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Clinical trials for Eye injury

The European Union Clinical Trials Register   allows you to search for protocol and results information on:
  • interventional clinical trials that were approved in the European Union (EU)/European Economic Area (EEA) under the Clinical Trials Directive 2001/20/EC
  • clinical trials conducted outside the EU/EEA that are linked to European paediatric-medicine development

  • EU/EEA interventional clinical trials approved under or transitioned to the Clinical Trial Regulation 536/2014 are publicly accessible through the
    Clinical Trials Information System (CTIS).

    The EU Clinical Trials Register currently displays   44294   clinical trials with a EudraCT protocol, of which   7351   are clinical trials conducted with subjects less than 18 years old.   The register also displays information on   18700   older paediatric trials (in scope of Article 45 of the Paediatric Regulation (EC) No 1901/2006).

    Phase 1 trials conducted solely on adults and that are not part of an agreed paediatric investigation plan (PIP) are not publicly available (see Frequently Asked Questions ).  
    Examples: Cancer AND drug name. Pneumonia AND sponsor name.
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    14 result(s) found for: Eye injury. Displaying page 1 of 1.
    EudraCT Number: 2014-002193-37 Sponsor Protocol Number: CHAD1031 Start Date*: 2014-09-05
    Sponsor Name:Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
    Full Title: A phase 3 multi-centre double-masked randomised controlled trial of adjunctive intraocular and periocular steroid (triamcinolone acetonide) versus standard treatment in eyes undergoing vitreoretina...
    Medical condition: retinal detachment and the development of scarring (proliferative vitreoretinopathy) in patients with open globe trauma
    Disease: Version SOC Term Classification Code Term Level
    17.0 10015919 - Eye disorders 10057896 Proliferative vitreoretinopathy LLT
    17.0 10015919 - Eye disorders 10038848 Retinal detachment PT
    Population Age: Adults, Elderly Gender: Male, Female
    Trial protocol: GB (GB - no longer in EU/EEA)
    Trial results: View results
    EudraCT Number: 2019-002282-35 Sponsor Protocol Number: rh-NGF Start Date*: 2020-05-13
    Full Title: Nerve growth factor in pediatric severe traumatic brain injury : translational and clinical studies on a candidate biomarker and therapeutic drug
    Medical condition: Persistent unresponsive wakefulness syndrome (UWS)
    Disease: Version SOC Term Classification Code Term Level
    20.1 100000004863 10049615 Late effects of head trauma LLT
    Population Age: Infants and toddlers, Children, Under 18 Gender: Male, Female
    Trial protocol: IT (Completed)
    Trial results: (No results available)
    EudraCT Number: 2013-000901-21 Sponsor Protocol Number: 2013.03 Start Date*: 2013-10-24
    Sponsor Name:Rode Kruis Ziekenhuis
    Full Title: A randomized clinical trial on the effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and quality of life of Flaminal® versus Flammazine® in the treatment of superficial and deep partial thickness burns
    Medical condition: Patients with partial thickness burns and/ or mixed depth of partial and full thickness burns
    Disease: Version SOC Term Classification Code Term Level
    14.1 100000004863 10015723 Extensive burns LLT
    14.1 100000004863 10006796 Burns eyes LLT
    14.1 100000004863 10006795 Burns extensive LLT
    16.0 100000004863 10006794 Burns classified according to extent of body surface involved LLT
    14.1 100000004863 10043441 Third degree burns LLT
    14.1 100000004863 10006801 Burns of multiple specified sites, unspecified degree LLT
    16.0 100000004863 10012087 Deep necrosis of underlying tissues due to burns (dtd) of multiple specified sites w/o mention lobp LLT
    14.1 100000004863 10028175 Multiple burns LLT
    14.1 100000004863 10039798 Second degree burns LLT
    16.0 100000004863 10031700 Other burns of eyelids and periocular area LLT
    Population Age: Adults, Elderly Gender: Male, Female
    Trial protocol: NL (Ongoing)
    Trial results: (No results available)
    EudraCT Number: 2012-004980-39 Sponsor Protocol Number: Amiloride02 Start Date*: 2013-01-21
    Sponsor Name:University of Oxford
    Full Title: A double blind randomised controlled trial on neuroprotection of amiloride in optic neuritis
    Medical condition: Optic Neuritis
    Disease: Version SOC Term Classification Code Term Level
    14.1 10029205 - Nervous system disorders 10030942 Optic neuritis PT
    Population Age: Adults Gender: Male, Female
    Trial protocol: GB (GB - no longer in EU/EEA)
    Trial results: (No results available)
    EudraCT Number: 2017-004890-15 Sponsor Protocol Number: EU-C-001-II-01 Start Date*: 2019-06-05
    Sponsor Name:Eustralis Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
    Full Title: A double-blind placebo-controlled study with an open-label pilot phase, assessing the efficacy, tolerability and safety of EU-C-001 in patients with moderate to severe traumatic brain injury
    Medical condition: Traumatic brain injury
    Disease: Version SOC Term Classification Code Term Level
    22.1 100000004852 10021665 Increased intracranial pressure LLT
    Population Age: Adults Gender: Male, Female
    Trial protocol: GB (GB - no longer in EU/EEA)
    Trial results: (No results available)
    EudraCT Number: 2011-003475-11 Sponsor Protocol Number: UCL/11/0083 Start Date*: 2011-11-15
    Sponsor Name:University College London (UCL)
    Full Title: A phase II double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trial of neuroprotection with phenytoin in acute optic neuritis
    Medical condition: Acute demyelinating optic neuritis
    Disease: Version SOC Term Classification Code Term Level
    16.0 10029205 - Nervous system disorders 10030942 Optic neuritis PT
    Population Age: Adults Gender: Male, Female
    Trial protocol: GB (Completed)
    Trial results: View results
    EudraCT Number: 2011-004463-69 Sponsor Protocol Number: RadiRet Start Date*: 2012-12-11
    Sponsor Name:Charité – University Medicine Berlin
    Full Title: Investigation of Radiation Retinopathy (RadiRet Study) Subtitle: Influence of Lucentis® on radiation retinopathy after irradiation of choroidal melanoma
    Medical condition: Patients with retinopathy, due to irradiation in uveal melanoma
    Disease: Version SOC Term Classification Code Term Level
    14.1 10022117 - Injury, poisoning and procedural complications 10064714 Radiation retinopathy PT
    Population Age: Adults, Elderly Gender: Male, Female
    Trial protocol: DE (Prematurely Ended)
    Trial results: View results
    EudraCT Number: 2007-005138-35 Sponsor Protocol Number: CHAD1024 Start Date*: 2008-06-06
    Sponsor Name:Moorfields Eye Hospital
    Full Title: Triamcinolone acetonide to prevent PVR in eyes undergoing vitreoretinal surgery for open globe trauma
    Medical condition: Proliferative vitreoretinopathy following open globe trauma.
    Disease: Version SOC Term Classification Code Term Level
    9.1 10057896 LLT
    Population Age: Adults, Elderly Gender: Male, Female
    Trial protocol: GB (Completed)
    Trial results: View results
    EudraCT Number: 2017-001790-16 Sponsor Protocol Number: LSC2-II-01 Start Date*: 2019-01-07
    Sponsor Name:RHEACELL GmbH & Co. KG
    Medical condition: Limbal stem cell deficiency (LSCD)
    Disease: Version SOC Term Classification Code Term Level
    20.1 10015919 - Eye disorders 10072138 Limbal stem cell deficiency PT
    Population Age: Adults, Elderly Gender: Male, Female
    Trial protocol: DE (Prematurely Ended)
    Trial results: (No results available)
    EudraCT Number: 2010-022971-79 Sponsor Protocol Number: PALO-10-14 Start Date*: 2011-05-23
    Sponsor Name:Helsinn Healthcare SA
    Full Title: A Multicenter, Double-blind, Double-dummy, Randomized, Parallel Group, Stratified Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of a Single IV Dose of Palonosetron Compared to a Single IV Dose of Ondan...
    Medical condition: Postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV)
    Disease: Version SOC Term Classification Code Term Level
    14.0 10022117 - Injury, poisoning and procedural complications 10036238 Postoperative vomiting LLT
    14.0 10022117 - Injury, poisoning and procedural complications 10036285 Postoperative nausea LLT
    Population Age: Infants and toddlers, Children, Adolescents, Under 18 Gender: Male, Female
    Trial protocol: CZ (Completed) PL (Completed) HU (Completed)
    Trial results: View results
    EudraCT Number: 2008-007984-17 Sponsor Protocol Number: PETC1002 Start Date*: 2009-03-02
    Sponsor Name:Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
    Full Title: Pilot randomised placebo-controlled double-masked clinical trial of subconjunctival Bevacizumab on eyes with recent onset of corneal neovascularisation
    Medical condition: Corneal neovascularisation
    Disease: Version SOC Term Classification Code Term Level
    9.1 10055665 Corneal neovascularisation LLT
    Population Age: Adults Gender: Male, Female
    Trial protocol: GB (Completed)
    Trial results: View results
    EudraCT Number: 2013-001633-41 Sponsor Protocol Number: SONIA2 Start Date*: 2013-09-17
    Sponsor Name:University of Liverpool (UniLiv)
    Full Title: An international, multicenter, randomized, evaluator-blinded, no-treatment controlled, parallel-group study to assess the efficacy and safety of once daily nitisinone in patients with alkaptonuria ...
    Medical condition: Alkaptonuria (AKU) - a serious, autosomal recessive, multisystem disorder.
    Disease: Version SOC Term Classification Code Term Level
    16.0 10010331 - Congenital, familial and genetic disorders 10001689 Alkaptonuria PT
    Population Age: Adults Gender: Male, Female
    Trial protocol: GB (Completed) SK (Completed)
    Trial results: (No results available)
    EudraCT Number: 2018-001718-13 Sponsor Protocol Number: MP18 Start Date*: 2019-10-18
    Sponsor Name:MAPS Europe B.V.
    Full Title: An Open- Label, Phase 2, Multicenter Feasibility Study if Manualized MDMA-Assisted Psychotherapy with an fMRI sub-study Assessing Changes in Brain Activity in Subjects with Posttraumatic Stress Dis...
    Medical condition: post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
    Population Age: Adults, Elderly Gender: Male, Female
    Trial protocol: NL (Completed) CZ (Completed) NO (Completed) DE (Completed) GB (GB - no longer in EU/EEA) ES (Prematurely Ended)
    Trial results: View results
    EudraCT Number: 2009-010551-26 Sponsor Protocol Number: D0102C00003 Start Date*: 2009-08-10
    Sponsor Name:AstraZeneca AB
    Full Title: A Phase I/II Multi-centre Study of AZD8931 in Combination with Weekly Paclitaxel to Assess the Safety, Tolerability, Pharmacokinetics and Efficacy in Patients with Advanced Solid Tumours and in a S...
    Medical condition: Phase I part of the study: Solid tumours that are refractory to standard therapies Phase II part of the study: trastuzumab- or lapatinib-ineligible patients with locally advanced (not amenable to s...
    Disease: Version SOC Term Classification Code Term Level
    9.1 10049280 Solid tumour LLT
    Population Age: Adults Gender: Male, Female
    Trial protocol: GB (Completed) CZ (Completed) HU (Completed) SE (Completed) FR (Completed) IT (Completed) BG (Completed) BE (Completed)
    Trial results: View results
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    Note, where multi-state trials are shown in search results, selecting "Full Trial details" will download full information for each of the member states/countries involved in the trial.
    Query did not match any studies.
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    The status and protocol content of GB trials is no longer updated since 1 January 2021. For the UK, as of 31 January 2021, EU Law applies only to the territory of Northern Ireland (NI) to the extent foreseen in the Protocol on Ireland/NI. Legal notice
    As of 31 January 2023, all EU/EEA initial clinical trial applications must be submitted through CTIS . Updated EudraCT trials information and information on PIP/Art 46 trials conducted exclusively in third countries continues to be submitted through EudraCT and published on this website.

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