Flag of the European Union EU Clinical Trials Register Help

Clinical trials

The European Union Clinical Trials Register   allows you to search for protocol and results information on:
  • interventional clinical trials that were approved in the European Union (EU)/European Economic Area (EEA) under the Clinical Trials Directive 2001/20/EC
  • clinical trials conducted outside the EU/EEA that are linked to European paediatric-medicine development

  • EU/EEA interventional clinical trials approved under or transitioned to the Clinical Trial Regulation 536/2014 are publicly accessible through the
    Clinical Trials Information System (CTIS).

    The EU Clinical Trials Register currently displays   44064   clinical trials with a EudraCT protocol, of which   7320   are clinical trials conducted with subjects less than 18 years old.   The register also displays information on   18700   older paediatric trials (in scope of Article 45 of the Paediatric Regulation (EC) No 1901/2006).

    Phase 1 trials conducted solely on adults and that are not part of an agreed paediatric investigation plan (PIP) are not publicly available (see Frequently Asked Questions ).  
    Examples: Cancer AND drug name. Pneumonia AND sponsor name.
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    Clinical Trial Results:
    A randomised, double-blind, parallel-group, placebo-controlled study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of desmoteplase in subjects with acute ischemic stroke

    EudraCT number
    Trial protocol
    NL   HU   AT   DE   FR   ES   EE  
    Global end of trial date
    07 Jul 2014

    Results information
    Results version number
    This version publication date
    06 Jul 2016
    First version publication date
    25 Jul 2015
    Other versions

    Trial information

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    Trial identification
    Sponsor protocol code
    Additional study identifiers
    ISRCTN number
    US NCT number
    WHO universal trial number (UTN)
    Sponsor organisation name
    H. Lundbeck A/S
    Sponsor organisation address
    Ottiliavej 9, Valby, Denmark,
    Public contact
    LundbeckClinicalTrials@lundbeck.com, H. Lundbeck A/S, LundbeckClinicalTrials@lundbeck.com
    Scientific contact
    H. Lundbeck A/S, H. Lundbeck A/S, LundbeckClinicalTrials@lundbeck.com
    Paediatric regulatory details
    Is trial part of an agreed paediatric investigation plan (PIP)
    Does article 45 of REGULATION (EC) No 1901/2006 apply to this trial?
    Does article 46 of REGULATION (EC) No 1901/2006 apply to this trial?
    Results analysis stage
    Analysis stage
    Date of interim/final analysis
    24 Feb 2014
    Is this the analysis of the primary completion data?
    Primary completion date
    24 Feb 2014
    Global end of trial reached?
    Global end of trial date
    07 Jul 2014
    Was the trial ended prematurely?
    General information about the trial
    Main objective of the trial
    To evaluate the efficacy of desmoteplase 90 µg/kg versus placebo in terms of favourable outcome at Day 90 in patients with acute ischemic stroke.
    Protection of trial subjects
    The nature of the illness often implies impairment to understand and /or consent to participate in a study in the acute setting. Hence, consenting procedures, normally done by the patient and/or his/her legal representative, were extended to include consent by an impartial witness, a proxy (a relative), or a study-independent physician. However, this was only allowed under the conditions listed in the protocol and if allowed by local law and regulations and approved by the relevant ethics committee or IRB
    Background therapy
    Evidence for comparator
    Actual start date of recruitment
    20 Jan 2009
    Long term follow-up planned
    Long term follow-up rationale
    Long term follow-up duration
    6 Months
    Independent data monitoring committee (IDMC) involvement?
    Population of trial subjects
    Number of subjects enrolled per country
    Country: Number of subjects enrolled
    Netherlands: 3
    Country: Number of subjects enrolled
    Poland: 12
    Country: Number of subjects enrolled
    Spain: 54
    Country: Number of subjects enrolled
    Austria: 25
    Country: Number of subjects enrolled
    Estonia: 25
    Country: Number of subjects enrolled
    France: 35
    Country: Number of subjects enrolled
    Germany: 27
    Country: Number of subjects enrolled
    Switzerland: 3
    Country: Number of subjects enrolled
    Australia: 19
    Country: Number of subjects enrolled
    Hong Kong: 17
    Country: Number of subjects enrolled
    India: 31
    Country: Number of subjects enrolled
    Korea, Republic of: 52
    Country: Number of subjects enrolled
    Philippines: 3
    Country: Number of subjects enrolled
    Singapore: 8
    Country: Number of subjects enrolled
    Thailand: 56
    Country: Number of subjects enrolled
    Taiwan: 50
    Country: Number of subjects enrolled
    Vietnam: 72
    Worldwide total number of subjects
    EEA total number of subjects
    Number of subjects enrolled per age group
    In utero
    Preterm newborn - gestational age < 37 wk
    Newborns (0-27 days)
    Infants and toddlers (28 days-23 months)
    Children (2-11 years)
    Adolescents (12-17 years)
    Adults (18-64 years)
    From 65 to 84 years
    85 years and over

    Subject disposition

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    Recruitment details

    Screening details
    Screening for patients with occlusion or high-grade stenosis of the proximal cerebral arteries, and excluded patients with intracranial haemorrhage (ICH), signs of extensive infarct core, or subacute infarction.

    Period 1
    Period 1 title
    Overall trial (overall period)
    Is this the baseline period?
    Allocation method
    Randomised - controlled
    Blinding used
    Double blind
    Roles blinded
    Subject, Investigator

    Are arms mutually exclusive

    Arm title
    Arm description
    Arm type

    Investigational medicinal product name
    Investigational medicinal product code
    Other name
    Pharmaceutical forms
    Powder for solution for injection
    Routes of administration
    Intravenous bolus use
    Dosage and administration details
    Desmoteplase 90 μg/kg single bolus within 3-9 hours after the onset of stroke symptoms

    Arm title
    Arm description
    Arm type

    Investigational medicinal product name
    Investigational medicinal product code
    Other name
    Pharmaceutical forms
    Powder for solution for injection
    Routes of administration
    Intravenous use
    Dosage and administration details
    single bolus within 3-9 hours after the onset of stroke symptoms

    Number of subjects in period 1 [1]
    Desmoteplase Placebo
    Not completed
         Adverse event, serious fatal
         Consent withdrawn by subject
         administrative or other reasons
         Lost to follow-up
         Protocol deviation
    [1] - The number of subjects reported to be in the baseline period are not the same as the worldwide number enrolled in the trial. It is expected that these numbers will be the same.
    Justification: 492 patients were randomised (245 and 247 to placebo and treatment, respectively) However, only 478 (238 and 240 to placebo and treatment, respectively) were actually treated

    Baseline characteristics

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    Baseline characteristics reporting groups
    Reporting group title
    Reporting group description

    Reporting group title
    Reporting group description

    Reporting group values
    Desmoteplase Placebo Total
    Number of subjects
    240 238 478
    Age categorical
    Units: Subjects
        In utero
    0 0 0
        Preterm newborn infants (gestational age < 37 wks)
    0 0 0
        Newborns (0-27 days)
    0 0 0
        Infants and toddlers (28 days-23 months)
    0 0 0
        Children (2-11 years)
    0 0 0
        Adolescents (12-17 years)
    0 0 0
        Adults (18-64 years)
    85 85 170
        From 65-84 years
    150 149 299
        85 years and over
    5 4 9
    Age continuous
    Units: years
        arithmetic mean (standard deviation)
    67 ( 14.1 ) 67.7 ( 13.2 ) -
    Gender categorical
    Units: Subjects
    125 112 237
    115 126 241
    Units: Subjects
    99 95 194
        Black or african american
    2 1 3
    138 142 280
    1 0 1

    End points

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    End points reporting groups
    Reporting group title
    Reporting group description

    Reporting group title
    Reporting group description

    Primary: Modified Rankin Scale Score

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    End point title
    Modified Rankin Scale Score
    End point description
    mRS response (score of 0 to 2) at Day 90 The mRS is a clinician-rated scale designed to provide a global assessment of the patients dependency after stroke. The scale consists of a single item measuring the patient’s function based on the ability to perform daily activities. The patient is rated on a 7-point scale from 0 to 6, where a score of 5 corresponds to severe disability, and 6 to death. Assessment of a pre-stroke mRS score is based on an interview addressing the status of the patient prior to the stroke.
    End point type
    End point timeframe
    90 days
    End point values
    Desmoteplase Placebo
    Number of subjects analysed
    Units: Score (%)
        number (not applicable)
    Statistical analysis title
    mRS response (score 0 to 2) at Day 90
    Comparison groups
    Placebo v Desmoteplase
    Number of subjects included in analysis
    Analysis specification
    Analysis type
    Parameter type
    Odds ratio (OR)
    Point estimate
    Confidence interval
         lower limit
         upper limit

    Secondary: National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) score

    Close Top of page
    End point title
    National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) score
    End point description
    The NIHSS is a clinician-rated, 15-item scale designed to assess the severity of stroke-related neurological deficits: level of consciousness, eye movements, visual fields, facial symmetry, motor strength (arm and leg), coordination, sensation, language (aphasia and dysarthria), and neglect. Each item is rated on a 3-, 4-, or 5- point scale ranging from 0 (normal) to the maximum score (extremely severe symptoms). The total score of the 15 items ranges from 0 to 42, where lower scores indicate less impairment.9
    End point type
    End point timeframe
    90 days
    End point values
    Desmoteplase Placebo
    Number of subjects analysed
    Units: score (%)
        number (not applicable)
    Statistical analysis title
    National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS)
    Comparison groups
    Desmoteplase v Placebo
    Number of subjects included in analysis
    Analysis specification
    Analysis type
    Parameter type
    Odds ratio (OR)
    Point estimate
    Confidence interval
         lower limit
         upper limit

    Secondary: mRS & NIHSS Response

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    End point title
    mRS & NIHSS Response
    End point description
    End point type
    End point timeframe
    90 days
    End point values
    Desmoteplase Placebo
    Number of subjects analysed
    Units: Score (%)
        number (not applicable)
    Statistical analysis title
    mRS & NIHSS
    Comparison groups
    Desmoteplase v Placebo
    Number of subjects included in analysis
    Analysis specification
    Analysis type
    Parameter type
    Odds ratio (OR)
    Point estimate
    Confidence interval
         lower limit
         upper limit

    Secondary: Modified Ranking Scale Score (using the ordinal scale)

    Close Top of page
    End point title
    Modified Ranking Scale Score (using the ordinal scale)
    End point description
    End point type
    End point timeframe
    90 days
    End point values
    Desmoteplase Placebo
    Number of subjects analysed
    Units: Score
        least squares mean (standard error)
    2.46 ( 0.15 )
    2.65 ( 0.15 )
    Statistical analysis title
    mRS Scores at Day 90
    Comparison groups
    Placebo v Desmoteplase
    Number of subjects included in analysis
    Analysis specification
    Analysis type
    other [1]
    Parameter type
    Odds ratio (OR)
    Point estimate
    Confidence interval
         lower limit
         upper limit
    [1] - Ordinal logistic regression

    Adverse events

    Close Top of page
    Adverse events information
    Timeframe for reporting adverse events
    First dose to follow-up
    Assessment type
    Dictionary used for adverse event reporting
    Dictionary name
    Dictionary version
    Reporting groups
    Reporting group title
    Reporting group description

    Reporting group title
    Reporting group description

    Serious adverse events
    Desmoteplase Placebo
    Total subjects affected by serious adverse events
         subjects affected / exposed
    64 / 240 (26.67%)
    69 / 238 (28.99%)
         number of deaths (all causes)
         number of deaths resulting from adverse events
    Neoplasms benign, malignant and unspecified (incl cysts and polyps)
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    0 / 240 (0.00%)
    1 / 238 (0.42%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 1
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 1
    Gastric cancer
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    0 / 240 (0.00%)
    1 / 238 (0.42%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 1
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 0
    Pancreatic carcinoma metastatic
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    1 / 240 (0.42%)
    0 / 238 (0.00%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 1
    0 / 0
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 1
    0 / 0
    Ovarian cancer metastatic
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed [1]
    0 / 125 (0.00%)
    1 / 112 (0.89%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 1
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 0
    Vascular disorders
    Deep vein thrombosis
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    2 / 240 (0.83%)
    0 / 238 (0.00%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 2
    0 / 0
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 0
    Haemodynamic instability
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    0 / 240 (0.00%)
    1 / 238 (0.42%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 1
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 1
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    0 / 240 (0.00%)
    2 / 238 (0.84%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 2
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 0
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    0 / 240 (0.00%)
    1 / 238 (0.42%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 1
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 0
    Surgical and medical procedures
    Withdrawal of life support
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    1 / 240 (0.42%)
    0 / 238 (0.00%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 1
    0 / 0
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 1
    0 / 0
    General disorders and administration site conditions
    Catheter site haemorrhage
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    0 / 240 (0.00%)
    1 / 238 (0.42%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 1
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 0
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    1 / 240 (0.42%)
    0 / 238 (0.00%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 1
    0 / 0
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 1
    0 / 0
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    0 / 240 (0.00%)
    1 / 238 (0.42%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 1
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 0
    Sudden cardiac death
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    1 / 240 (0.42%)
    1 / 238 (0.42%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 1
    1 / 1
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 1
    1 / 1
    Sudden death
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    1 / 240 (0.42%)
    1 / 238 (0.42%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    1 / 1
    0 / 1
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    1 / 1
    0 / 1
    Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    2 / 240 (0.83%)
    0 / 238 (0.00%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 2
    0 / 0
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 0
    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    0 / 240 (0.00%)
    2 / 238 (0.84%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 2
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 1
    Lung disorder
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    0 / 240 (0.00%)
    2 / 238 (0.84%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 3
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 1
    Pneumonia aspiration
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    6 / 240 (2.50%)
    0 / 238 (0.00%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 6
    0 / 0
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 3
    0 / 0
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    0 / 240 (0.00%)
    1 / 238 (0.42%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 1
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 0
    Pulmonary embolism
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    3 / 240 (1.25%)
    0 / 238 (0.00%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 3
    0 / 0
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 1
    0 / 0
    Respiratory failure
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    0 / 240 (0.00%)
    2 / 238 (0.84%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    1 / 2
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    1 / 1
    Psychiatric disorders
    Anxiety disorder
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    0 / 240 (0.00%)
    1 / 238 (0.42%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 1
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 0
    Haemoglobin decreased
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    3 / 240 (1.25%)
    5 / 238 (2.10%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    1 / 3
    0 / 5
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 0
    Injury, poisoning and procedural complications
    Accidental overdose
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    1 / 240 (0.42%)
    0 / 238 (0.00%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 1
    0 / 0
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 0
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    0 / 240 (0.00%)
    1 / 238 (0.42%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 1
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 0
    Procedural pain
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    0 / 240 (0.00%)
    1 / 238 (0.42%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 1
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 0
    Subdural haematoma
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    0 / 240 (0.00%)
    1 / 238 (0.42%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 1
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 0
    Toxicity to various agents
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    1 / 240 (0.42%)
    0 / 238 (0.00%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 1
    0 / 0
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 0
    Subdural haemorrhage
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    0 / 240 (0.00%)
    1 / 238 (0.42%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    1 / 1
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    1 / 1
    Cardiac disorders
    Acute coronary syndrome
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    0 / 240 (0.00%)
    2 / 238 (0.84%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    2 / 2
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 0
    Acute myocardial infarction
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    0 / 240 (0.00%)
    3 / 238 (1.26%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 3
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 3
    Atrial fibrillation
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    0 / 240 (0.00%)
    2 / 238 (0.84%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 2
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 0
    Atrial flutter
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    1 / 240 (0.42%)
    1 / 238 (0.42%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 1
    0 / 1
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 0
    Cardiac failure
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    3 / 240 (1.25%)
    1 / 238 (0.42%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 4
    0 / 1
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 1
    0 / 1
    Cardiac discomfort
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    1 / 240 (0.42%)
    0 / 238 (0.00%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 1
    0 / 0
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 0
    Cardiac arrest
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    1 / 240 (0.42%)
    2 / 238 (0.84%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 1
    1 / 2
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    1 / 2
    Cardiac failure congestive
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    0 / 240 (0.00%)
    1 / 238 (0.42%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 1
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 0
    Cardiopulmonary failure
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    0 / 240 (0.00%)
    1 / 238 (0.42%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 1
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 1
    Congestive cardiomyopathy
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    0 / 240 (0.00%)
    1 / 238 (0.42%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 1
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 0
    Intracardiac thrombus
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    0 / 240 (0.00%)
    1 / 238 (0.42%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 1
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 0
    Ventricular fibrillation
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    0 / 240 (0.00%)
    1 / 238 (0.42%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 1
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 0
    Sick sinus syndrome
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    0 / 240 (0.00%)
    1 / 238 (0.42%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 1
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 0
    Myocardial infarction
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    1 / 240 (0.42%)
    0 / 238 (0.00%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 1
    0 / 0
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 0
    Nervous system disorders
    Altered state of consciousness
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    1 / 240 (0.42%)
    1 / 238 (0.42%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 1
    0 / 1
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 0
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    1 / 240 (0.42%)
    1 / 238 (0.42%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 1
    0 / 1
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 0
    Basal ganglia haemorrhage
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    1 / 240 (0.42%)
    0 / 238 (0.00%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    1 / 1
    0 / 0
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 0
    Basilar artery thrombosis
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    0 / 240 (0.00%)
    1 / 238 (0.42%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 1
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 1
    Brain oedema
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    3 / 240 (1.25%)
    6 / 238 (2.52%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    2 / 3
    3 / 6
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    1 / 2
    1 / 3
    Cerebral artery occlusion
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    0 / 240 (0.00%)
    1 / 238 (0.42%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 1
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 0
    Cerebral haemorrhage
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    5 / 240 (2.08%)
    4 / 238 (1.68%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    5 / 5
    4 / 4
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    1 / 1
    3 / 3
    Cerebral infarction
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    2 / 240 (0.83%)
    1 / 238 (0.42%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    1 / 2
    0 / 1
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    1 / 1
    0 / 0
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    0 / 240 (0.00%)
    1 / 238 (0.42%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 1
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 0
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    1 / 240 (0.42%)
    0 / 238 (0.00%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 1
    0 / 0
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 0
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    1 / 240 (0.42%)
    0 / 238 (0.00%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 2
    0 / 0
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 0
    Haemorrhage intracranial
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    3 / 240 (1.25%)
    1 / 238 (0.42%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    3 / 3
    1 / 1
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    1 / 1
    1 / 1
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    0 / 240 (0.00%)
    1 / 238 (0.42%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 1
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 0
    Haemorrhagic transformation stroke
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    3 / 240 (1.25%)
    1 / 238 (0.42%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    1 / 3
    1 / 1
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 0
    Intracranial pressure increased
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    2 / 240 (0.83%)
    0 / 238 (0.00%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 2
    0 / 0
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 1
    0 / 0
    Ischaemic stroke
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    5 / 240 (2.08%)
    5 / 238 (2.10%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 6
    0 / 5
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 0
    Neurological decompensation
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    1 / 240 (0.42%)
    3 / 238 (1.26%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    1 / 1
    1 / 3
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 0
    Pseudobulbar palsy
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    0 / 240 (0.00%)
    1 / 238 (0.42%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 1
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 0
    Stroke in evolution
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    3 / 240 (1.25%)
    8 / 238 (3.36%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    2 / 3
    2 / 8
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    1 / 1
    0 / 1
    Subarachnoid haemorrhage
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    1 / 240 (0.42%)
    0 / 238 (0.00%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    1 / 1
    0 / 0
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 0
    Transient ischaemic attack
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    1 / 240 (0.42%)
    0 / 238 (0.00%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 1
    0 / 0
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 0
    Vascular dementia
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    1 / 240 (0.42%)
    0 / 238 (0.00%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 1
    0 / 0
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 0
    Vertebral artery occlusion
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    0 / 240 (0.00%)
    1 / 238 (0.42%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 1
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 1
    Blood and lymphatic system disorders
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    1 / 240 (0.42%)
    3 / 238 (1.26%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 1
    0 / 3
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 0
    Anaemia macrocytic
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    1 / 240 (0.42%)
    0 / 238 (0.00%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 1
    0 / 0
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 0
    Haemorrhagic anaemia
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    1 / 240 (0.42%)
    0 / 238 (0.00%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 1
    0 / 0
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 0
    Disseminated intravascular coagulation
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    1 / 240 (0.42%)
    0 / 238 (0.00%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 1
    0 / 0
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 0
    Anaemia of chronic disease
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    0 / 240 (0.00%)
    2 / 238 (0.84%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 2
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 0
    Iron deficiency anaemia
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    0 / 240 (0.00%)
    1 / 238 (0.42%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 1
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 0
    Nephrogenic anaemia
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    1 / 240 (0.42%)
    0 / 238 (0.00%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    1 / 1
    0 / 0
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 0
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    0 / 240 (0.00%)
    1 / 238 (0.42%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 1
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 0
    Gastrointestinal disorders
    Diaphragmatic hernia
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    1 / 240 (0.42%)
    0 / 238 (0.00%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 1
    0 / 0
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 0
    Gastric polyps
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    1 / 240 (0.42%)
    0 / 238 (0.00%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 1
    0 / 0
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 0
    Gastric ulcer
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    1 / 240 (0.42%)
    0 / 238 (0.00%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 1
    0 / 0
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 0
    Gastrointestinal haemorrhage
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    1 / 240 (0.42%)
    1 / 238 (0.42%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 1
    0 / 1
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 1
    0 / 0
    Gastric ulcer haemorrhage
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    1 / 240 (0.42%)
    0 / 238 (0.00%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 1
    0 / 0
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 0
    Gingival bleeding
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    1 / 240 (0.42%)
    0 / 238 (0.00%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 1
    0 / 0
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 0
    Gastrointestinal ulcer haemorrhage
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    0 / 240 (0.00%)
    1 / 238 (0.42%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 1
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 0
    Haemorrhoidal haemorrhage
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    0 / 240 (0.00%)
    1 / 238 (0.42%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 1
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 0
    Upper gastrointestinal haemorrhage
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    1 / 240 (0.42%)
    0 / 238 (0.00%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 1
    0 / 0
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 0
    Renal and urinary disorders
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    2 / 240 (0.83%)
    1 / 238 (0.42%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 2
    1 / 1
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 0
    Prerenal failure
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    1 / 240 (0.42%)
    0 / 238 (0.00%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 1
    0 / 0
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 0
    Renal failure
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    1 / 240 (0.42%)
    0 / 238 (0.00%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 1
    0 / 0
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 1
    0 / 0
    Renal failure acute
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    2 / 240 (0.83%)
    2 / 238 (0.84%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 2
    0 / 2
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 1
    0 / 1
    Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    0 / 240 (0.00%)
    1 / 238 (0.42%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 1
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 0
    Back pain
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    0 / 240 (0.00%)
    1 / 238 (0.42%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 1
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 0
    Infections and infestations
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    1 / 240 (0.42%)
    0 / 238 (0.00%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 1
    0 / 0
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 0
    Clostridium difficile colitis
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    0 / 240 (0.00%)
    2 / 238 (0.84%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 2
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 0
    Enteritis infectious
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    1 / 240 (0.42%)
    0 / 238 (0.00%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 1
    0 / 0
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 1
    0 / 0
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    1 / 240 (0.42%)
    0 / 238 (0.00%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 1
    0 / 0
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 0
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    1 / 240 (0.42%)
    0 / 238 (0.00%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 1
    0 / 0
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 0
    Lower respiratory tract infection bacterial
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    0 / 240 (0.00%)
    1 / 238 (0.42%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 1
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 0
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    3 / 240 (1.25%)
    3 / 238 (1.26%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 4
    0 / 3
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 3
    0 / 2
    Pneumonia bacterial
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    1 / 240 (0.42%)
    5 / 238 (2.10%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 1
    0 / 5
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 1
    Pneumonia escherichia
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    0 / 240 (0.00%)
    1 / 238 (0.42%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 1
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 0
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    2 / 240 (0.83%)
    2 / 238 (0.84%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 3
    0 / 2
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 1
    0 / 1
    Septic shock
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    3 / 240 (1.25%)
    1 / 238 (0.42%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 3
    0 / 1
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 2
    0 / 0
    Staphylococcal sepsis
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    0 / 240 (0.00%)
    1 / 238 (0.42%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 1
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 0
    Urinary tract infection bacterial
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    1 / 240 (0.42%)
    0 / 238 (0.00%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 1
    0 / 0
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 0
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    0 / 240 (0.00%)
    1 / 238 (0.42%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 1
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 0
    Metabolism and nutrition disorders
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    2 / 240 (0.83%)
    0 / 238 (0.00%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 2
    0 / 0
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 0
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    0 / 240 (0.00%)
    1 / 238 (0.42%)
         occurrences causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 1
         deaths causally related to treatment / all
    0 / 0
    0 / 0
    [1] - The number of subjects exposed to this adverse event is less than the total number of subjects exposed to this adverse event. These numbers are expected to be equal.
    Justification: This Adverse Event only apply to women
    Frequency threshold for reporting non-serious adverse events: 5%
    Non-serious adverse events
    Desmoteplase Placebo
    Total subjects affected by non serious adverse events
         subjects affected / exposed
    182 / 240 (75.83%)
    173 / 238 (72.69%)
    Nih stroke scale score increased
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    13 / 240 (5.42%)
    11 / 238 (4.62%)
         occurrences all number
    Vascular disorders
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    29 / 240 (12.08%)
    20 / 238 (8.40%)
         occurrences all number
    Cardiac disorders
    Atrial fibrillation
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    18 / 240 (7.50%)
    18 / 238 (7.56%)
         occurrences all number
    Nervous system disorders
    Haemorrhagic transformation stroke
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    14 / 240 (5.83%)
    16 / 238 (6.72%)
         occurrences all number
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    37 / 240 (15.42%)
    34 / 238 (14.29%)
         occurrences all number
    General disorders and administration site conditions
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    29 / 240 (12.08%)
    20 / 238 (8.40%)
         occurrences all number
    Gastrointestinal disorders
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    61 / 240 (25.42%)
    66 / 238 (27.73%)
         occurrences all number
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    15 / 240 (6.25%)
    14 / 238 (5.88%)
         occurrences all number
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    15 / 240 (6.25%)
    9 / 238 (3.78%)
         occurrences all number
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    21 / 240 (8.75%)
    24 / 238 (10.08%)
         occurrences all number
    Psychiatric disorders
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    11 / 240 (4.58%)
    13 / 238 (5.46%)
         occurrences all number
    Depressive symptom
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    22 / 240 (9.17%)
    17 / 238 (7.14%)
         occurrences all number
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    22 / 240 (9.17%)
    21 / 238 (8.82%)
         occurrences all number
    Renal and urinary disorders
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    27 / 240 (11.25%)
    27 / 238 (11.34%)
         occurrences all number
    Infections and infestations
    Pneumonia bacterial
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    13 / 240 (5.42%)
    8 / 238 (3.36%)
         occurrences all number
    Urinary tract infection
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    30 / 240 (12.50%)
    29 / 238 (12.18%)
         occurrences all number
    Urinary tract infection bacterial
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    17 / 240 (7.08%)
    24 / 238 (10.08%)
         occurrences all number
    Metabolism and nutrition disorders
    alternative assessment type: Non-systematic
         subjects affected / exposed
    35 / 240 (14.58%)
    28 / 238 (11.76%)
         occurrences all number

    More information

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    Substantial protocol amendments (globally)

    Were there any global substantial amendments to the protocol? Yes
    10 Nov 2009
    The statistical design of the study was modified in order to align with the twin-study (12649A; DIAS-4). The original design was changed to a fixed-sample design, including an interim futility analysis without adjusting the significance level in the final analysis. With the fixed design, a two-sided test at the 0.05 level of significance was used. The sample size was increased to 400 treated patients in order to be able to detect a smaller effect size of 13% (38% desmoteplase responders versus 25% placebo responders) instead of 15%. The following was added: hierarchical ordering of endpoints, identification of the full-analysis set (FAS) as the primary analysis set, sensitivity analyses.
    09 May 2012
    Post-follow-up visits, up to 2 years after IMP administration, were added to explore the long-term antibody response and safety profile. Also, long-term assessments of living arrangements, quality of life, and a measure of resource utilisation were added. The timing of the post-dose ECG was moved from 24 hours after IMP administration to within 4 hours after IMP administration, as this was closer to the peak plasma concentration. Central reading of the ECGs was added. Exclusion criteria were clarified
    21 Sep 2012
    The total number of patients planned was increased from 400 to 480, to preserve the risk of a type II error at an acceptable level, as a review of blinded data showed that the overall percentage of responders in the study was higher than anticipated.
    18 Oct 2013
    Additional analyses of the primary and secondary endpoints were added to investigate the subgroup of patients with a baseline NIHSS score of 8-24. Analysis of the mRS using ordinal logistic regression was moved from the exploratory analysis to the secondary analysis. Subgroup analyses investigating the relationship between time from stroke onset to treatment and clinical outcome were added.

    Interruptions (globally)

    Were there any global interruptions to the trial? No

    Limitations and caveats

    Limitations of the trial such as small numbers of subjects analysed or technical problems leading to unreliable data.
    None reported
    For support, Contact us.
    The status and protocol content of GB trials is no longer updated since 1 January 2021. For the UK, as of 31 January 2021, EU Law applies only to the territory of Northern Ireland (NI) to the extent foreseen in the Protocol on Ireland/NI. Legal notice
    As of 31 January 2023, all EU/EEA initial clinical trial applications must be submitted through CTIS . Updated EudraCT trials information and information on PIP/Art 46 trials conducted exclusively in third countries continues to be submitted through EudraCT and published on this website.

    European Medicines Agency © 1995-Fri Sep 20 08:00:31 CEST 2024 | Domenico Scarlattilaan 6, 1083 HS Amsterdam, The Netherlands