Clinical Trial Results:
Randomized, active-controlled, double-blind, parallel design study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of a once-a-week prophylaxis treatment with BAY79-4980 compared to three times-per-week prophylaxis with rFVIII-FS in previously treated patients with severe hemophilia A
EudraCT number |
2007-003718-32 |
Trial protocol |
Global end of trial date |
05 Oct 2010
Results information
Results version number |
v2(current) |
This version publication date |
24 Jul 2016
First version publication date |
03 May 2015
Other versions |
v1 |
Version creation reason |
Trial Information
Subject Disposition
Baseline Characteristics
End Points
Adverse Events
More Information
Subject Disposition
Baseline Characteristics
End Points
Adverse Events
More Information
Trial identification
Sponsor protocol code |
Additional study identifiers
ISRCTN number |
- | ||
US NCT number |
NCT00623727 | ||
WHO universal trial number (UTN) |
- | ||
Sponsor organisation name |
Bayer AG
Sponsor organisation address |
Kaiser-Wilhelm-Allee, Leverkusen, D-51368, Germany,
Public contact |
Therapeutic Area Head, Bayer AG,
Scientific contact |
Therapeutic Area Head, Bayer AG,
Paediatric regulatory details
Is trial part of an agreed paediatric investigation plan (PIP) |
Does article 45 of REGULATION (EC) No 1901/2006 apply to this trial? |
Does article 46 of REGULATION (EC) No 1901/2006 apply to this trial? |
Results analysis stage
Analysis stage |
Date of interim/final analysis |
05 Oct 2010
Is this the analysis of the primary completion data? |
Global end of trial reached? |
Global end of trial date |
05 Oct 2010
Was the trial ended prematurely? |
General information about the trial
Main objective of the trial |
The primary objective was to evaluate the effect of a once-a-week prophylaxis regimen with BAY79-4980 on the protection from total bleeds compared to a three times-per-week prophylaxis regimen with recombinant factor VIII formulated with sucrose (rFVIII-FS).
Protection of trial subjects |
The conduct of this clinical study met all local legal and regulatory requirements. The study was conducted in accordance with the ethical principles that have their origin in the Declaration of Helsinki and the International Conference on Harmonization guideline E6: Good Clinical Practice. An independent Data and Safety Monitoring Board (DSMB) supervised the subjects’ safety and performed the pre-specified interim analyses according to the protocol. Before entering the study, the informed consent form was read by and explained to all subjects and/or their legally authorized representative. Participating subjects signed informed consent form and could withdraw from the study at any time without any disadvantage and without having to provide a reason for this decision. Only investigators qualified by training and experience were selected as appropriate experts to investigate the study drug. A Data and Safety Monitoring Board supervised the safety of study subjects.
Background therapy |
- | ||
Evidence for comparator |
- | ||
Actual start date of recruitment |
30 Jun 2008
Long term follow-up planned |
Long term follow-up rationale |
Safety | ||
Long term follow-up duration |
6 Months | ||
Independent data monitoring committee (IDMC) involvement? |
Population of trial subjects
Number of subjects enrolled per country |
Country: Number of subjects enrolled |
France: 3
Country: Number of subjects enrolled |
Italy: 20
Country: Number of subjects enrolled |
Netherlands: 4
Country: Number of subjects enrolled |
Spain: 4
Country: Number of subjects enrolled |
United Kingdom: 2
Country: Number of subjects enrolled |
Poland: 28
Country: Number of subjects enrolled |
Austria: 6
Country: Number of subjects enrolled |
Denmark: 6
Country: Number of subjects enrolled |
Canada: 3
Country: Number of subjects enrolled |
Croatia: 3
Country: Number of subjects enrolled |
Israel: 18
Country: Number of subjects enrolled |
Germany: 8
Country: Number of subjects enrolled |
United States: 36
Country: Number of subjects enrolled |
Belgium: 2
Worldwide total number of subjects |
EEA total number of subjects |
Number of subjects enrolled per age group |
In utero |
Preterm newborn - gestational age < 37 wk |
Newborns (0-27 days) |
Infants and toddlers (28 days-23 months) |
Children (2-11 years) |
Adolescents (12-17 years) |
Adults (18-64 years) |
From 65 to 84 years |
85 years and over |
Recruitment details |
Previously treated subjects with severe hemophilia A [less than (<) 1 percent (%) Factor VIII (FVIII)], who were currently on on-demand or secondary prophylaxis treatment with any FVIII for greater than or equal to (>=)150 exposure days with documented bleeds/injections during the last 6 months prior to study entry could participate in the study. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Screening details |
Of 168 enrolled subjects, 25 failed screening. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Period 1
Period 1 title |
Double blind (DB)
Is this the baseline period? |
No | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Allocation method |
Randomised - controlled
Blinding used |
Double blind | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Roles blinded |
Subject, Investigator, Carer, Assessor | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Are arms mutually exclusive |
Arm title
rFVIII-FS/Pegylated Liposomes (BAY79-4980) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Arm description |
35 international units per kilogram (IU/kg) body weight of BAY79-4980 1x/week plus 2 dummy injections/week [dummy = rFVIII-FS excipient reconstituted in sterile water for injection (WFI)]. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Arm type |
Experimental | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Investigational medicinal product name |
rFVIII-FS/Pegylated Liposomes
Investigational medicinal product code |
Other name |
Pharmaceutical forms |
Routes of administration |
Intravenous use
Dosage and administration details |
35 IU/kg body weight of BAY79-4980 1x/week.
Investigational medicinal product name |
Placebo injection: placebo/WFI
Investigational medicinal product code |
Other name |
Pharmaceutical forms |
Routes of administration |
Intravenous use
Dosage and administration details |
Two placebo injections/week (dummy injections for blinding purposes) containing excipient of rFVIII-FS (packed with WFI solvent for reconstitution).
Arm title
rFVIII-FS/WFI (BAY14-2222) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Arm description |
25 IU/kg body weight of rFVIII-FS 3x/week [employing 1% POPC-alone liposome (rFVIII-FS-POPC) as blinding agent used for first weekly injection and rFVIII-FS in WFI for 2nd and 3rd injection]. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Arm type |
Active comparator | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Investigational medicinal product name |
Investigational medicinal product code |
Other name |
Pharmaceutical forms |
Routes of administration |
Intravenous use
Dosage and administration details |
25 IU/kg body weight of rFVIII-FS 3x/week [employing 1% POPC-alone liposome (rFVIII-FS-POPC) as blinding agent used for first weekly injection and rFVIII-FS in WFI for 2nd and 3rd injection].
Period 2
Period 2 title |
Open label
Is this the baseline period? |
No | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Allocation method |
Not applicable
Blinding used |
Not blinded | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Are arms mutually exclusive |
Arm title
rFVIII-FS/WFI (BAY14-2222): Follow up | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Arm description |
Few subjects of each group after DB period terminated were entered in to the open label follow up period and received 25 IU/kg body weight of rFVIII-FS 3x/week [employing 1% POPC-alone liposome (rFVIII-FS-POPC) as blinding agent used for first weekly injection and rFVIII-FS in WFI for 2nd and 3rd injection] for a period of 6 months or until completion of 12 months trial participation. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Arm type |
Active comparator | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Investigational medicinal product name |
Investigational medicinal product code |
Other name |
Pharmaceutical forms |
Routes of administration |
Intravenous use
Dosage and administration details |
25 IU/kg body weight of rFVIII-FS 3x/week [employing 1% POPC-alone liposome (rFVIII-FS-POPC) as blinding agent used for first weekly injection and rFVIII-FS in WFI for 2nd and 3rd injection].
Arm title
rFVIII-FS/Pegylated Liposomes (BAY79-4980): Extension period | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Arm description |
Ten subjects of each group entered open-label extension period after completion of DB study and received 35 IU/kg body weight of BAY79-4980 1x/week. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Arm type |
Experimental | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Investigational medicinal product name |
rFVIII-FS/Pegylated Liposomes
Investigational medicinal product code |
Other name |
Pharmaceutical forms |
Routes of administration |
Intravenous use
Dosage and administration details |
35 IU/kg body weight of BAY79-4980 1x/week.
Notes [1] - The number of subjects starting the period is not consistent with the number completing the preceding period. It is expected the number of subjects starting the subsequent period will be the same as the number completing the preceding period. Justification: Subjects who completed double blind treatment, were offered continuation of open label treatment and due to the early termination of the double-blind study phase, subjects who had not completed double blind treatment were offered continuation in control arm (follow up phase). Hence, the number of subjects starting the period is not consistent with the number completing the preceding period. |
Period 3
Period 3 title |
Baseline period
Is this the baseline period? |
Yes [2] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Allocation method |
Randomised - controlled
Blinding used |
Double blind | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Roles blinded |
Carer, Assessor, Subject, Investigator | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Are arms mutually exclusive |
Arm title
rFVIII-FS/Pegylated Liposomes (BAY79-4980) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Arm description |
35 IU/kg body weight of BAY79-4980 1x/week plus 2 dummy injections/week (dummy = rFVIII-FS excipient reconstituted in WFI). Subjects who received treatment were included in baseline period. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Arm type |
Experimental | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Investigational medicinal product name |
rFVIII-FS/Pegylated Liposomes
Investigational medicinal product code |
Other name |
Pharmaceutical forms |
Routes of administration |
Intravenous use
Dosage and administration details |
35 IU/kg body weight of BAY79-4980 1x/week plus 2 dummy injections/week (dummy = rFVIII-FS excipient reconstituted in WFI). Subjects who received treatment were included in baseline period.
Arm title
rFVIII-FS/WFI (BAY14-2222) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Arm description |
25 IU/kg body weight of rFVIII-FS 3x/week [employing 1% POPC-alone liposome (rFVIII-FS-POPC) as blinding agent used for first weekly injection and rFVIII-FS in WFI for 2nd and 3rd injection]. Subjects who received treatment were included in baseline period. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Arm type |
Active comparator | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Investigational medicinal product name |
Investigational medicinal product code |
Other name |
Pharmaceutical forms |
Routes of administration |
Intravenous use
Dosage and administration details |
25 IU/kg body weight of rFVIII-FS 3x/week [employing 1% POPC-alone liposome (rFVIII-FS-POPC) as blinding agent used for first weekly injection and rFVIII-FS in WFI for 2nd and 3rd injection].
Notes [2] - Period 1 is not the baseline period. It is expected that period 1 will be the baseline period. Justification: In overall trial, subjects who were randomized included and the baseline characteristics were provided for only subjects who were treated. Hence, the baseline period of treated subjects was created to publish the baseline characteristics data. |
Baseline characteristics reporting groups [1]
Reporting group title |
rFVIII-FS/Pegylated Liposomes (BAY79-4980)
Reporting group description |
35 IU/kg body weight of BAY79-4980 1x/week plus 2 dummy injections/week (dummy = rFVIII-FS excipient reconstituted in WFI). Subjects who received treatment were included in baseline period. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Reporting group title |
rFVIII-FS/WFI (BAY14-2222)
Reporting group description |
25 IU/kg body weight of rFVIII-FS 3x/week [employing 1% POPC-alone liposome (rFVIII-FS-POPC) as blinding agent used for first weekly injection and rFVIII-FS in WFI for 2nd and 3rd injection]. Subjects who received treatment were included in baseline period. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Notes [1] - The number of subjects reported to be in the baseline period is not equal to the worldwide number of subjects enrolled in the trial. It is expected that these numbers will be the same. Justification: All enrolled subjects were not randomized and treated with study drugs. Hence, the worldwide number enrolled in the trial differs with the number of subjects reported in the baseline period. |
End points reporting groups
Reporting group title |
rFVIII-FS/Pegylated Liposomes (BAY79-4980)
Reporting group description |
35 international units per kilogram (IU/kg) body weight of BAY79-4980 1x/week plus 2 dummy injections/week [dummy = rFVIII-FS excipient reconstituted in sterile water for injection (WFI)]. | ||
Reporting group title |
rFVIII-FS/WFI (BAY14-2222)
Reporting group description |
25 IU/kg body weight of rFVIII-FS 3x/week [employing 1% POPC-alone liposome (rFVIII-FS-POPC) as blinding agent used for first weekly injection and rFVIII-FS in WFI for 2nd and 3rd injection]. | ||
Reporting group title |
rFVIII-FS/WFI (BAY14-2222): Follow up
Reporting group description |
Few subjects of each group after DB period terminated were entered in to the open label follow up period and received 25 IU/kg body weight of rFVIII-FS 3x/week [employing 1% POPC-alone liposome (rFVIII-FS-POPC) as blinding agent used for first weekly injection and rFVIII-FS in WFI for 2nd and 3rd injection] for a period of 6 months or until completion of 12 months trial participation. | ||
Reporting group title |
rFVIII-FS/Pegylated Liposomes (BAY79-4980): Extension period
Reporting group description |
Ten subjects of each group entered open-label extension period after completion of DB study and received 35 IU/kg body weight of BAY79-4980 1x/week. | ||
Reporting group title |
rFVIII-FS/Pegylated Liposomes (BAY79-4980)
Reporting group description |
35 IU/kg body weight of BAY79-4980 1x/week plus 2 dummy injections/week (dummy = rFVIII-FS excipient reconstituted in WFI). Subjects who received treatment were included in baseline period. | ||
Reporting group title |
rFVIII-FS/WFI (BAY14-2222)
Reporting group description |
25 IU/kg body weight of rFVIII-FS 3x/week [employing 1% POPC-alone liposome (rFVIII-FS-POPC) as blinding agent used for first weekly injection and rFVIII-FS in WFI for 2nd and 3rd injection]. Subjects who received treatment were included in baseline period. | ||
Subject analysis set title |
Per protocol (PP) population
Subject analysis set type |
Per protocol | ||
Subject analysis set description |
PP population included those subjects of the ITT population in whom no major protocol violations were identified.
Subject analysis set title |
rFVIII-FS/pegylated liposomes (subgroup)
Subject analysis set type |
Sub-group analysis | ||
Subject analysis set description |
Subjects who completed open label extension period.
Subject analysis set title |
Intent-to-treat (ITT) population
Subject analysis set type |
Intention-to-treat | ||
Subject analysis set description |
ITT population included all subjects randomized into the study who received study drug.
End point title |
Percentage of Subjects With Less Than 9 Total Bleeds per Year [1] | ||||||||||||
End point description |
Bleeds occurring on the same day were counted as one bleeding event. Bleeds occurring within 72 hours into the same location were also counted as one bleeding event.
End point type |
End point timeframe |
Up to one year
Notes [1] - No statistical analyses have been specified for this primary end point. It is expected there is at least one statistical analysis for each primary end point. Justification: Statistical analysis was not performed since descriptive statistical analysis was only planned for this endpoint due to the premature termination of the study. |
Notes [2] - PP population [3] - PP population |
No statistical analyses for this end point |
End point title |
Percentage of Subjects With Less Than 5 Joint Bleeds per Year | ||||||||||||
End point description |
Bleeds occurring on the same day were counted as one bleeding event. Bleeds occurring within 72 hours into the same location were also counted as one bleeding event.
End point type |
End point timeframe |
Up to one year
Notes [4] - PP population [5] - PP population |
No statistical analyses for this end point |
End point title |
Number of Joint Bleeds per Subject per Year in Responders | ||||||||||||
End point description |
Bleeds occurring on the same day were counted as one bleeding event. Bleeds occurring within 72 hours into the same location were also counted as one bleeding event. Responders were the subjects with less than 9 total bleeds per year.
End point type |
End point timeframe |
Up to one year
Notes [6] - PP population included subjects with less than 9 total bleeds per year. [7] - PP population included subjects with less than 9 total bleeds per year. |
No statistical analyses for this end point |
End point title |
Number of Bleeds per Year | ||||||||||||
End point description |
Bleeds occurring on the same day were counted as one bleeding event. Bleeds occurring within 72 hours into the same location were also counted as one bleeding event. Number of bleeds 3 weeks after the first infusion per 12 months.
End point type |
Other pre-specified
End point timeframe |
Up to one year
Notes [8] - PP population [9] - PP population |
No statistical analyses for this end point |
End point title |
Percentage of Bleeds Treated by Various Numbers of Injections | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
End point description |
Bleeds occurring on the same day were counted as one bleeding event. Bleeds occurring within 72 hours into the same location were also counted as one bleeding event.
End point type |
Other pre-specified
End point timeframe |
Up to one year
Notes [10] - PP population [11] - PP population |
No statistical analyses for this end point |
End point title |
Total rFVIII Consumption per Year | ||||||||||||
End point description |
Total number of units per kg of study medication (rFVIII) administered to participant for one year. rFVIII is recombinant factor VIII, factor VIII is functional coagulation factor
End point type |
Other pre-specified
End point timeframe |
Up to one year
Notes [12] - ITT population [13] - ITT population |
No statistical analyses for this end point |
End point title |
Percentage of Subjects With Less Than 9 Total Bleeds per Year in the Open Label Extension Period | ||||||||
End point description |
Bleeds occurring on the same day were counted as one bleeding event. Bleeds occurring within 72 hours into the same location were also counted as one bleeding event.
End point type |
Other pre-specified
End point timeframe |
6 months after start of open label extension period
No statistical analyses for this end point |
Adverse events information
Timeframe for reporting adverse events |
From randomization until end of study
Assessment type |
Non-systematic | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Dictionary used for adverse event reporting
Dictionary name |
MedDRA | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Dictionary version |
Reporting groups
Reporting group title |
rFVIII-FS/pegylated liposomes (BAY79-4980) - Double Blind
Reporting group description |
Reporting Group 1 (RG1): Double Blind Study, 35 IU/kg body weight of BAY79-4980 1x/week plus 2 dummy injections/week (dummy = rFVIII-FS excipient reconstituted in WFI). | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Reporting group title |
rFVIII-FS/WFI (BAY14-2222) - Double Blind
Reporting group description |
Reporting group 2 (RG2): Double Blind Study, 25 IU/kg body weight of rFVIII-FS 3x/week (employing 1 percent POPC-alone liposome (rFVIII-FS-POPC) as blinding agent used for first weekly injection and rFVIII-FS in WFI for 2nd and 3rd injection). | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Reporting group title |
rFVIII-FS/WFI (BAY14-2222) - Follow-up
Reporting group description |
Reporting group 3 (RG3): Open Label Follow-up, 25 IU/kg body weight of rFVIII-FS 3x/week (employing 1 percent POPC-alone liposome (rFVIII-FS-POPC) as blinding agent used for first weekly injection and rFVIII-FS in WFI for 2nd and 3rd injection). | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Reporting group title |
rFVIII-FS/pegylated liposomes (BAY79-4980) - Extension
Reporting group description |
Reporting group 4 (RG4): Open Label Extension, 35 IU/kg body weight of BAY79-4980 1x/week plus 2 dummy injections/week (dummy = rFVIII-FS excipient reconstituted in WFI). | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Frequency threshold for reporting non-serious adverse events: 5% | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Substantial protocol amendments (globally) |
Were there any global substantial amendments to the protocol? Yes | |||||||
Date |
Amendment |
26 Feb 2008 |
- The dosage for the treatment of bleeds and minor surgical interventions was limited to 1 single infusion with 35 IU/kg of BAY 79-4980 or rFVIII-POPC. The proposed treatment of bleeds and minor surgical interventions with extended dosages of BAY 79-4980 with up to 70 IU/kg/day was not accepted by a national authority.
- The definition of a target joint was added.
- The physical assessment of joints for the determination of the Gilbert Score was deleted at Month 6 and end of trial, as no change was expected during a 1-year observation period in subjects treated with prophylaxis.
- The screening period was prolonged to from 1-3 weeks to 3-5 weeks due to logistical requirements.
- Inhibitor development as reason for withdrawal was clarified.
- The exclusion criterion regarding active hepatic disease was clarified. |
21 Jul 2009 |
- The interim safety analysis on lipid kinetics was to be performed in a subset of 20 subjects and the interim efficacy analysis was to be performed after 100 subjects had completed 6 months of treatment. This change was due to the slow recruitment into the study. In addition, the study was extended to new countries where prophylaxis is not the treatment standard in adult hemophilia subjects. Inclusion criterion number 4 was adapted accordingly to increase the percentage of subjects on on-demand treatment.
- The screening period was prolonged to 3-8 weeks due to logistic reasons.
- The upper dose limit was set to 4500 IU/infusion corresponding to a body weight of 131 kg, because extreme overweight is not related to a proportional increase in distribution volume.
- The endpoint related to change in joint status was deleted because no Gilbert score was determined at the end of the study.
- Specification that fasting after infusion of study medication was no longer required for the lipid PK, because this has no impact on the first sample after 6 hour. Lipid values for inclusion into the lipid pharmacokinetics (PK) were defined based on American Heart Association’s Adult Treatment Panel (AHA-ATP) III recommendations.
- For the repeat FVIII PK at Week 26, specification that the study medication had to be administered with the same infusion rate as used during the first infusion (20-30 minutes).
- The original protocol specified that the efficacy analyses would be performed on the ITT population. A modification was made to specify that the primary efficacy analysis would be performed on the PP population and the secondary analysis on the ITT population since this is a more conservative approach for non-inferiority trials. |
15 Jan 2010 |
- Based on the DSMB’s interim efficacy check of the data of 108 subjects with a treatment period of 6 months, this amendment specified that recruitment had been halted on 22 December 2009 and would not be re-started. The double-blind treatment period was prematurely terminated and study participants were offered a participation in an open treatment arm (follow-up period). All subjects were offered a treatment with the comparator drug (rFVIII-FS-POPC/rFVIII-FS-WFI) and/or open-label rFVIII-FS-WFI for 6 months or until completion of the 12-month total study duration. Participation was according to the subjects’ preference. This applied also to subjects who had not yet started the treatment phase. Blinding was to be preserved until clean data base of the blinded study.
- The DSMB concluded that the study would not be able to establish non-inferiority of BAY79-4980 compared to the control treatment with a non-inferiority margin of 15% and recommended to halt recruitment. The sponsor decided to discontinue the investigational treatment and to guarantee the treatment of subjects until study completion or at least 6 months in the comparator arm. |
Interruptions (globally) |
Were there any global interruptions to the trial? Yes | |||||||
Limitations and caveats |
Limitations of the trial such as small numbers of subjects analysed or technical problems leading to unreliable data. | |||||||
None reported | |||||||
Online references |
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