prolactinomas - proof of concept study
    Medical condition: Prolactinoma
    Disease: Version SOC Term Classification Code Term Level
    9.1 10036832 Prolactinoma LLT
    Population Age: Adults, Elderly Gender: Male, Female
    Trial protocol: DE (Prematurely Ended)
    Trial results: (No results available)
    EudraCT Number: 2006-001084-27 Sponsor Protocol Number: APAC Start Date*: 2006-06-16
    Full Title: Phase I/II study of prevention of Colorectal Cancer CRC with Allopurinol in High-Risk Subjects
    Disease: Version SOC Term Classification Code Term Level
    9.1 10048832 Colon adenoma LLT
    Population Age: Adults, Elderly Gender: Male, Female
    Trial protocol: IT (Ongoing)
    Trial results: (No results available)
    EudraCT Number: 2013-004885-32 Sponsor Protocol Number: 2013-004885-32 Start Date*: 2015-03-03
    Sponsor Name:Ospedale Valduce
    Full Title: The impact of split dosing preparation on adenoma detection rate: a randomized, investigator-blind, controlled trial
    Medical condition: Split dose bowel cleansing for colonoscopy
    Population Age: Adults, Elderly Gender: Male, Female
    Trial protocol: IT (Ongoing)
    Trial results: (No results available)
    EudraCT Number: 2006-002877-30 Sponsor Protocol Number: CSOM230B2212 Start Date*: 2006-12-22
    Sponsor Name:NOVARTIS FARMA
    Full Title: An open label, multicenter, pilot phase II study of SOM230 s.c. in patients with duodeno-pancreatic (neuro) endocrine tumors and different pituitary diseases (Nelsonメs syndrome, non-functioning ad...
    Medical condition: duodeno-pancreatic (neuro) endocrine tumors and different pituitary diseases (Nelsonメs syndrome, non-functioning adenoma, TSH-adenoma,Gonadotroph adenoma, and PRL-adenoma)
    Disease: Version SOC Term Classification Code Term Level
    6.1 10035098 HLT
    Population Age: Adults, Elderly Gender: Male, Female
    Trial protocol: IT (Prematurely Ended)
    Trial results: View results
    EudraCT Number: 2011-001815-29 Sponsor Protocol Number: MDL_2011_36557 Start Date*: 2011-11-11
    Sponsor Name:UMC Utrecht
    Full Title: Chemopreventive effects of mesalazine in patients at high risk of recurrent (nonfamilial) colorectal adenomas
    Medical condition: sporadic colorectal adenomas
    Disease: Version SOC Term Classification Code Term Level
    14.1 10029104 - Neoplasms benign, malignant and unspecified (incl cysts and polyps) 10069428 Colon adenomatous polyp LLT
    Population Age: Adults, Elderly Gender: Male, Female
    Trial protocol: NL (Completed)
    Trial results: (No results available)
    EudraCT Number: 2012-001351-40 Sponsor Protocol Number: MES-CT01 Start Date*: 2012-05-02
    Sponsor Name:SOFAR SPA
    Full Title: ND
    Medical condition: NA
    Disease: Version SOC Term Classification Code Term Level
    14.1 10029104 - Neoplasms benign, malignant and unspecified (incl cysts and polyps) 10048832 Colon adenoma PT
    14.1 10017947 - Gastrointestinal disorders 10013549 Diverticulosis LLT
    Population Age: Adults, Elderly Gender: Male, Female
    Trial protocol: IT (Completed)
    Trial results: View results
    EudraCT Number: 2005-004413-15 Sponsor Protocol Number: CSOM230B2209 Start Date*: 2006-06-07
    Sponsor Name:Cedars Sinai Medical Center
    Full Title: Effectiveness of SOM230 In Treating Non-Functioning Pituitary Adenomas
    Medical condition: non-functioning pitiutary adenomes
    Disease: Version SOC Term Classification Code Term Level
    9.1 10035079 Pituitary adenoma LLT
    Population Age: Adults, Elderly Gender: Male, Female
    Trial protocol: DE (Prematurely Ended)
    Trial results: (No results available)
    EudraCT Number: 2008-001711-38 Sponsor Protocol Number: PC CO 201/08 Start Date*: 2008-12-16
    Sponsor Name:Photocure ASA
    Full Title: An open dose-finding study of oral applied hexaminolevulinate (HAL) imaging in patients with suspicion or high risk of dysplasia or neoplasia in the colon
    Medical condition: Patients with suspicion or high risk of neoplasia in the colon
    Population Age: Adults, Elderly Gender: Male, Female
    Trial protocol: DE (Prematurely Ended)
    Trial results: View results
    EudraCT Number: 2009-012115-18 Sponsor Protocol Number: IMP13617 Start Date*: 2010-03-22
    Sponsor Name:UMC Utrecht
    Full Title: Primovist enhanced MRI for the detection and evaluation of focal liver lesions
    Medical condition: All benign and malignant focal liver lesions e.g. colorectal liver metastases, HCC, haemangioma, adenoma, cysts, FNH.
    Disease: Version SOC Term Classification Code Term Level
    12.0 10024658 Liver carcinoma LLT
    12.0 10027479 Metastatic liver carcinoma LLT
    12.0 10019827 Hepatocellular adenoma LLT
    12.0 10049010 Carcinoma hepatocellular LLT
    12.0 10019396 Hemangioma of liver LLT
    12.0 10048834 Polycystic liver disease LLT
    12.0 10052285 Focal nodular hyperplasia LLT
    Population Age: Adults, Elderly Gender: Male, Female
    Trial protocol: NL (Ongoing)
    Trial results: (No results available)
    EudraCT Number: 2009-010918-30 Sponsor Protocol Number: 2377 Start Date*: 2009-08-11
    Sponsor Name:Amar Agha, Beaumont Hospital
    Full Title: Effect of growth hormone replacement on cortisol-to-cortisone interconversion in hypopituitary patients with growth hormone deficiency and the influence of different aetiologies of hypopituitarism.
    Medical condition: 20 patients with hypopituitarism including growth hormone deficiency will be evaluated both on growth hormone replacement and when they have been off it for a 2 month period. They will have been pr...
    Disease: Version SOC Term Classification Code Term Level
    9.1 10021067 Hypopituitarism LLT
    9.1 10033662 Panhypopituitarism LLT
    9.1 10056438 Growth hormone deficiency LLT
    9.1 10011318 Craniopharyngioma LLT
    9.1 10036832 Prolactinoma LLT
    9.1 10011651 Cushing's disease LLT
    9.1 10035104 Pituitary tumour LLT
    9.1 10061538 Pituitary tumour benign LLT
    Population Age: Adults Gender: Male, Female
    Trial protocol: IE (Ongoing)
    Trial results: (No results available)
    EudraCT Number: 2004-000693-31 Sponsor Protocol Number: COLO CP-01 Start Date*: 2005-06-17
    Sponsor Name:Colotech A/S
    Full Title: An international, multi centre, randomised, parallel group, prospective, double blind, placebo controlled clinical trial evaluating the efficacy and safety of a combination treatment administered o...
    Medical condition: Patients who have had removal of polyp in colon or rectum within 3 months.
    Population Age: Adults, Elderly Gender: Male, Female
    Trial protocol: FI (Prematurely Ended)
    Trial results: (No results available)
    EudraCT Number: 2012-003983-32 Sponsor Protocol Number: CB-17-01/06 Start Date*: 2013-10-02
    Sponsor Name:Cosmo Technologies Ltd
    Full Title: The safety and efficacy of Methylene Blue MMX® modified release tablets administered to subjects undergoing screening or surveillance colonoscopy.
    Medical condition: Polyp and adenoma detection during colonoscopy
    Population Age: Adults, Elderly Gender: Male, Female
    Trial protocol: IT (Completed) BE (Completed) DE (Completed) NL (Ongoing) LT (Completed)
    Trial results: (No results available)
    EudraCT Number: 2011-005694-23 Sponsor Protocol Number: CB-17-01/05 Start Date*: 2011-12-20
    Full Title: Polyp detection rate after single oral dose of methylene blue MMX(R) modified release tablets administered to subjects undergoing outpatients colonoscopy
    Medical condition: patients scheduled for the screening or surveillance colonoscopy and meeting the joint guideline from the American Cancer Society, the US Multi-Society Task Force on Colorectal Cancer and the Ameri...
    Disease: Version SOC Term Classification Code Term Level
    14.1 10022891 - Investigations 10014805 Endoscopy PT
    14.1 10029104 - Neoplasms benign, malignant and unspecified (incl cysts and polyps) 10048832 Colon adenoma PT
    14.1 10017947 - Gastrointestinal disorders 10048646 Polyp colorectal PT
    Population Age: Newborns, Infants and toddlers, Adolescents, Under 18, Adults, Elderly Gender: Male, Female
    Trial protocol: IT (Completed)
    Trial results: (No results available)
    EudraCT Number: 2019-000131-51 Sponsor Protocol Number: 1921 Start Date*: 2019-03-07
    Sponsor Name:Zealand University Hospital
    Full Title: Preoperative endoscopic treatment with fosfomycin and metronidazole in patients with right-sided colon cancer and colon adenoma: a clinical proof-of-concept intervention study MEFO trial
    Medical condition: Colon cancer in track 1. Colon adenoma in track 2.
    Disease: Version SOC Term Classification Code Term Level
    20.0 10029104 - Neoplasms benign, malignant and unspecified (incl cysts and polyps) 10009944 Colon cancer PT
    20.0 10029104 - Neoplasms benign, malignant and unspecified (incl cysts and polyps) 10048832 Colon adenoma PT
    Population Age: Adults, Elderly Gender: Male, Female
    Trial protocol: DK (Completed)
    Trial results: View results
    EudraCT Number: 2008-007348-32 Sponsor Protocol Number: CSOM230D2203 Start Date*: 2009-05-06
    Sponsor Name:Novartis Pharma Services AG
    Full Title: An open label, multicenter, single arm study of pasireotide LAR in patients with rare tumors of neuroendocrine origin
    Medical condition: The following tumors are included: 1. NETs of the pancreas or duodenum: Insulinoma, Gastrinoma, VIPoma, glucagonoma, 2. Pituitary NETs: Thyrotropic-pituitary adenoma (TSH), Gonadotropic adenoma, Pr...
    Disease: Version SOC Term Classification Code Term Level
    9.1 10062476 Neuroendocrine tumor LLT
    Population Age: Adults, Elderly Gender: Male, Female
    Trial protocol: FR (Completed) DE (Completed) IT (Completed) ES (Completed)
    Trial results: View results
    EudraCT Number: 2015-001234-22 Sponsor Protocol Number: NL52821.018.15 Start Date*: 2015-07-01
    Sponsor Name:Academic Medical Center
    Full Title: A randomized placebo-controlled study in patients with a Gallium-68 DOTATATE PET/CT positive, clinically non-functioning pituitary macroadenoma (NFMA) of the effect of Lanreotide autosolution on Tu...
    Medical condition: Clinically non-functioning pituitary macroadenoma
    Disease: Version SOC Term Classification Code Term Level
    20.0 10029104 - Neoplasms benign, malignant and unspecified (incl cysts and polyps) 10029556 Non-secretory adenoma of pituitary PT
    Population Age: Adults, Elderly Gender: Male, Female
    Trial protocol: NL (Completed)
    Trial results: View results
    EudraCT Number: 2008-000051-10 Sponsor Protocol Number: A091200 Start Date*: 2008-05-19
    Sponsor Name:Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and University of Cambridge
    Full Title: 11C metomidate PET scanning for Conn's syndrome
    Medical condition: Primary hyperaldosteronism - Conn's syndrome and bilateral adrenal hyperplasia. Imaging of adrenal lesions using 11C-metomidate PET. Pre-suppression with dexamethasone and/or fludrocortisone to opt...
    Population Age: Adults, Elderly Gender: Male, Female
    Trial protocol: GB (Prematurely Ended)
    Trial results: View results
    EudraCT Number: 2015-000411-40 Sponsor Protocol Number: Version1.0 Start Date*: 2015-10-23
    Sponsor Name:Department of Nuclear Medicine and Endocrinology, Paracelsus Medical University Salzburg
    Full Title: Comparison of the detection of parathyroid adenoms using Tc-99m MIBI scintigraphy and F-18 Choline PET/CT in patients with primary hyperparathyroidism
    Medical condition: Primary hyperparathyroidism due to parathyroid adenoma
    Population Age: Adults, Elderly Gender: Male, Female
    Trial protocol: AT (Ongoing)
    Trial results: (No results available)
    EudraCT Number: 2019-002562-12 Sponsor Protocol Number: ENDOS2019 Start Date*: 2019-09-09
    Medical condition: Screening and surveillance colonoscopy
    Population Age: Adults Gender: Male, Female
    Trial protocol: ES (Ongoing)
    Trial results: (No results available)
    EudraCT Number: 2007-005568-28 Sponsor Protocol Number: 2319/2007 Start Date*: 2007-10-11
    Full Title: Safety study of rosiglitazone in patients with acromegaly and assessment of biochemical parameters of disease's activity.
    Medical condition: Acromegaly due to GH-secreting hypophysial adenoma, persistent after surgical adenomectomy, external radiotherapy or medical therapy with analogous of somatostatin.
    Disease: Version SOC Term Classification Code Term Level
    9.1 10000599 Acromegaly LLT
    Population Age: Adults, Elderly Gender: Male, Female
    Trial protocol: IT (Completed)
    Trial results: (No results available)
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    Note, where multi-state trials are shown in search results, selecting "Full Trial details" will download full information for each of the member states/countries involved in the trial.
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    The status and protocol content of GB trials is no longer updated since 1 January 2021. For the UK, as of 31 January 2021, EU Law applies only to the territory of Northern Ireland (NI) to the extent foreseen in the Protocol on Ireland/NI. Legal notice
    As of 31 January 2023, all EU/EEA initial clinical trial applications must be submitted through CTIS . Updated EudraCT trials information and information on PIP/Art 46 trials conducted exclusively in third countries continues to be submitted through EudraCT and published on this website.

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