- Trials with a EudraCT protocol (10)
- Paediatric studies in scope of Art45 of the Paediatric Regulation (1)
10 result(s) found for: Hematomas.
Displaying page 1 of 1.
EudraCT Number: 2011-003544-42 | Sponsor Protocol Number: 2011-3 | Start Date*: 2012-02-16 | |||||||||||
Sponsor Name:Department of Neurosurgery, PMU | |||||||||||||
Full Title: DRES - A prospective, multi-center, double blind, randomized, placebo controlled study to assess the efficacy of Dexamethason in reducing the reoperation rate in patients with chronic subdural hema... | |||||||||||||
Medical condition: operated chronic subdural hematoma | |||||||||||||
Population Age: Adults, Elderly | Gender: Male, Female | ||||||||||||
Trial protocol: AT (Ongoing) | |||||||||||||
Trial results: (No results available) |
EudraCT Number: 2008-000247-34 | Sponsor Protocol Number: COXIBRAIN I | Start Date*: 2008-09-26 | |||||||||||
Sponsor Name:Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin | |||||||||||||
Full Title: Prospektive randomisierte Phase II/III-Studie zur selektiven COX-2-Inhibition beim chronischen Subduralhämatom (Prospective randomized phase II/III study for the selective COX-2-inhibition in chron... | |||||||||||||
Medical condition: chronic subdural haematoma | |||||||||||||
Population Age: Adults, Elderly | Gender: Male, Female | ||||||||||||
Trial protocol: DE (Prematurely Ended) | |||||||||||||
Trial results: View results |
EudraCT Number: 2015-000927-96 | Sponsor Protocol Number: SUCRE | Start Date*: 2015-08-04 | |||||||||||
Sponsor Name:CHU of Rennes | |||||||||||||
Full Title: Treatment of chronic subdural hematoma by corticosteroids : a prospective randomized study | |||||||||||||
Medical condition: chronic subdural hematoma | |||||||||||||
Population Age: Adults, Elderly | Gender: Male, Female | ||||||||||||
Trial protocol: FR (Completed) | |||||||||||||
Trial results: View results |
EudraCT Number: 2005-000390-22 | Sponsor Protocol Number: TV001 | Start Date*: 2005-04-07 |
Sponsor Name:Turku University Hospital | ||
Full Title: Antikoagulanttihoito varfariinilla sydäntahdistimen asennuksen yhteydessä | ||
Medical condition: The study population will consist of patients admitted for an elective implantation of a pacemaker or an arrhythmia device. The underlying medical conditions warranting the implantation of the devi... | ||
Disease: | ||
Population Age: Adults, Elderly | Gender: Male, Female | |
Trial protocol: FI (Completed) | ||
Trial results: (No results available) |
EudraCT Number: 2015-001563-39 | Sponsor Protocol Number: DENISH2015 | Start Date*: 2016-05-20 | |||||||||||
Sponsor Name:Medical Centre Haaglanden (MCH) [...] | |||||||||||||
Full Title: Dexamethasone (DXM) therapy in symptomatic patients with chronic subdural hematoma (DECSA– Trial). Effect of initial corticosteroid therapy versus primary surgery on clinical outcome. | |||||||||||||
Medical condition: Chronic subdural hematoma. | |||||||||||||
Population Age: Adults, Elderly | Gender: Male, Female | ||||||||||||
Trial protocol: NL (Prematurely Ended) | |||||||||||||
Trial results: (No results available) |
EudraCT Number: 2017-004311-40 | Sponsor Protocol Number: TORCH | Start Date*: 2018-05-24 | |||||||||||
Sponsor Name:Academic Medical Center | |||||||||||||
Full Title: Tranexamic Acid to Prevent Operation in Chronic Subdural Hematoma | |||||||||||||
Medical condition: Chronic Subdural Hematoma | |||||||||||||
Population Age: Adults, Elderly | Gender: Male, Female | ||||||||||||
Trial protocol: NL (Trial now transitioned) | |||||||||||||
Trial results: (No results available) |
EudraCT Number: 2014-004948-35 | Sponsor Protocol Number: Dex-CSDH | Start Date*: 2015-03-20 | |||||||||||
Sponsor Name:Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and the University of Cambridge | |||||||||||||
Full Title: A randomised, double blind, placebo-controlled trial of a two-week course of dexamethasone for adult patients with a symptomatic chronic subdural haematoma. | |||||||||||||
Medical condition: chronic subdural haematoma | |||||||||||||
Population Age: Adults, Elderly | Gender: Male, Female | ||||||||||||
Trial protocol: GB (Completed) | |||||||||||||
Trial results: View results |
EudraCT Number: 2005-005697-71 | Sponsor Protocol Number: 060402 | Start Date*: 2006-01-26 | |||||||||||
Sponsor Name:Baxalta Innovations GmbH | |||||||||||||
Full Title: Antihemophilic Factor (Recombinant) Plasma/Albumin-Free Method (rAHF PFM): A Phase 3/4, Prospective, Controlled, Randomized, Multi-Center Study to Compare the Efficacy and Safety of Continuous Infu... | |||||||||||||
Medical condition: Subjects with Severe or Moderately Severe Hemophilia A (baseline factor VIII (FVIII) level <= 2% of normal) hemophilia A undergoing major orthopedic surgery | |||||||||||||
Population Age: Adults, Elderly | Gender: Male, Female | ||||||||||||
Trial protocol: AT (Completed) SE (Completed) BE (Completed) PT (Completed) ES (Completed) HU (Completed) NL (Completed) GB (Completed) IT (Completed) PL (Completed) | |||||||||||||
Trial results: View results |
EudraCT Number: 2006-006699-40 | Sponsor Protocol Number: PTR2007 | Start Date*: 2008-03-03 | |||||||||||
Sponsor Name:Hospital Clínic | |||||||||||||
Full Title: Estudio aleatorizado y doble ciego para establecer el momento más apropiado de la administración de la profilaxis antibiótica en la artroplastia total de rodilla cuando se realiza bajo isquemia Ran... | |||||||||||||
Medical condition: Prevention of infection after total knee arthroplasty Prevención de la infección tras artroplastia total de rodilla | |||||||||||||
Population Age: Adults, Elderly | Gender: Male, Female | ||||||||||||
Trial protocol: ES (Ongoing) | |||||||||||||
Trial results: (No results available) |
EudraCT Number: 2010-019764-36 | Sponsor Protocol Number: SAP-02 | Start Date*: 2011-02-03 | |||||||||||
Sponsor Name:JOSEP ORDI-ROS | |||||||||||||
Medical condition: Sindrome Antifosfolípido | |||||||||||||
Population Age: Adults | Gender: Male, Female | ||||||||||||
Trial protocol: ES (Completed) | |||||||||||||
Trial results: View results |
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