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Clinical trials for Liquid biopsy

The European Union Clinical Trials Register   allows you to search for protocol and results information on:
  • interventional clinical trials that were approved in the European Union (EU)/European Economic Area (EEA) under the Clinical Trials Directive 2001/20/EC
  • clinical trials conducted outside the EU/EEA that are linked to European paediatric-medicine development

  • EU/EEA interventional clinical trials approved under or transitioned to the Clinical Trial Regulation 536/2014 are publicly accessible through the
    Clinical Trials Information System (CTIS).

    The EU Clinical Trials Register currently displays   44300   clinical trials with a EudraCT protocol, of which   7354   are clinical trials conducted with subjects less than 18 years old.   The register also displays information on   18700   older paediatric trials (in scope of Article 45 of the Paediatric Regulation (EC) No 1901/2006).

    Phase 1 trials conducted solely on adults and that are not part of an agreed paediatric investigation plan (PIP) are not publicly available (see Frequently Asked Questions ).  
    Examples: Cancer AND drug name. Pneumonia AND sponsor name.
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    124 result(s) found for: Liquid biopsy. Displaying page 1 of 7.
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    EudraCT Number: 2019-002074-32 Sponsor Protocol Number: IFOM-CPT005/2019/PO004 Start Date*: 2020-02-11
    Sponsor Name:IFOM - Istituto FIRC di Oncologia Molecolare
    Medical condition: Stage III and high-risk stage II colon cancer
    Disease: Version SOC Term Classification Code Term Level
    21.0 10029104 - Neoplasms benign, malignant and unspecified (incl cysts and polyps) 10061451 Colorectal cancer PT
    Population Age: Adults, Elderly Gender: Male, Female
    Trial protocol: ES (Ongoing) IT (Trial now transitioned)
    Trial results: (No results available)
    EudraCT Number: 2017-000575-88 Sponsor Protocol Number: SHP647-305 Start Date*: 2019-02-28
    Sponsor Name:Shire Human Genetic Therapies, Inc.
    Full Title: A Phase 3 Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled, Parallel-group Efficacy and Safety Study of SHP647 as Induction Therapy in Subjects With Moderate to Severe Crohn’s Disease (CARMEN CD 305)
    Medical condition: Crohn's disease
    Disease: Version SOC Term Classification Code Term Level
    20.0 10017947 - Gastrointestinal disorders 10011401 Crohn's disease PT
    Population Age: Adolescents, Under 18, Adults, Elderly Gender: Male, Female
    Trial protocol: GB (GB - no longer in EU/EEA) NL (Completed) AT (Completed) LT (Completed) CZ (Prematurely Ended) DE (Completed) PL (Completed) HR (Completed) IT (Completed) RO (Completed)
    Trial results: View results
    EudraCT Number: 2017-000576-29 Sponsor Protocol Number: SHP647-306 Start Date*: Information not available in EudraCT
    Sponsor Name:Shire Human Genetic Therapies, Inc.
    Full Title: A Phase 3 Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled, Parallel-group Efficacy and Safety Study of SHP647 as Induction Therapy in Subjects With Moderate to Severe Crohn’s Disease (CARMEN CD 306)
    Medical condition: Crohn’s disease
    Disease: Version SOC Term Classification Code Term Level
    20.0 100000004856 10011402 Crohn's disease (colon) LLT
    Population Age: Adolescents, Under 18, Adults, Elderly Gender: Male, Female
    Trial protocol: IE (Completed) BE (Completed) HU (Completed) SK (Completed) ES (Prematurely Ended) PT (Completed) EE (Completed) BG (Completed) GR (Completed)
    Trial results: View results
    EudraCT Number: 2021-001328-17 Sponsor Protocol Number: IMIB-HTF-2021-01 Start Date*: 2021-09-23
    Sponsor Name:Fundación para la formación e investigación sanitarias de la Región de Murcia
    Full Title: Histological and clinical effects of Imipramine in the treatment of patients with cancer over-expressing Fascin1.
    Medical condition: Colorectal cancer and triple negative breast cancer patients (TNBC) who shown overexpression of fascin1 in the diagnostic biopsy tissue.
    Population Age: Adults, Elderly Gender: Male, Female
    Trial protocol: ES (Ongoing)
    Trial results: (No results available)
    EudraCT Number: 2017-004519-38 Sponsor Protocol Number: GEMCAD-17-01 Start Date*: 2018-07-04
    Sponsor Name:Grupo Español Multidisciplinar en Cáncer Digestivo (GEMCAD
    Full Title: Randomized phase II study to evaluate the efficacy of second-line FOLFIRI + panitumumab in subjects with wild type RAS metastatic colorectal cancer who have received FOLFOX + panitumumab in first-line
    Medical condition: Subjects treated in first-line with panitumumab and FOLFOX and having at least achieved stable disease with wild type RAS metastatic Colorectal Cancer confirmed in liquid biopsies before starting s...
    Disease: Version SOC Term Classification Code Term Level
    20.0 100000004864 10052362 Metastatic colorectal cancer LLT
    Population Age: Adults, Elderly Gender: Male, Female
    Trial protocol: ES (Prematurely Ended)
    Trial results: (No results available)
    EudraCT Number: 2011-004259-38 Sponsor Protocol Number: CAC-91-10-10 Start Date*: 2011-10-06
    Sponsor Name:Asklepion Pharmaceuticals, LLC
    Full Title: Investigation in the Pathogenesis of Liver Disease in Patients with Inborn Errors of bile Acid Metabolism
    Medical condition: Patients with inborn errors of bile acid synthesis and metabolism
    Disease: Version SOC Term Classification Code Term Level
    14.0 10010331 - Congenital, familial and genetic disorders 10070882 Inborn error in primary bile acid synthesis PT
    Population Age: Newborns, Infants and toddlers, Children, Adolescents, Under 18, Adults Gender: Male, Female
    Trial protocol: Outside EU/EEA
    Trial results: (No results available)
    EudraCT Number: 2019-001066-15 Sponsor Protocol Number: LR19912019 Start Date*: 2019-08-16
    Sponsor Name:Merete Hædersdal
    Full Title: Treatment of hypertrophic scars using needle-free jet-injection of triamcinolone and 5-Fluorouracile: a prospective, controlled, randomized, single-blinded split-lesion trial.
    Medical condition: Hypertrophic scars on 20 participants
    Disease: Version SOC Term Classification Code Term Level
    20.1 100000004863 10070845 Skin scarring LLT
    Population Age: Adults Gender: Male, Female
    Trial protocol: DK (Completed)
    Trial results: View results
    EudraCT Number: 2021-000248-23 Sponsor Protocol Number: C3441052 Start Date*: 2021-10-22
    Sponsor Name:Pfizer Inc.
    Medical condition: Metastatic Castration-sensitive Prostate Cancer
    Disease: Version SOC Term Classification Code Term Level
    21.1 10029104 - Neoplasms benign, malignant and unspecified (incl cysts and polyps) 10036909 Prostate cancer metastatic PT
    Population Age: Adults, Elderly Gender: Male
    Trial protocol: CZ (Trial now transitioned) DE (Trial now transitioned) FR (Trial now transitioned) NO (Trial now transitioned) SK (Trial now transitioned) FI (Trial now transitioned) BE (Trial now transitioned) NL (Trial now transitioned) ES (Ongoing) BG (Trial now transitioned) HU (Trial now transitioned) IT (Trial now transitioned)
    Trial results: (No results available)
    EudraCT Number: 2014-003787-21 Sponsor Protocol Number: FIRE-4 Start Date*: 2015-03-11
    Sponsor Name:Klinikum der Ludwig-Maximilians-Univ. Münch , Klinikum Großhadern (vertreten durch die kaufmännische Direktion)
    Full Title: Randomised study of the efficacy of cetuximab rechallenge in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer (RAS wild-type) responding to first-line treatment with FOLFIRI plus cetuximab
    Medical condition: Histologically confirmed, UICC stage IV adenocarcinoma of the colon or rectum (metastatic colorectal cancer), primarily non-resectable or with surgery refused by the patient
    Disease: Version SOC Term Classification Code Term Level
    27.0 10029104 - Neoplasms benign, malignant and unspecified (incl cysts and polyps) 10052362 Metastatic colorectal cancer LLT
    Population Age: Adults, Elderly Gender: Male, Female
    Trial protocol: DE (Completed) AT (Completed)
    Trial results: (No results available)
    EudraCT Number: 2019-002369-36 Sponsor Protocol Number: GECP19/01 Start Date*: 2020-04-18
    Sponsor Name:Fundación GECP
    Full Title: Clinical Utility of Liquid Biopsy as a tool to assess the evolution of brigatinib treated patients with non-small cell lung cancer with EML4-ALK translocation: an exploratory study
    Medical condition: ALK+ non-small cell lung cancer
    Disease: Version SOC Term Classification Code Term Level
    20.0 100000004864 10025055 Lung cancer non-small cell stage IV LLT
    Population Age: Adults, Elderly Gender: Male, Female
    Trial protocol: ES (Ongoing)
    Trial results: (No results available)
    EudraCT Number: 2016-001335-12 Sponsor Protocol Number: D5160C00030 Start Date*: 2016-05-12
    Sponsor Name:Hellenic Oncology Research Group
    Full Title: A longitudinal study evaluating molecular changes associated with resistance to first and third (AZD9291) generation EGFR TKIs in patients with EGFR mutant NSCLC using "liquid biopsy"
    Medical condition: Patients with NSCLC
    Population Age: Adults Gender: Male, Female
    Trial protocol: GR (Completed)
    Trial results: (No results available)
    EudraCT Number: 2016-003732-20 Sponsor Protocol Number: GECP16/03 Start Date*: 2017-01-24
    Sponsor Name:Grupo Español de Cáncer de Pulmón
    Medical condition: Non small cell lung cáncer limited stage IIIA
    Population Age: Adults, Elderly Gender: Male, Female
    Trial protocol: ES (Ongoing)
    Trial results: View results
    EudraCT Number: 2021-000689-14 Sponsor Protocol Number: FINPROVE Start Date*: 2021-10-06
    Sponsor Name:Helsinki University Hospital
    Full Title: The Finnish National Study to Facilitate Patient Access to Targeted Anti-cancer Drugs to determine the Efficacy in Treatment of Advanced Cancers with a Known Molecular Profile
    Medical condition: Patients with an advanced solid tumor for which standard treatment options no longer exist and with acceptable performance status and organ function with a potentially actionable variant as reveale...
    Population Age: Adults, Elderly Gender: Male, Female
    Trial protocol: FI (Trial now transitioned)
    Trial results: (No results available)
    EudraCT Number: 2020-005078-82 Sponsor Protocol Number: LIBImAB Start Date*: 2021-03-23
    Full Title: Phase III study in mCRC patients with RAS/BRAF wild type tissue and RAS mutated in LIquid BIopsy to compare in first-line therapy FOLFIRI plus CetuximAb or BevacizumAb
    Medical condition: Patients with metastatic colorectal cancer RAS/BRAF wild type not previously treated in metastatic setting
    Disease: Version SOC Term Classification Code Term Level
    20.0 10017947 - Gastrointestinal disorders 10017947 Gastrointestinal disorders SOC
    20.0 100000004864 10010023 Colorectal neoplasms malignant HLT
    Population Age: Adults, Elderly Gender: Male, Female
    Trial protocol: IT (Trial now transitioned)
    Trial results: (No results available)
    EudraCT Number: 2019-003573-26 Sponsor Protocol Number: TRAMAV02092019 Start Date*: Information not available in EudraCT
    Sponsor Name:Cliniques universitaires Saint-Luc
    Full Title: Monocentric pilot trial evaluating efficacy of Trametinib in Arteriovenous Malformations that are refractory to standard treatments or for which standard treatment are contra-indicated
    Medical condition: Arteriovenous Malformations that are refractory to standard treatments or for which standard treatment are contra-indicated
    Population Age: Children, Adolescents, Under 18, Adults Gender: Male, Female
    Trial protocol: BE (Completed)
    Trial results: (No results available)
    EudraCT Number: 2020-004414-35 Sponsor Protocol Number: IMPRESSNorway Start Date*: 2021-02-19
    Sponsor Name:Oslo University Hospital
    Full Title: Improving public cancer care by implementing precision medicine in Norway
    Medical condition: Patients with a biomarker indicating response to IMP can be included in IMPRESS-Norway. Patients with disease characteristics covered in present indications for the IMP are not eligible.
    Population Age: Adults, Elderly Gender: Male, Female
    Trial protocol: NO (Trial now transitioned)
    Trial results: (No results available)
    EudraCT Number: 2015-002285-23 Sponsor Protocol Number: POETIG Start Date*: 2017-01-18
    Sponsor Name:Universitaetsklinikum Essen
    Full Title: Phase 2 trial of ponatinib in patients with metastatic and/or unresectable gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) following failure or intolerance of prior therapy with imatinib (POETIG trial – POna...
    Medical condition: gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST)
    Disease: Version SOC Term Classification Code Term Level
    20.0 10029104 - Neoplasms benign, malignant and unspecified (incl cysts and polyps) 10051066 Gastrointestinal stromal tumour PT
    Population Age: Adults, Elderly Gender: Male, Female
    Trial protocol: DE (Completed)
    Trial results: (No results available)
    EudraCT Number: 2014-004299-41 Sponsor Protocol Number: ERMES Start Date*: 2014-12-24
    Sponsor Name:Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche Oncologia Medica Policlinico Gemelli
    Full Title: ERbitux MEtastatic colorectal cancer Strategy Study: A phase III randomized two arm study with FOLFIRI + Cetuximab until disease progression compared to FOLFIRI + Cetuximab for 8 cycles followed by...
    Medical condition: Patients with unresectable RAS and BRAF wild-type metastatic colorectal cancer.
    Disease: Version SOC Term Classification Code Term Level
    17.1 100000004864 10052362 Metastatic colorectal cancer LLT
    Population Age: Adults, Elderly Gender: Male, Female
    Trial protocol: IT (Completed) ES (Ongoing)
    Trial results: (No results available)
    EudraCT Number: 2020-005437-32 Sponsor Protocol Number: ERASE-TMZ Start Date*: 2021-03-10
    Full Title: Temozolomide and irinotecan consolidation in patients with MGMT silenced, microsatellite stable colorectal cancer with persistence of minimal residual disease in liquid biopsy after standard adjuva...
    Medical condition: Stage II (pT4)/III colorectal cancer with positive circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) after oxaliplatin-based adjuvant chemotherapy
    Disease: Version SOC Term Classification Code Term Level
    21.0 100000004864 10001170 Adenocarcinoma of colon stage II LLT
    21.0 100000004864 10001171 Adenocarcinoma of colon stage III LLT
    Population Age: Adults, Elderly Gender: Male, Female
    Trial protocol: IT (Trial now transitioned)
    Trial results: (No results available)
    EudraCT Number: 2019-001172-11 Sponsor Protocol Number: MedOPP239 Start Date*: 2020-03-10
    Sponsor Name:Medica Scientia Innovation Research (MedSIR)
    Full Title: A Multicenter, Open-Label, Single-ARm, PHase II Clinical Trial to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of INCMGA00012 in Advanced Penile SquamoUS Cell Carcinoma. ORPHEUS Phase II Study of the Efficacy ...
    Medical condition: Unresectable locally advanced or metastatic penile squamous cell carcinoma (PSqCC).
    Disease: Version SOC Term Classification Code Term Level
    20.0 10029104 - Neoplasms benign, malignant and unspecified (incl cysts and polyps) 10034299 Penile cancer PT
    Population Age: Adults, Elderly Gender: Male
    Trial protocol: ES (Ongoing) IT (Completed)
    Trial results: (No results available)
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    Note, where multi-state trials are shown in search results, selecting "Full Trial details" will download full information for each of the member states/countries involved in the trial.
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    The status and protocol content of GB trials is no longer updated since 1 January 2021. For the UK, as of 31 January 2021, EU Law applies only to the territory of Northern Ireland (NI) to the extent foreseen in the Protocol on Ireland/NI. Legal notice
    As of 31 January 2023, all EU/EEA initial clinical trial applications must be submitted through CTIS . Updated EudraCT trials information and information on PIP/Art 46 trials conducted exclusively in third countries continues to be submitted through EudraCT and published on this website.

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